Bocheng Li  [GitHub] [Google Scholar]

Postgraduate in School of Computer Science

State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Intelligence

University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

Email: bcli (at)

About Me

I'm a postgraduate student at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), advised by Prof. Linli Xu. Prior to that, I completed my B.Eng in computer science from the same institution in 2023. My research interests are primarily focused on deep generative models and multimodal learning.

I'm always eager to collaborate on exciting research projects and encourage inquiries on potential collaborations. If you've got awesome ideas, don't hesitate to reach out :)

I also have some awesome projects in preparation. Stay tuned!

Aside from my work, I spent a wonderful year with my friends at USTCLUG.




Teaching Assistant

Presentations or talks