Social System and Communication: Solitary. Male territories will overlap that of many females and even to some extent another males, but female territories are exclusive. Males and females only come together at the breeding season, which is December to April. Hear our purrs, hisses, snarls, calls, and growl sounds HERE

 How rare is this cat? According to Defenders of Wildlife, a conservation group based in Washington D.C., there are about 750,000 to 1,020,000 bobcats as of 2009. The International Species Information Service lists 245 captive bobcats worldwide, with 191 being in U.S. zoos.

Bobcat Sounds Download


Rick's sounds are sure to help you bring in some of the most pressured coyotes that have heard it all! All sounds have been optimized to play on Lucky Duck Predator Calls in the finest quality available whether the volume is at a whisper or ear-piercing scream.

Bobcats are usually quiet, but they can make sounds. The vocalizations made by Bobcats include meows, growls, snarls, hisses, yowls, caterwauls, squalls and screams. A piercing scream of a Bobcat can sound like a woman screaming. They are particularly noisy when mating when the cacophony can be amazing and sound like the animals are killing each other.

Calling in bobcats is a tough task many predator hunters attempt, but few master. After reading these bobcat calling tips, you'll be on your way to having a better understanding of how to call in bobcats at night and during daylight. A lot of bobcat calling mastery comes from understanding their characteristics, behavior, and perspective on life as they see it.

Generally speaking, bobcats are most abundant near water sources. They prefer traveling through creek beds, along rivers and streams, and even heavy brush areas. They aren't ones to come out in the open, they almost always prefer to have cover as they are natural stalkers.

In order to be effective in hunting a territory for bobcats, the first step is figuring out if they are even in the area. A section of land that has all the characteristics that cater to bobcats, may still not actually have bobcats.

Nighttime bobcat calling is learning how to use the darkness to pull bobcats out of areas of cover, where they feel more comfortable. The darkness gives them a sense of protectiveness, and with the help of red hunting lights you can reveal them in the open without them knowing.

Bobcats are notorious to stay in areas of cover, but at night the darkness is their protection so they are far more willing to come out into the open. In our opinion, it is far easier to call a bobcat in at night versus the day time.

Thermals and night vision are becoming more popular for nighttime bobcat hunting, but red hunting lights can be equally as beneficial. Learn how to properly scan when predator hunting and a light can be more advantageous than night vision or thermal.

We prefer using our Predator Cannon Hunting Light Bars for calling bobcats at night, as they light up an entire field in red without alerting the cat, and are fully dimmable for near and far ranges. We've picked up a bobcat in the scope at over 800 yards with the Predator Cannon.

When calling bobcats at night, once you start...don't stop. They can lose interest very easily. The good news is bobcats are more likely to commit to a call like a coyote would at night in comparison to the daytime.

Calling bobcats during daylight can be a tough task to accomplish. One could say they have severe commitment issues unless they are enticed really, really well. The best way to entice them? Well, a decoy... or something similar such as hanging turkey feathers from a limb.

Most states have bobcats, but some are more abundant than others. We are located in Texas, where there is no season for bobcats, but many states do have a season for taking these critters. Texas is home to some of the biggest bobcats in the nation, and they've become a nuisance for farmers as they favor feeding on young or injured livestock.

Over the years, I've seen a bobcat react in just about every manner you can imagine. Each bobcat has it's own personality and characteristics just like we hunters and our pets do, but I can say that in general terms they are going to come in slow to a call with frequent stops.

This photo of three bobcats in Leelanau County has gone viral on Facebook around here! The adorable big cats were perched on the bluffs of Good Harbor Bay in Leland just a few days before Christmas when Dan McDavid got the picture.

One morning last January, I got a call from a very excited woman in Great Falls, Virginia, wanting information about bobcats. She wondered if it was possible that bobcats lived in the woods behind her house along the Potomac River.

For years, she had been hearing loud and eerie sounds at night, like the noises domestic cats make but much louder. There were growls, coughs, hissing, meows, spitting and snarling, and occasionally, loud purring. The caller explained that during the past few nights, the noises got so loud and frightening that she wanted to find out what type of animal was making them. Knowing that bobcats had been spotted in her area and with my curiosity peaked, I asked the caller for directions to her house so that I could get there quickly when she heard the noises again. By the time I reached her property, the commotion had stopped.

One very cold and nasty night the woman phoned again. I was tempted to ignore it, but curiosity got the better of me and I rushed to the scene of the noise. This time was a success; the loud noises were still going on when I got there about an hour later. I stayed in the car and turned on my tape recorder; I wanted to check with a biologist who has worked with bobcats to confirm that these were really bobcat sounds. The recording was clear enough and the biologist confirmed that these were indeed the sounds of bobcats mating.

Bobcats (Lynx rufus) are very solitary animals during the winter months, but in early January or February, adult male bobcats begin searching for females. Females outnumber males because males travel farther and are often killed by trappers. Male bobcats usually mate with more than one female. Fighting between competing males is common during the breeding season, resulting in loud and violent noises. The fights are furious and fur flies.

Training young bobcats to stalk their prey is a lengthy process and if food is scarce, some may die of starvation. Young bobcats will stay with the mother until October, but with plentiful food supply, the young will stay with the mother through winter. By late fall, young bobcats will weigh between 10 and 12 pounds and look like smaller adults.

Bobcats eat about two pounds of food per day, and they prefer freshly killed meat. Their main diet consists of cottontail rabbits, jackrabbits, mice and rats. They also eat squirrels, chipmunks, skunks, beavers, muskrats, grouse, wild turkeys and other ground nesting forest birds and their eggs. Bobcats also kill deer, especially in winter when a deer is weak and close to starvation or when wounded or killed by hunters. When available, bobcats will also kill livestock, poultry, small pigs, lambs and sheep, as well as feral and domestic cats. (Although bobcats will kill housecats, there are records of hybrid species.) If large prey is killed, the leftover food is covered with grass, dirt or sticks, and the bobcat returns to the carcass before it begins to spoil. Carrion is only eaten if the bobcat is starving.

Bobcats usually walk from place to place when hunting. When running after game or trying to escape enemies, they bound along. Bobcats can run a short distance as fast as 25- 30 miles per hour. They do not have an aversion to water that is common with domestic cats. Bobcats have been observed playing in water and catching fish. Their sense of smell is extremely important in their communication. Males and females urinate on rocks, tree stumps and grass to proclaim their presence and to claim their territories. Areas with large forests, such as Great Falls and along the Potomac River, are good habitats for bobcats.

With few natural enemies, bobcats in urban areas can fall victim to humans or dogs. In other areas of the country, their enemies are trappers, mountain lions, wolves and coyotes. Their natural defense includes speedy escapes and tree climbing. Bobcats may be inflicted with lice, fleas, roundworm, tapeworm and often mange mites. They live an average of 10 to 12 years, although bobcats in captivity have lived as long as 15 years.

Hear the spirited sounds of Montana State whenever you receive an inbound call. Special thanks to MSU Bobcat Athletics and the MSU Spirit of the West Marching Band for their sound/musical contributions.

Found throughout all of Washington, bobcats are probably more common than most people realize. Bobcats appear to be using suburban settings more often, although due to their reclusive ways, they are not often seen.

Rock cliffs, outcroppings, and ledges are important to bobcats for shelter, raising young, and resting sites. Large brush or log piles and hollow trees or logs are used in wooded areas. Finding bobcats in open fields, meadows and agricultural areas is not uncommon, provided enough brushy or timbered areas for escape cover is nearby.

Because of their elusive nature and caution around humans, bobcats are seldom seen. In areas occupied by humans, these cats typically limit their activity to night hours. (In dim light, bobcats see up to six times better than humans.) In undisturbed areas, they can be active at dawn or dusk if prey is active at that time. However, bobcats may be active during any time of day.

The bobcat track is easily distinguished with a round shape, four toes and no claws evident (Fig. 5). It is generally twice the size of a domestic cat's print and loosely resembles that of a coyote or dog but is more rounded. At greater speeds the toes of the front foot spread easier than that of the hind one which has a smaller ball pad. Fine muddy silt leaves the clearest tracks. 2351a5e196

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