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Watch faces in 2023 are designed to handle the complex stuff for you. Using simple widgets for weather updates and alarms can keep you prepared for the day. One can keep the weather updates widget on the trendy watch face design that you made, and it will give real-time updates and information on the homescreen of your smart watch.

Hi, I had recently purchased a Boat Zenit Smartwatch in INR 2k bucks but I want to root it like what I had done for MI band 3 by flashing and rooting firmware via some app. Is there some way to flash Boat Zenit Smartwatch too as I am feeling this can be generic to smartwatches like the fonts, icons or even watchfaces with dynamic screensavers. Any suggestions/recommendations are highly welcomed and appreciated. thanks!

He pulled himself up, disconnected the tether, and half climbed half fell the seven feet down into the cabin. There was water on the cabin sole but it could have come from the spray pouring down from the cockpit and, indeed, pouring off his foul weather clothes. Holding onto the various handholds throughout the cabin he worked his way to the forward cabin, gingerly knelt down and pulled up the teak and holly floor board to allow access to the hull underneath. Every inch of a cruising sail boat needs to be used and underneath the forward floorboards was spare food and his water maker, a complex machine about four feet long that converted salt water into fresh water. Pulling a flash light from his foul weather jacket, he shone it down along the side of the water maker so he could see the actual hull.

Benson grabbed the spot light he kept in a bracket at the top of the companionway steps, switched it on for a moment to make sure it was working, stepped into the cockpit, snapped his tether to the jack line, and move along the deck to the forward part of the boat. Every thirty seconds the boat would roll hard to one side or the other as it wallowed in the swell, the wind still strong and now coming directly from the beam. Occasionally a wave would break over the side, the green water filling the decks almost to the tops of his boots. He moved bent over to the bow, leaned far over the side, and directed the flash light beam to the waterline at the bow.

Benson considered his chambers as his sanctum and decorated it accordingly. Oak paneled walls lined with built in bookcases filled with law books. Comfortable Persian carpet on the floor, fine large mahogany desk and four padded leather chairs facing him. The only window in the room was behind him so he could watch faces in the full light. Aside from the computer monitor on his desk, the room resembled a law office from the 19th Century, an antique lamp on the corner of the desk, the blotter fine Italian leather.

He decided to anchor out that Friday night, alone, at Angel Island, a large island in the center of San Francisco Bay, only four miles from his Yacht Club. It still surprised him how few boats would anchor out on the typical weekend, perhaps a dozen boats in the entire seventy mile long Bay, and usually he was the only vessel anchored at Point Blunt, one of the fine anchoring grounds on the eastern side of the island. From there he could see the lights of the City but would be utterly isolated, alone and watching the fog slowly dim the lights.

One does not really drop anchor. Instead, one hooks the anchor in, its curved prow burying itself in the sand or mud. One must be moving backwards slowly to effectively hook the anchor in and once the anchor was hanging down, ready to let go, he rushed back to the cockpit over the still pitching deck, changed gears into reverse at minimum speed. Once the boat began slow rearward movement, he rushed to the foredeck again, released the anchor, and watched as it slid into twenty five feet of water. He let seventy feet of chain run. He pushed the metal toggle that stopped the chain from running out, saw the chain tighten as the anchor dug into the mud, then raced back to the cockpit, put the gears into neutral and then turned off the engine. He was anchored.

Suddenly, no sound of the motor. He sat in the cockpit, savoring the moment, the boat rocking gently, the lights of the City almost hidden by the thick fog that was now racing past the Golden Gate. Behind the Island where he anchored, in the wind shadow, the cold wind had not yet replaced the warm air of the afternoon and he was comfortable as he sat and watched the fog begin to fill the bay. He would make his dinner soon in the galley below with its propane gimbaled stove and oven but he wanted to sit and do nothing for a while, just watching the sky darken.

By the time the two boats were motoring there was twelve miles between them. Still in thick fog, Benson watched the radar screen as the huge scallop in the coast, Monterey Bay, approached, curious to see if Glory would angle towards the city of Monterey at the southern end of the large bay or keep well out to sea to continue on towards Point Sur. Whether or not she angled in towards the city, he knew he was going to Monterey. This chase was over for him. He either boarded her in Monterey or gave it up.

The boy pointed to the northern part of the Marina and continued to run the card. Benson stood there, watching the small boats leaving the Marina on this hazy Sunday afternoon, hearing the laughter of children and the buzz of voices. He signed the slip, noting automatically how expensive diesel had become, and walked back to the helm.

He set six hour watches for Ellen and himself, taking the first watch so she could familiarize herself with the various systems and location of items below while it was still light. As he worked the wheel, raised the sails and set the course, he surreptitiously watched her familiarizing herself with gear, rigging and the boat. Once in a while in a business like voice she asked for location of particular gear or how certain rigging worked, but she figured out almost everything on her own.

He experienced that peaceful feeling he loved when crew were asleep below and he was on solo watch with a coming clear night. As the sun approached the horizon he turned on the running lights, turned down the back lights on the various electronics, set the boat for a beam reach in the ten knot airs, kept the engine running until past the last of the returning day sailors coming home on a Sunday evening, then turned off the engine, set the autohelm, and leaned back on the helm seat after tethering himself into the nearest jack line. It felt good.

He watched her unclip her tether, stretch, go below, again take off her coat and boots at the bottom of the stairs, enter the log information, then squeeze into the port rear berth. He moved to the helm seat and leaned far, far back so he could take in the sky. He was awake now, refreshed. He felt good. Nothing was better than this. A well found boat, beating up the coast, good crew, good boat, perfect clear sky, only the sound of wind and waves. Nothing was better.

Anything else? He would not use diving gloves. Too clumsy. He would use sailing gloves which would give his hands some protection but keep his fingers bare for handling the line. A water proof watch since he had to time himself. Even with a wet suit, he knew that after an hour in that water being pummeled against the boat, hypothermia would begin to get to him. He would become stupid, clumsy and, most importantly, too weak to get himself back on board.

The wave passed and he was hanging and bleeding on the side of the boat, perhaps four feet below the deck. Blood poured down his face and onto his wet suit, almost invisible on the dark wet rubber, very visible on the blue canvas of the seat. Gasping, he unzipped and reached into his dive bag tied to his leg, and pulled out the spare head lamp. He flipped the switch and was immediately blinded by the white light. He had not put down the red cover. He held the light in his hand like a flash light and pointed it to the jammed block. The lines did not look tangled. He felt more than heard the next wave coming and ducked his head and held onto the lamp tight as he was again buried as the wave passed, again hitting the hull hard as he swung above the water, but using his shoulders to cushion his head from the hull.

He stood there, tilting his head back, wadding more and more paper towels across his nose, watching them become bright red with his blood, then throwing them on the cabin floor and pulling more out of the roll. With one eye he kept glancing at the radar, watching the land slowly come closer. He had to brace himself since the movement of the boat was as wild as ever, rolling thirty degrees to each side. But he had to stop this bleeding.

Moving back to the cockpit, he fell into the seat behind the wheel, pushed the autohelm to fall off the wind and watched the mainsail fill and begin to propel the boat. He moved forward in the cockpit to the mainsail sheet winch and ground the sail in for a beam reach. As he was looking at the winch he realized blood was no longer pouring down his face.

With that topic off the table, they agreed upon six hour watches each, easily done with the boat set up for single handing, and left Marina Del Ray late afternoon that Wednesday, rigging repaired, fully stocked, Benson below cooking up an early dinner while Elliot, on first watch, maneuvered through the crowded marina and sang in an off key baritone. ff782bc1db

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