Size matters.

On Google Drive™.

Why do you need the Boa Compress addon ?

How you ever noticed how big your Google Slides can be?

Sometimes even bigger than a movie!

Google Slides can be bigger than movies

Boa Compress reduces the size of your presentations by compressing the images in it.

Smaller presentations (in terms of bytes, not in terms of page numbers) have a direct impact in the way Google processes them and stores them : the smaller it is, the less resources it takes (storage hardware, internet bandwidth, computing time...).

So making them smaller is simply better for the planet ! 🌍

And since it's free and easy to do with the Boa Compress addon, it makes sense, right ?

Few steps to make Boa-Compress work like a charm

screenshot of Drive after Boa Compress installation

After the addon is installed, you will see the snake! If not, refresh the page!


Your questions ?

Our answers !

Do you collect data on me ? Why do I need to register to the beta ?

You need to register to the beta so I can keep an eye on how many people are using the add-on and take care of the infrastructure costs. It's free for you, it's not for me (I pay for the server, few cents). Also, having your email addresses means that I can  contact you in case of a bug or to know how I could improve the add-on. That's all. Nothing else collected.

Have a look at the Privacy policy and the Terms of service if you will.

What does happen to my images? Who process them? 

The add-on uses the free API

This API does not support HTTPS calls so make sure your images are not sensitive because there are not encrypted when compressed.

Boa Compress is therefore not responsible for how images are processed by 

My Google Slides™ is not smaller after using the add-on, why? 

Google does not really explain how it handles images in a Google Slide™. In some edge cases, even if the Boa Compress report says it has successfully compressed the images, the overall size will not change. This can either be temporary (refresh the page and you will see the new size) or Google is already using a compressed version of your images. 

I'd like to leave a feedback, how can I do so? 

There is this form for that. I really appreciate. Thank you ! 

Is there any known limitation?

This is still a beta version of the add-on. Please be tolerant for any bug you might encounter.

Also, the add-on can only deal with images less than 5Mb, of type PNG, JPEG or GIF. 
