關於我們 About Us
「香港寶馬車主會」 (BMW Car Club Owner Zone Hong Kong) 前身為「香港寶馬同盟」(HONG KONG BMW ZONE)
「香港寶馬同盟」是由一群熱愛寶馬汽車的狂熱份子於2011年5月成立. 銳意集結各志同道合熱愛寶馬汽車的朋友聚首一堂、以車會友。
「香港寶馬同盟」提供了一個網上平台供盟友自由分享有關汽車最新資訊、保養及改裝心得, 還特設買賣專區作自由交易,亦不時為會員搜尋各類汽車精品作低價團購。「香港寶馬同盟」除每月安排聚會給各會員,同時設有車會首創「每月之星」推介,與別不同!
「香港寶馬同盟」在2016年成為國際寶馬官方車會亞洲區成員並改名成為「香港寶馬車主會」 (BMW Car Club Owner Zone Hong Kong) ,本會除繼續為會員提供自由分享平台、安排聚會,本會將會為香港寶馬車主提供更多寶馬車廠官方資訊及優惠,同時會強化「每月之星」,為香港寶馬車主帶來新氣象。
*本會為香港警務處認可的合法團體, 並領有香港警務處發出之社團註冊證明書* (團體編號: REF.CP/LIC/SO/19/45499)
如有任何查詢,請電郵至: admin@bmw-club-hk.org
Hong Kong BMW Zone transformed to BMW Car Club Owners Zone Hong Kong, the official BMW car club.
Hong Kong BMW Zone was established in May 2011 by a group of enthusiastic BMW lovers. We believe a platform with freedom of speech, hot BMW news and enormous amount of DIY information can consociate all the Hong Kong BMW lovers. We enriched the platform with group purchase and monthly gathering. We are also the pioneer car club to advocate Car Of The Month in Hong Kong.
In 2016, Hong Kong BMW Zone joined the international council of BMW car club under the umbrella of Asia BMW club. Our name was changed to BMW Car Club Owners Zone Hong Kong which is the only official BMW car club in Hong Kong. We will continue our enthusiasm and we will bring new insights to all the BMW lovers in Hong Kong.
For inquiry: admin@bmw-club-hk.org