BMS Community Garden

Thanks to the generous support of the Barrington Education Foundation, BMS is proud to create this community garden to provide growth opportunities for the school and local organizations for many years to come.

Please continue to check back for new volunteer opportunities and updates.

Mission of the garden

Our mission is to provide real-life hands-on learning to our 11-14 year old learners by providing education and access to developing and maintaining local food sources. Students will have multiple opportunities to connect with nature in their own school community while engaging in design and problem-solving activities with real-life application. Students will see first-hand how the school compost program connects to agriculture and a healthy planet in their own backyard. The produce will be donated to local organizations during the summer harvest.

Calendar of Events Spring 2022 KickOff

Calendar of Events

To volunteer for any event listed, please complete the Volunteer form once and then arrive at the garden at the stated time.