PTA Meeting Minutes

Monday, May 22, 2022


BMMS PTA Meeting

Monday, May 22, 2022

7:00 pm

Meeting Objective: Provide updates on PTA activities and plan future events.

Attendance: Sylvia Bank, Allen Cosentino (Principal), Tracy Lynge, Sylvia Bank, Chelsea

D’Agnese, Christine Fritz, Mindy Brenner, Lisa Jensen, Heather Weesner, Swapna Challa,

Cindy Sheng, Chandrani Raysarkar

Meeting Called to Order: 7:03 pm.

President’s Report – Sylvia Bank:

 I have a slate of officers for the upcoming year and I am going to share the full list in the

chat. I do not have a firm commitment for the presidency, but I have reached out to JP Padilla

and he has expressed interest in the position. Vacancies – Community Action Council, Spec

ed CAC, GT advisory council, fundraising, HC DrugFree rep,

 Christine Fritz made a motion to approve slate of officers and Mrs. Brenner seconded the

motion. All voted to approve, nobody opposed.

 PTA donated shirts to Walk for Water 6 th grade serving learning project – we have photos.

Mrs. D’Agnese is going to share some photos.

 End of year PTA dinner Thurs June 8, 7-9 pm at Savitha’s house. Thanks to those who have

RSVPd. Looking forward to it!

Principal’s Report – Allen Cosentino:

 We appreciate everything Sylvia has done, had a very good working relationship this year. It

has been great working with you.

 A lot going on around here! Thank you for recognizing staff during Teacher Appreciation

Week. They liked everything you did.

 Recent highlight was the student serving learning project. Well organized, well executed.

Also, amazing music performances recently, as usual. Very moving experience with the

choral concert last week.

 IEES survey – if parents have not completed that, please do so.

 Traffic for next year. I met with grounds and construction to discuss better signage for our

crosswalks, and how we can better manage people coming in and going out next year. Our

plan is when people pull into school they stay in their lane. The right lane will go all the way

to the end and even around the corner, and we will make a walkway back to BMMS. Those

in the left lane will drop at crosswalk and walk across. We hope this will help alleviate the

traffic. We also discussed the idea of people coming into the bus area to wait. Asking for

people’s patience during this transition time. We do hold kids accountable for being on time.

We are going to work hard to get people in and out of the area efficiently. Kids can come

early and wait in the vestibule.

 Thank you all for a great year!

Secretary’s Report – Tracy Lynge

 Minutes – Sylvia sent out basic notes from April meeting as Tracy was unable to complete

the minutes in time. We will create something more formal and approve at a later date.

 We need to approve our bylaws – will put the location of the bylaws in the chat; Kalpana

made a motion to approve, Swapna seconded the motion, and all voted to approve.

Treasurer’s Report – Kalpana Vijay:

 Kalpana’s computer with all her files died last week—she will re-create everything if she

can’t recover the files.

 We need an audit committee for this year’s financial review. Kalpana has asked Lorri Raney

and Prajakta David if they can do it.

 Usually we vote to approve the money spent prior to the first PTA meeting on next year.

Spirit wear, Back to School Bash, etc. Doesn’t have to be exact, just an estimate—agreed on

$2,000 for all three. Kalpana made a motion to approve, Mrs. Brenner seconded, and all

voted to approve, none opposed.

 Any reimbursements needs, especially from staff please give them to Kalpana before the last

day of school, and definitely by the last day of June so I can reconcile the books.

Executive Vice President, Membership – Swapna Challa:

No changes for next year, except we should put the QR code on all our correspondence and all

programs and at all events, during the summer throughout the year.

Kalpana requested that we start the membership drive only after July 1, to separate the books

from this year to next year.

Committee Reports

Staff Appreciation – Christine Fritz:

 Teacher Appreciation Week was last week and I think it was very successful. Appreciated

everyone who donated desserts for the dessert bar. We had a very big spread. Membership

money is how we pay for these events, so thank you. Got a very nice thank you note from the

staff which was lovely.

 Last event of the year is a teacher breakfast on Tuesday, June 13.

Fundraising – Anna Lee:

 Taharka Bros. ice cream fundraiser raised $630 which is above our target goal. I think

everybody was very happy with their ice cream, got a lot of good feedback. Looking forward

to doing this again next year!

Yearbook – Lisa Jensen:

 Will be distributing yearbooks on June 8-9 during lunch. Any extras we brought to the

classroom but we are going to try to minimize that this year.

 This year there was an option where parents could donate additional funds besides buying the

yearbook and we raised $165 through that option.

 Lisa has the contract with Lifetouch for next year, and will be getting that signed.

 Who should receive the invoice for extra yearbooks? That will go to the school – Lisa

collected the funds and will bring the funds to Kalpana’s house. We have 15 extra yearbooks.

Lisa is sure she will get bombarded with requests. Sylvia will forward any emails about

yearbook to Lisa.

Drama Club – Sylvia Bank for Joy Fishman

 May 25-26 they will have performances of Beauty & the Beast, Jr. Have been advertising it

so hopefully they will have a good turnout.

Cultural Arts – Sylvia Bank for Lorri Raney

 Shakespeare residency took place, Romeo & Juliet performance soon; Lorri is applying for

that grant again in June.

 Lorri and Sylvia were talking about a grant the PTA had applied for prior to the pandemic,

for a “poetry slam” in the 7 th grade English curriculum. We will work with the 7 th grade team

on bringing that back.

Spirit Wear – Sylvia Bank for Jessica Esposito

 We helped make shirts for the Hershey Trip and music boosters said they would send in a


Staff Liaison – Mindy Brenner

 Teachers loved the appreciation events all week. Teachers said all week how much they

appreciated everything.

PBIS – Chelsea D’Agnese

 Thank you for donating the shirts for the Walk for Water! Involved English, geography, and

science curricula.

 We were able to help a school in Uganda build a water collection system.

 Kids have been really excited about this. We hope to continue this project next year, was

very impactful. Symbolism of unifying the kids with the shirts was helpful to get them


8 th Grade Activities – Sylvia Bank:

 Events are set and we are ready to celebrate.

 Last shirt signing day is May 25; June 2 picnic at Centennial Park, June 8 ice cream social

and talent show, June 12 is Forest Hill swim party 1-3pm, June 13th farewell ceremony and 8 th grade

dance. Volunteer sign up going well – have about half what we need thus far

Next meeting will be end of year party at Savitha’s house. Motion to adjourn was made by Mrs.

Brenner and seconded by Christine Fritz. All voted to adjourn at 7:40pm.

Officers 2023:

President: JP Padilla

Executive Vice President: Tracy Lynge

Membership Vice President: Swapana Challa

Secretary: Heather Weesner

Treasurer: Kalpana Vijay

PTACHC Representative 1: Melanie Schlee

PTACHC Representative 2: Chandrani Raysarkar

CAC: Vacant

SECAC: Vacant

GT Advisory Council Rep: Vacant

8th Grade Activities: Kelly Ulloa, Erin Lanthier

Back to School Bash Committee: Jenny Park, Tammi Procher

Cultural Arts Chair: Lori Raney

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Tiffany Martin

Drama Club Liaison: Joy Fishman

Restaurant Fundraisers: Cindy Lin, Anna Lee

Spirit Wear: Lori Raney

Staff Appreciation: Christine Fritz

Staff Liaison: Chelsae D'Agnese

Student Trivia Night: Yan Zhang

Yearbook: Lisa Jensen

Fundraising/Direct Donation: Vacant

Reflections: Vacant

Webmaster: Amanda Reyes

HC Drug Free Rep: Vacant

Retail Programs: Megan Benedict

Monday, April 24, 2022


BMMS PTA Meeting

Monday, April 24, 2022

7:00 pm

Meeting Objective: Provide updates on PTA activities and plan future events.

Attendance: Mr Cosentino, Ms Carmean, Ms Brenner, Tracy Lynge, Kalpana, Sylvia Bank

Lorri Raney, Anna Lee, Cindy Lin, Amanda Reyes, Heather Weesner, Lisa Jensen, Christine

Fritz, Megan Benedict, Jess Esposito, Ms D'Agnese.

Meeting Called to Order: 7:00 pm.

President’s Report – Sylvia Bank:

 Nominating committee – Sylvia recently sent out notification about this in the Burleigh

Bulletin, PTA Update, and on social media. She contacted the feeder elementary schools as

well. We have had a few people interested so far. Plan to vote next year's officers in at next

PTA meeting.

Principal’s Report – Allen Cosentino:

 May is right around the corner, and we are working through to the end of the year.

 School buses next year – parents must complete a request form to qualify for a bus.

 Discussion of traffic safety at BMMS, following incident where a student was hit by a car in

the parking lot.

Vice Principal’s Report – Tiffany Carmean:

 We have only 9 students who still need to take ELA MCAP (down from 814). May 8-12 8th

graders are taking social studies MCAP through social studies classes. May 16-17 the whole

school will be doing Math MCAP, with testing groups a little different than for ELA.

Students are taking testing seriously and it is going very smoothly.

Treasurer’s Report – Kalpana Vijay:

 Kalpana reported that everything is going well, we are doing fine. Kalpana used her credit

card to make the donation to the Lukemia and Lymphoma Society; Sylvia reminded her to

get reimbursed for that.

 Howard County DrugFree contacted Sylvia to say we normally do a $100 donation to them

and we have not done it yet this year. We did budget for it. Kalpana said she would take care

of that.

Secretary’s Report –Tracy Lynge:

 Need to approve March meeting minutes. Megan Benedict made a motion to approve

minutes, Mrs. Brenner seconded the motion, all voted to approve.

 Room reservations – Tracy has the login info and is happy to make room reservations for

anyone, but please request as soon as you know your date(s) because it can take a while to

get confirmation.

Committee Reports

Staff Appreciation – Christine Fritz:

 Teacher appreciation week starts Monday, May 8 and so far, that Wednesday, the SGA will

do a pizza lunch (Ms. Valance in charge). Friday the PTA will provide lunch. Ideas? Cinco

de Mayo, Panera, Jimmy John’s (they may do the sale without sales tax to save us a little

money). Grab and go event.

 End of year event – we will be providing breakfast on Tuesday, June 13.

Spirit Wear – Jess Esposito:

 We are donating Spirit Wear to the CLES Spring Fair silent auction. Donated one short-

sleeved shirt, one long-sleeved shirt, one Light the Night t-shirt.

 Mme. Lanz asked us to make 10 It’s Academic shirts.

 Music Dept asked us to make shirts for the Hersheypark trip, and they will make a donation

to the PTA. We will also make shirts for the chaperones if they would like to wear them.

 Making a few more 8 th grade shirts to students who are new to the school, and Mr. Donoghue

asked if we would sell 8 th grade shirts to teachers if they want to buy them. He is going to

survey the teachers and come to Sylvia with a number of teachers would like a shirt.

 Field Day shirts – still up in the air.

Cultural Arts – Lorri Raney

 Shakespeare residency is May 8. I am planning to write a grant application for next year,

probably sometime in May.

 Sylvia contacted by Ms. Peddicord about the payment for the program. The grant went to the

PTA and the school paid, so we need to reimburse the school. The program cost $4,200. We

will use the money from last year’s yearbook sales $1,907.26, and request a check for the

balance 2,292.74. They will let us know when they are ready to receive that check.

Fundraising – Anna Lee

 Taharka Bros. ice cream – Monday, May 1 at 6 am you can go to the website to order up to 8

pints of ice cream. There are two options – fundraiser and home delivery. Fundraiser only if

you are going to be home during May 5 between 4-9pm. Otherwise choose home delivery.

 Can we share this link to anyone? Yes as long as they use the fundraising code, we will get

the credit.

 Can we have it delivered to the school if we don’t live in this area? You can choose home

delivery and they will come to your area – it just won’t be at that date/time. There are

different delivery options.

Yearbook – Lisa Jensen:

 We are planning to do distribution at lunch like did last year. We did a great job in

communicating the deadline and 425 yearbooks were ordered, which far exceeded our


 I anticipate getting the yearbook payment in the fall – perhaps more than $2,000 we received

this year.

Staff Liaison – Mindy Brenner

 Thank you in advance for teacher appreciation week. We all get so excited about that

 We have filled over 8,000 bottles filled with our water fountain water bottle filler.

 Sylvia mentioned we need a staff liaison for next year since Mrs. Brenner is retiring. Mrs.

Brenner said she is working on that.


 Ami Bard’s photography entry won 2 nd place in Howard County so we received a certificate

in the mail. Ami was absent from school but Mrs. Hopkins said she would get the certificate

to him. Sylvia contacted his mother to congratulate him and asked his mother if she would

consider managing Reflections next year.

 The theme next year will be “I am Hopeful Because…”

Drama Club – Sylvia Bank on behalf of Joy Fishman:

 Beauty & the Beast, Jr. Drama club has been very popular.

 May 25-26 performance dates.

PBIS – Chelsea D’Agnese

 I am here on behalf of 6 th grade, doing a student serving learning project. Doing a project on

water crisis. This week they are making flyers, going out in community and asking for

donations to a sister school in South Sudan. A Long Walk to Water – reading this book. Part

of the project is simulating what 1 billion people have to do to get water. Walk miles and

carry a lot of water. May 17 – Turkey trot race course. I would like to have t shirts for this

event. Ms. Chopyk and I can help, or we can do the shirts ourselves but I wanted to ask the

PTA first. We would need one for each 6 th grader – a little more than $1,000 depending on

what you would want (front or front/back).

 Sylvia asked if anyone objects to the PTA funding this project—nobody objected. Sylvia

made a motion to take a vote for taking cultural arts funds and redirecting them to this

purpose. Megan Benedict seconded the motion. All voted to approve, nobody objected.

8 th Grade Activities – Sylvia Bank:

 Shirt signing is May 25, volunteers bring Sharpies and they sign each other’s shirts.

 Tues June 2, 9-1:45 picnic at Centennial Park

 Thurs June 8 – ice cream social after lunch, then talent show 1-2:30pm in cafeteria. Due to

limited space only parents/guardians of talent show participants may attend.

 June 13 – farewell ceremony at 6:30pm CHS auditorium, followed by 8 th grade dance 8-

9:30pm in the BMMS cafeteria

 June 14 – farewell breakfast in cafeteria, 8:10-10 am

 Cost is $16 per person, PTA donated the 8 th grade shirts

 BMMS Parents are organizing an end of year pool party for the 8th graders on Monday, June

12th (RESCHEDULED DATE) from 1-3 pm at the Forest Hill Swim & Tennis Club. Shane

Kunkle and Jennifer Gundrum organizing.

 Permission slips will go home in early May to 8 th grade parents.

 Planning committee will meet Friday, May 5th from 12:30-1:30 at Mr Donoughe's

classroom. Please sign up here to attend.

Next meeting will be May 22, 7pm, BMMS media center. Hoping we will be able to vote on the

officers slate for next year. Motion to adjourn was made by Kalpana Vijay and second by Megan

Benedict. All voted to adjourn.

Monday, March 20, 2022


BMMS PTA Meeting

Monday, March 20, 2022

7:00 pm

Meeting Objective:  Provide updates on PTA activities and plan future events.

Attendance:  Allen Cosentino (Principal), Tiffany Carmean (Assistant Principal) Tracy Lynge, Sylvia Bank, Kalpana Vijay, Chelsea D’Agnese, Christine Fritz, Mindy Brenner, Lisa Jensen, Cindy Lin, Heather Weesner, Swapna Challa

Meeting Called to Order:  7:02 pm.

President’s Report

Principal’s Report – Allen Cosentino: 

Vice Principal’s Report – Tiffany Carmean: 

Executive Vice President, Membership 

1st VP Report – Tracy for Prajakta David: 

Treasurer’s Report – Kalpana Vijay:

Secretary’s Report –Tracy Lynge:

Committee Reports

Staff Appreciation – Christine Fritz:

Restaurant Night – Cindy Lin


DEI – Sylvia Bank for Andrea and Rubin:

Yearbook – Lisa Jensen: 

Staff Liaison – Mindy Brenner

PBIS – Chelsea D’Agnese

8th Grade Activities – Sylvia Bank:

Next meeting will be April 24, 7pm, BMMS media center. Motion to adjourn was made by Tracy Lynge and second by Mindy Brenner. All voted to adjourn.

Monday February 13, 2023


BMMS PTA Meeting

Monday, February 13, 2022

7:00 pm

Meeting Objective:  Provide updates on PTA activities and plan future events.

Attendance: Allen Cosentino (Principal), Tiffany Carmean (Assistant Principal) Tracy Lynge, Lorri Raney, Sylvia Bank, Kalpana Vijay, Cindy Sheng, Anna Lee, Lisa, Jensen, Rubin Singh, Christine Fritz, Hellen, Heather

Meeting Called to Order:  7:03 pm.

Principal’s Report – Allen Cosentino: 

Vice Principal’s Report – Tiffany Carmean: 

President’s Report – Tracy Lynge for Sylvia Bank:

Secretary’s Report –Tracy Lynge:

Treasurer’s Report – Kalpana Vijay:

Executive Vice President, Membership – Tracy Lynge for Swapna Challa:

1st VP Report – Tracy for Prajakta David: 

Committee Reports

Staff Appreciation – Christine Fritz:

Restaurant Night – Anna Lee:

Spirit Wear – Jessica Esposito:

Drama Club – Sylvia Bank for Joy Fishman:

 DEI – Rubin Singh:

Yearbook – Lisa Jensen: 

Kids Trivia Night: Sylvia Bank for Rosalie Plastino:

Fundraising – Sylvia Bank or Susan Ericke:

Reflections – Sylvia Bank for Trish Chang:

8th Grade Activities – Sylvia Bank:

Cultural Arts – Lorri Raney

Next meeting will be Mar. 20, 7pm, BMMS media center. Motion to adjourn was made by Lorri Raney and seconded by Mr. Cosentino. All voted to adjourn.

Monday January 9, 2023


BMMS PTA Meeting

Monday, January 9, 2022

7:00 pm

Meeting Objective: Provide updates on PTA activities and plan future events.

Attendance: Allen Cosentino (Principal), Chelsea D’Aganese, Mindy Brenner, Sylvia Bank,

Kalpana Vijay, Swapna Challa, Christine Fritz; (Virtual) Megan Benedict Anna Lee, Jessica

Esposito, Cindy Lin, Michelle Vanderhoff, Gary, Hellen S, Heather, Carena,

Meeting Called to Order: 7:00 pm.

President’s Report – Sylvia Bank:

 Thank yous from teachers and staff: Emails from Ms. Covert and Ms. HT; card from Mme

Lanz; Mr. Wagner for the $425 collected from ~15 families to replace his classroom posters

and decorations. Kalpana mentioned she has some maps in storage – Principal Cosentino

suggested she email Mr. Wagner and ask about that.

 Agenda Books – I have been working with Mrs HT to make agenda books for her.  I have

been photocopying weekly agenda sheet and binding them together with plastic comb

bindings.  So far have made 36 agenda books.

 Lunar New Year 1/22/23 – Year of the Rabbit. A parent, Yan Zhang, interested in decorating

the school. Wants to decorate the school with the SGA. Make decorations 1/11/23, decorate

school 1/18/23, and take down decorations around 2/8/23. Hoping to use SGA funds for that.

 Lunar New Year staff appreciation luncheon – Yan Zhang is surveying parents in the

community to see if they are interested. She said parents used to prepare and serve dumplings

in the school, but some may be hesitant to do that in COVID times. Tentative date: 1/25/23.

Cindy asked if there will be a signup? It’s still tentative but we will let you know.

Principal’s Report – Allen Cosentino:

 Sprinkler pipe burst 12/23-12/24 – water on the floor in back hallways classrooms, about ¼

inch; Mr. Wagner’s room had significant water damage including personal items

 Principal has been receiving many discretionary absence request forms. Only 3 discretionary

absence days per year are allowed. We understand that travel enriches students but the major

issue is making up work. Teachers may allow students to make up work but they do not have

to, or give full credit. If a student has 10 consecutive days absent, they will be withdrawn

from school. Parents may see Policy 9010 Howard County Public Schools. As the principal, I

don’t give “permission” to parents—I tell them what the policy is and it is up to them to

make decisions for their family based on the HCPSS policy.

 Thank you to PTA for all the love shown to BMMS staff in December.

Vice Principal’s Report – Tiffany Carmean:

 I will add that missing a lot of school is hardest on the kids. They come back and are trying

to catch up, and it puts them in a hard place.

 Late Jan-Early Feb MAP testing for English and Math in class.

 PTA president offered PTA help for Cultural Arts assemblies and field trips. Mr. Cosentino

and Ms. Carmean are interested in reestablishing field trips – at least 2 per grade ideally.

Secretary’s Report – Sylvia Bank for Tracy Lynge:

Sylvia asked for a motion to approve the November PTA meeting minutes. Mindy

Brenner made the motion, Kalpana Vijay seconded; all voted to approved, none opposed.

Treasurer’s Report – Kalpana Vijay:

 Presented budget and numbers so far this year. Summary – we are in good financial shape.

We have around $28K in our bank account and are in the green so far this year.

 Biggest fundraiser so far – direct donations. We have collected $3,000 of budgeted/estimated

$4,000. Spirit Wear has helped us. Happy to answer any questions.

 Did we donate our $72 to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society? Not yet. Will do so.

Executive Vice President – Membership – Swapna Challa:

1 new faculty member added; total 284 members, including 55 teachers/staff

Were going to put link to PTA membership in the holiday concert but the wrong link went in the

program, so anyone who tried did not get to the correct site to join. Can we include it in

upcoming programs like Open Mic Night or Trivia Night or the play?

1 st VP Report – Sylvia for Prajakta David:

 Have not heard from my VP in several months. Email and texts and calls have gone

unanswered. Anyone willing to or know about the software to enter room requests? Mr.

Cosentino will help with this. We need to reserve the space for the spring drama show,

Beauty and the Beast. Thursday for practice and the May performance dates.

Committee Reports

PTACHC – Sylvia Bank for Melanie Schlee:

 Melanie Schlee is not in attendance because PTACHC meeting is also tonight – she will

report at next PTA meeting.

Staff Appreciation – Christine Fritz:

 Busy December! Holiday events went well – conference dinner, cookie boxes, two dates for

gift wrapping – 14 staff members took advantage.

 The next thing I have scheduled is Teachers Appreciation Week May 8-12 and I think we

should schedule something before then.

 Employee appreciation Feb 27-Mar 3; BMMS administration sponsors events this week.

 Discussed having an event in March – administration is doing something March 10 so

perhaps PTA could do something later in the month. Megan Benedict suggested St.Patrick’s

Day—“We are so lucky to have such great teachers!”

Restaurant Night – Anna Lee:

 Squisito Chatham – 1/12/23 12 noon - 9 pm.  

 May - Planning an ice cream Taharka Brothers fundraiser to be delivered to people’s homes.

 Newsblast – Sylvia will send on Wednesday to remind people about Squisito.

Spirit Wear – Jessica Esposito:

 We finished our sweatshirt sales. Sold 4 long sleeve shirts; 37 sweatshirts; 12 short sleeve

shirts in our pie sale to holiday concert window

 Christine Fritz asked if we would make Spring Fair shirts for CLES for a profit – will discuss

with Jessica and/or Sylvia. The back of the shirt would be tough with all the sponsors, but we

can look into it. When we recruit volunteers we can request shirt size to have a good


 We made 25 shirts for Science Olympiad. Worked with parents on the design, and saw the

kids wearing it this week, which was exciting.

 Will look to maybe make Music Hershey shirts OR field day shirts again this year.

 Next year we will look for someone to take over for Spirit Wear. If we do not have someone

who wants to print shirts we will go back to a 3rd party vendor. Suggestions on what we

should do with the T-shirt press that the PTA purchased last year – possibly donate to

school/science teachers to make outdoor ed shirts.

 Mindy Brenner asked about making shirts for Battle of the Books. Might turn a profit but

wouldn’t be very much.

Drama Club – Sylvia Bank for Joy Fishman:

 Newsie’s Jr. – performances this Thursday January 26th 7 pm and Friday January 27th 7pm

at BMMS cafeteria – tickets for $8 sold online. 

 Will plan to have spring show Beauty and the Beast Jr. Will work on room reservations.

Large thespian interest here at BMMS.

DEI – Sylvia Bank for Andrea Stremmel and Rubin Singh:

 Open Mic night this Thursday 1/12/23 at 7 pm at BMMS cafeteria. Ms. Kim has been

organizing the event. There were 10 students interested in performing. I am working with the

music department to set up equipment. Multiple microphones required for some group


 Feb 15th had planned a DEI parent meeting – Sylvia will discuss with Rubin and Andrea.

 Begin planning for World Showcase 3/16/23. Sylvia will attend CLES PTA meeting

tomorrow to ask if CLES wants to do a joint effort.

Yearbook – Sylvia Bank for Lisa Jensen and Rosalie Plastino:

 Committee is Looking for photos - upload to webpage or send to


 Also having cover design contest – announcement has been airing on Bobcat News. Designs

due this Friday.

 Mrs. Peddicord received an invoice from Lifetouch – Sylvia will be in touch with Lisa and

Rosalie about this.

 Will begin preorder sales in the spring.

Kids Trivia Night: Sylvia Bank for Rosalie Plastino:

 Friday Feb 3rd 6 pm – 8:15 pm. Mme. Lanz has organized this event as in past years. Cost $6

per participant. Registration is now open either online form or paper registration where kids

can form teams or come on their own and be put on a team.

Fundraising – Sylvia Bank or Susan Ericke:

 Got Sneakers fundraiser first check – $27.25. A little less than expected but it’s still

something. Will continue to collect sneakers in bin by office.

Reflections – Sylvia Bank for Trish Chang:

 Four BMMS students submitted items for Reflections. Sylvia will find out from Trish who

will advance to the county competition and put it in the BMMS PTA Updates.

8 th Grade Activities – Sylvia Bank:

 Distribution of 8th grade shirts went well. Plan on having 1st shirt signing at Winter Fest.

 The 8th grade committee will meet with the 8th grade team this month to begin planning end

of year activities. Committee will be Yan Zhang, Sri Paleti, and Kelly Ulloa.

 Will also plan an end of year pool party at Forest Hill (outside of the PTA) after we know the

8 th grade graduation dates.

Staff Liaison – Chelsea D’Agnese:

 Fall Fling huge success – snack donation and volunteers were great

 2nd quarter celebration will be Friday Feb 3rd. Fun February Friday – Teachers pick an

activity to host in the afternoon – kids pick top 3 choices, and 20-30 kids are in each room.

Video game competitions, Disney trivia, ice cream making, no bake cooking activity, 3-D

printing (spool filament), etc. Teachers have until this Friday to sign up for an event. Event

will have a snack for each student. Ms D’Agnese will create a sign up sheet for food and

supply donations as well as direct donation. PTA volunteers needed and someone to take

photographs for yearbook. Sylvia asked if the students could have a day or two to coordinate

their activities with their friends before having to declare their top 3.

Next meeting will be Feb. 13, 7pm, BMMS media center. Motion to adjourn was made by Ms.

Carmean and seconded by Kalpana Vijay. All voted to adjourn, and meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm

Monday, November 14, 2022


BMMS PTA Meeting

Monday, November 14, 2022

7:00 pm

Meeting Objective:  Provide updates on PTA activities and plan future events.

Attendance:  Tracy Lynge, Swapna Challa, Megan Benedict, Jessica Esposito, Mindy Brenner, Sylvia Bank, Chelsea D’Agnese, Christine Fritz, Joey Miller, Anna Lee, Heather Weesener, Lorri Raney, Tiffany Carmean (Assistant Principal), Allen Cosentino (Principal) virtually: Melanie Schlee, Lisa Jensen

Meeting Called to Order:  7:05 pm.

President’s Report – Sylvia Bank:

Principal’s Report – Allen Cosentino: 

Executive Vice President – MembershipSwapna Challa:

Treasurer’s Report – Sylvia Bank updating for Kalpana Vijay:

Secretary’s Report – Tracy Lynge:

Committee Reports

PTACHC – Melanie Schlee updating:

DEI – Sylvia updating for Andrea Stremmel and Rubin Singh:

Spirit Wear – Jessica Esposito:

Staff Appreciation – Christine Fritz:

Staff Liaison – Mindy Brenner:

Reflections – Trish Chang:

Fundraising – Sylvia Bank for Susan Ericke:

Restaurant Night – Sylvia Bank updating for Cindy Lin:

8th Grade Activities – Sylvia Bank:

Yearbook – Lisa Jensen: 

Cultural Arts – Lorri Raney:

Motion to adjourn was made by Christine Fritz and seconded by Mindy Brenner. All voted to adjourn, and meeting was adjourned at 7:42 pm.

Monday, October 17, 2022


BMMS PTA Meeting

Monday, October 17, 2022

7:00 pm

Meeting Objective:  Provide updates on PTA activities and plan future events.

Attendance:  Kalpana Vijay, Savitha Enner, Mindy Brenner, Sylvia Bank, Chelsea D’Agnese, Christine Fritz, Tiffany Carmean (Assistant Principal), Healther Wrenn, Hellen Sedghi, Yanique Ngbichi Moore, Cindy Sheng, Swapna Challa, Jessica Esposito, Melanie Schlee, Tarsha Herelle

Meeting Called to Order:  7:10 pm (due to technical difficulties)

President’s Report – Kalpana Vijay for Sylvia Bank and Sylvia Bank

Assistant Principal’s Report – Tiffany Carmean:

Executive Vice President – Sylvia Bank updating for Prajakta David:

Executive Vice President – MembershipSwapna Challa:

Treasurer’s Report – Kalpana Vijay:

Secretary’s Report – Tracy Lynge:

Committee Reports

PTACHC - Melanie Schlee

DEI – Sylvia Bank updating for Rubin Singh:

Spirit Wear – Jessica Esposito:

Staff Appreciation – Christine Fritz:

Staff Liaison – Mindy Brenner:

Reflections- Sylvia Bank updating for Trish Chang:

Yearbook - Sylvia Bank updating for Lisa Jensen

Drama – Sylvia updating for Joy Fishman:

Fundraising – Sylvia Bank updating for Susan Bromberg and Poonam Kaur:

Restaurant Night – Sylvia updating for Cindy Lin:

Other Business

Motion to adjourn was made by Savitha Enner and seconded by Chelsae D’Agnese. All voted to adjourn, and meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.

Monday September 19, 2022


BMMS PTA Meeting

Monday, September 19, 2022

7:00 pm

Meeting Objective:  Provide updates on PTA activities and plan future events.

Attendance:  Sylvia Bank, Swapna Challa, Christine Fritz, Lorri Raney, Cindy Lin, Tracy Lynge, Mindy Brenner, Jessica Esposito, Amanda Reyes, Kalpana Vijay, Andrea Stremmel, Rubin Singh, Anna Lee, Heather Weesner, Hellen S, Samuel Pearson-Moore, Susan You, Megan Benedict, Tiffany Carmean (Assistant Principal), Allen Cosentino (principal), Christina Delmont-Small (Board of Education member)

Meeting Called to Order:  7:00 pm.

President’s Report – Sylvia Bank:

Principal’s Report – Allen Cosentino:

Assistant Principal’s Report – Tiffany Carmean:

Executive Vice President – Sylvia Bank for Prajakta David:

Executive Vice President – MembershipSwapna Challa:

Secretary’s Report – Tracy Lynge:

Treasurer’s Report – Kalpana Vijay:

Committee Reports

DEI – Rubin Singh:

Spirit Wear – Jessica Esposito:

Restaurant Night – Cindy Lin:

Staff Appreciation – Christine Fritz:

Retail Programs – Megan Benedict:

Staff Liaison – Mindy Brenner:

Cultural Arts – Lorri Raney:

Drama – Sylvia updating for Joy Fishman:

Fundraising – Sylvia Bank:

Special Guest Presentation

Motion to adjourn was made by Mindy Brenner and seconded by Jessica Esposito. All voted to adjourn, and meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.