About me

I am post-doc at the Ohio State University. Before that I was a Ph.D. student of Uri Shapira, and before that I finished my M.Sc. under the supervision of Rami Band.

I am mainly interested in statistical questions related to number theory and homogeneous dynamics, and I am intersted in the spectral geometry of the Laplacian.

Here are my CV and here is my research summary



Equidistribution of polynomially bounded o-minimal curves in homogeneous spaces, joint with N. A. Shah and H. Xing.  arXiv:2407.04935, 2024.


(The note "On the distribution of primitive subgroups of $\Z^d$ of large covolume" treats a simpler case).

Talk recordings: IMU lightning session (winner talk), and Webinar on Diophantine approximation and homogeneous dynamics.

Miscellaneous notes

Here you can be impressed by some of my amateur photography :)

Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University,

624 MW.

Bersudsky87 "at" gmail dot com