Built for NFT traders and collectors, Blur cuts the cruft you’ll find on other marketplaces — dropping you right into a trading screen. Stats and charts? Check. Collection sweeps? Check. I took Blur for a spin, and here’s what I learned: Blur is changing the NFT market by providing better insight into NFT values and an insanely powerful trading platform. 

Complete Guide to Blur Marketplace and Token Airdrop

Welcome to the complete guide to the Blur Marketplace and Token Airdrop! If you're new to the world of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to navigate the exciting world of Blur. Whether you're interested in participating in the token airdrop or exploring the Blur Marketplace, this guide has got you covered.

Blur is an innovative blockchain project that aims to revolutionize the way we think about privacy and decentralized marketplaces. With Blur, users can securely buy and sell goods and services while maintaining their anonymity. The marketplace is built on the Blur blockchain, which ensures that transactions are transparent, secure, and private.

One of the most exciting aspects of Blur is the token airdrop. Airdrops have become a popular way for blockchain projects to distribute their tokens to a wider audience. With Blur's token airdrop, users have the opportunity to receive free Blur tokens, which can be used within the Blur Marketplace or traded on supported exchanges.

To participate in the token airdrop, you'll need to follow a few simple steps. First, make sure you have a Blur wallet set up. This can be done by downloading the Blur Wallet app and creating a new wallet. Once your wallet is set up, you'll need to register for the airdrop by providing some basic information. After completing the registration process, you'll be eligible to receive your share of the airdrop.

Once you've received your free Blur tokens, you can start exploring the Blur Marketplace. The marketplace offers a wide range of products and services, all of which can be purchased using Blur tokens. From virtual goods to physical items, the marketplace has something for everyone. And with Blur's focus on privacy, you can shop with confidence knowing that your personal information is secure.

In conclusion, the Blur Marketplace and Token Airdrop provide an exciting opportunity to get involved in the world of decentralized finance and privacy-focused marketplaces. Whether you're a seasoned cryptocurrency user or just getting started, Blur offers a user-friendly platform that prioritizes privacy and security. So, don't miss out on this chance to join the Blur community and start exploring the possibilities of the Blur Marketplace.

What is Blur Marketplace?

Blur Marketplace is a decentralized marketplace built on the Blur Network. It allows users to buy and sell digital goods and services using the native Blur Token (BLUR).

How does it work?

Blur Marketplace utilizes smart contracts to facilitate secure and transparent transactions between buyers and sellers. Sellers can create listings for their digital products or services and set the price in BLUR. Buyers can browse the marketplace and make purchases using their BLUR balance.

Benefits of Blur Marketplace

1. Decentralization: Blur Marketplace operates on a decentralized network, ensuring censorship-resistant and tamper-proof transactions.

2. Privacy: Transactions on Blur Marketplace are private and anonymous, thanks to the privacy features provided by the Blur Network.

3. Trustless Transactions: Smart contracts enable trustless transactions, eliminating the need for intermediaries and ensuring that the buyer receives the product or service as described.

4. Community Governance: The Blur Marketplace is governed by the BLUR token holders who can propose and vote on changes to the platform's rules and policies.

In conclusion, Blur Marketplace provides a secure and private platform for buying and selling digital goods and services using the Blur Token. Its decentralized nature and community governance make it an attractive option for users looking for a trustworthy marketplace.

How to participate in the Token Airdrop?

Participating in the Token Airdrop is a straightforward and simple process. Here are the steps to get started:

It is important to note that each Token Airdrop may have specific eligibility criteria, so make sure to carefully read the guidelines and requirements provided by the Blur Marketplace team. Stay updated with the official Blur Wallet app and the official Blur Marketplace website for any further updates and instructions regarding the Token Airdrop.


By following the above steps, you can easily participate in the Token Airdrop and potentially receive free tokens. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to get involved in the Blur marketplace ecosystem and enjoy the benefits of owning Blur tokens.

Why should you join Blur Marketplace?

Blur Marketplace is a revolutionary platform that offers numerous benefits and opportunities for both buyers and sellers. By joining Blur Marketplace, you gain access to a vibrant community where you can connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests.

Here are some compelling reasons why you should join Blur Marketplace:

1. Convenient and Secure:

Blur Marketplace provides a convenient and secure platform for buying and selling digital assets. With built-in escrow services and a user-friendly interface, you can easily transact with peace of mind.

2. Diverse Range of Products:

Whether you are looking for unique NFTs, digital collectibles, or other digital products, Blur Marketplace has got you covered. You can explore a wide range of products from various categories and discover hidden gems.

3. Opportunities for Sellers:

If you are a creator or an artist, Blur Marketplace offers you a platform to showcase and monetize your creations. You can reach a global audience and receive fair compensation for your work.

4. Token Airdrops:

By actively participating in Blur Marketplace, you become eligible for token airdrops. These airdrops provide you with an opportunity to earn additional tokens, which can have significant value in the future.

5. Community Engagement:

Blur Marketplace values community engagement and encourages interactions among its users. By joining Blur Marketplace, you can become a part of a supportive community where you can learn, collaborate, and grow.

Join Blur Marketplace today and unlock a world of opportunities in the digital marketplace!

How does the Token Airdrop work?

The Token Airdrop is a promotional campaign conducted by Blur Marketplace to distribute their native cryptocurrency tokens to eligible participants. The airdrop is a way to raise awareness about the project and incentivize users to join the Blur Marketplace ecosystem.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for the Token Airdrop, participants must meet certain criteria set by Blur Marketplace. These criteria may include:

Token distribution process

Once a participant meets the eligibility criteria, they will receive a certain amount of Blur Marketplace tokens as part of the airdrop. The distribution process may vary depending on the specific campaign, but typically follows these steps:

It's important to note that the amount of tokens received through the airdrop may vary depending on the criteria specified by Blur Marketplace. Participants should always refer to the official announcements and guidelines provided by Blur Marketplace to ensure they meet the requirements and understand the terms of the airdrop.

What can you do with Blur Tokens?

Blur Tokens are the native cryptocurrency of the Blur Marketplace, a decentralized platform for buying and selling digital assets. These tokens can be used for various purposes within the ecosystem, providing several benefits to token holders.

Here are some of the things you can do with Blur Tokens:

It's important to note that the specific use cases and benefits of Blur Tokens may evolve over time as the platform develops and introduces new features. Holding Blur Tokens not only allows you to actively participate in the Blur Marketplace but also offers potential opportunities for growth and engagement within the community.

How to exchange Blur Tokens?

Once you have received your Blur tokens from the airdrop or purchased them on a cryptocurrency exchange, you may be wondering how to exchange them for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to exchange Blur tokens:

Step 1: Choose a cryptocurrency exchange

The first step is to select a trusted cryptocurrency exchange where you can trade your Blur tokens. Make sure to research and choose an exchange that supports Blur tokens and has a good reputation in terms of security and liquidity.

Step 2: Create an account

Once you have selected an exchange, proceed to create an account. This usually involves providing your email address, creating a password, and completing any verification processes that the exchange may require.

Step 3: Deposit your Blur tokens

After creating an account, navigate to the deposit section of the exchange and find the wallet address or QR code for Blur tokens. Use this address to send your Blur tokens from your personal wallet to your exchange wallet.

Step 4: Place a trade order

With your Blur tokens now in your exchange wallet, you can place a trade order. This involves selecting the trading pair you want to trade Blur tokens with, such as Blur/BTC or Blur/ETH, and specifying the amount of Blur tokens you want to exchange.

Depending on the exchange, you may have options for different types of trade orders, such as market orders or limit orders. Choose the type of order that suits your trading strategy and enter the relevant details.

Step 5: Monitor the trade and complete the transaction

After placing the trade order, monitor the market to see if your trade is executed. This may take a few seconds or minutes, depending on the liquidity of the trading pair. Once your trade is executed, you will see the exchanged cryptocurrency in your exchange wallet.

If you want to trade your exchanged cryptocurrency for another cryptocurrency or fiat currency, you can repeat the process by selecting a different trading pair.

It's important to note that cryptocurrency exchanges may have varying fees for trading and withdrawals, so make sure to check and understand the fee structure of the exchange before initiating any trades.

By following these steps, you can exchange your Blur tokens for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies on a cryptocurrency exchange.

What are the benefits of using the Blur Marketplace?

The Blur Marketplace offers numerous benefits to both buyers and sellers. Let's take a closer look at some of the key advantages:

1. Enhanced Privacy and Security

Blur Marketplace prioritizes privacy and security, allowing users to conduct transactions anonymously. As a decentralized marketplace built on blockchain technology, Blur ensures that no personal information or transaction details are accessible to third parties, protecting users from identity theft and fraud.

2. Global Access

Blur Marketplace is accessible to users all around the world, eliminating geographical barriers and opening up a global market. Buyers can purchase goods and services from any location, while sellers can reach a wide customer base, expanding their business opportunities.

3. Transparency

Transparency is a key feature of the Blur Marketplace. All transactions are recorded on the blockchain, creating an immutable and transparent ledger. This allows buyers to verify the authenticity and history of products, enhancing trust between buyers and sellers.

4. Lower Fees

Blur Marketplace has significantly lower fees compared to traditional online marketplaces. By eliminating intermediaries and reducing transaction costs, sellers can offer competitive prices to attract more buyers. This benefits both parties by maximizing profits and reducing expenses.

5. Token Airdrop

As an additional benefit, Blur Marketplace offers a token airdrop for its users. This allows users to receive free tokens based on their participation and usage of the platform. These tokens can be used for various purposes within the marketplace or traded on supported exchanges, potentially generating additional income.



Enhanced Privacy and Security

Transactions conducted anonymously, protecting users from identity theft and fraud.

Global Access

Accessible to users worldwide, eliminating geographical barriers and opening up a global market.


All transactions recorded on the blockchain, creating an immutable and transparent ledger.

Lower Fees

Significantly lower fees compared to traditional online marketplaces, reducing transaction costs for sellers.

Token Airdrop

Users can receive free tokens based on their platform usage, offering potential additional income.

Who can participate in the Token Airdrop?

The Token Airdrop is open to all users who hold Blur (BLUR) tokens in their compatible wallet at the time of the airdrop snapshot. There are no restrictions on nationality or geographic location.

To be eligible for the airdrop, participants must meet the following requirements:

It's important to note that participation in the Token Airdrop is completely voluntary and users must actively meet the requirements to receive the airdropped tokens. It is recommended to stay updated with the official Blur announcements and instructions to ensure eligibility for the airdrop.

What is the total supply of Blur Tokens?

The total supply of Blur Tokens is capped at 100 million tokens. This means that there will never be more than 100 million Blur Tokens in circulation. The token supply is fixed and cannot be increased or decreased.

The distribution of Blur Tokens is as follows:

Token Airdrop

10 million Blur Tokens have been allocated for distribution through a token airdrop. The airdrop will be conducted in phases, with participants receiving a certain number of tokens based on their eligibility and participation criteria.


The remaining 90 million Blur Tokens will be available for purchase on the Blur Marketplace. Users can buy and sell tokens on the platform, allowing for liquidity and price discovery.

Note that during the token airdrop, 1 million tokens were reserved for marketing purposes to promote the Blur project and attract new users to the platform.

When will the Token Airdrop end?

The Token Airdrop for Blur Marketplace is an ongoing event that began on August 15, 2021, and will continue for a limited time. The exact end date for the Token Airdrop has not been announced yet.

The Blur team has set a total supply of 500 million BLUR tokens for the airdrop event. During the airdrop period, eligible participants can claim a portion of the total supply based on their level of participation and involvement in the Blur ecosystem.

To check the current status of the Token Airdrop and to see how many tokens you have earned, you can visit the official Blur Marketplace website and access your account dashboard.

How to participate in the Token Airdrop:

To participate in the Token Airdrop, you need to follow these steps:

Token distribution:

The distribution of the airdropped tokens will be based on a tier system. The more activity points you have, the higher your tier will be, and the more tokens you will receive. The tiers are as follows Once the Token Airdrop ends, the distribution process will begin, and eligible participants will receive their BLUR tokens in their connected wallets. Make sure to keep an eye on the official channels of Blur Marketplace for any updates regarding the Token Airdrop and its end date. Don't miss your chance to earn BLUR tokens through the airdrop!

What is the Blur Marketplace?

The Blur Marketplace is a decentralized platform built on the Ethereum blockchain that allows users to buy and sell digital assets like NFTs.

How can I participate in the Token Airdrop?

To participate in the Token Airdrop, you need to join the Blur community, follow their social media channels, and complete the required tasks specified by the team.

What are the benefits of using the Blur Marketplace?

The Blur Marketplace offers benefits such as low fees, decentralization, and a wide variety of digital assets to choose from. It also provides users with the opportunity to support artists and creators directly.

When will the Token Airdrop take place?

The specific date and time of the Token Airdrop have not been announced yet. It is recommended to stay updated on the Blur community channels to get the latest information.

Can I use any cryptocurrency to buy assets on the Blur Marketplace?

No, the Blur Marketplace only accepts payments in their native cryptocurrency called BLUR. You will need to acquire BLUR tokens to make any purchases on the platform.