BLUR, the native token of non-fungible token (NFT) platform Blur, surged by 22% on Friday after being listed on Binance's convert feature.

The convert feature is aimed at Binance's retail customers. It allows customers to buy and sell assets without going through a traditional order book.

The token rose from $0.55 to as high as $0.64 after the listing, compounding an uptrend that has seen its value double in the past week, according to CoinMarketCap.

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The NFT market has seen a spike in activity over the past month, with the majority of the increased trading volume occurring on the Blur  BLUR +0.50%

According to The Block's Data Dashboard, November saw $605 million in Ethereum-based NFT trading. That's up from a monthly trading volume of $306 million in October, an increase of almost 100%. 

Just four days into December, NFT trading volume for the month has already reached almost $90 million, with nearly $70 million coming from transactions on the Blur NFT marketplace.

 Reasons behind the lower price of Blur compared to OpenSea

When it comes to buying and selling digital assets and collectibles, many people turn to platforms like OpenSea. OpenSea has gained a reputation as the go-to marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), with a wide variety of items available for purchase. However, there is a newer player in town that is making waves in the NFT market - Blur.

Blur is a platform that aims to create a more accessible and inclusive NFT marketplace. One of the main reasons why Blur is cheaper than OpenSea is its focus on eliminating high gas fees. Gas fees are a significant component of transaction costs on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, and they can often be prohibitively high. Blur has implemented a solution that significantly reduces these costs, making it more affordable for users to buy and sell NFTs. In contrast, OpenSea has not yet addressed this issue, resulting in higher transaction costs for its users.

Another factor contributing to the lower prices on Blur is its emphasis on supporting emerging artists. OpenSea has become a hub for established artists and celebrities to sell their NFTs, often at premium prices. While this can be exciting for collectors, it can also make it challenging for new and less well-known artists to break into the market. Blur, on the other hand, actively cultivates a community that values and supports emerging talent. This focus on fostering new artists allows for a wider range of affordable options on the platform.

It is important to note that while Blur may offer lower prices compared to OpenSea, it does not compromise on quality or security. The platform utilizes advanced technology to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the assets listed, providing users with peace of mind. Blur also offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive features that make it easy for both beginners and experienced collectors to navigate the marketplace.

In conclusion, Blur's commitment to reducing transaction costs and supporting emerging artists sets it apart from OpenSea. By offering a more cost-effective and inclusive platform, Blur is attracting a growing number of users who are looking for affordable and high-quality NFT options. As the NFT market continues to evolve, we can expect to see Blur make even more strides in empowering artists and collectors alike.

Ethereum vs. Ethereum Classic

When discussing the differences between Blur and OpenSea, it is important to understand the underlying technologies that power these platforms. Blur is built on the Ethereum blockchain, while OpenSea supports both Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. While both Ethereum and Ethereum Classic share a common history in terms of their origins, they have diverged in significant ways.

Ethereum is the original blockchain that was created to enable smart contracts and decentralized applications. It is known for its robust ecosystem of developers, projects, and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Ethereum's native cryptocurrency is Ether (ETH), which is widely used for transactions and powering decentralized applications on the network.


Ethereum Classic

Ethereum is the upgraded version of the original Ethereum blockchain, which resulted from a controversial hard fork in 2016.

Ethereum Classic is the original version of the Ethereum blockchain that remained after the hard fork.

Ethereum has a larger and more active community, which has contributed to its growth and development.

Ethereum Classic has a smaller and more niche community compared to Ethereum.

Ethereum has a higher market capitalization and trading volume compared to Ethereum Classic.

Ethereum Classic has a lower market capitalization and trading volume compared to Ethereum.

Ethereum has a higher level of network security and a faster transaction confirmation time.

Ethereum Classic has a lower level of network security and a slower transaction confirmation time.

Ethereum has a more extensive ecosystem of decentralized applications and projects.

Ethereum Classic has a more limited ecosystem of decentralized applications and projects.

Overall, Ethereum has emerged as the more popular and widely adopted blockchain, which is why platforms like Blur often choose to build on it. However, Ethereum Classic still has its own dedicated community and use cases, which might explain why OpenSea supports both platforms.

When considering the price differences between Blur and OpenSea, it is important to keep in mind the different characteristics and communities associated with Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. These factors can influence the perceived value and cost of using these platforms.

Economics of Rarity

One of the key factors influencing the price of digital collectibles is the concept of rarity. Rarity refers to how scarce or unique a particular item is within a collection. In the case of NFTs, rarity is determined by various factors, including the number of copies available and the demand for a specific item.

When it comes to NFT marketplaces like Blur and OpenSea, the economics of rarity play a significant role in determining the prices of the assets. Generally, the scarcer an item is, the higher its value tends to be. This is because scarcity increases the perceived desirability and exclusivity of the asset, leading to increased demand.

In the case of Blur and OpenSea, one possible reason why Blur might be cheaper than OpenSea could be due to differences in the rarity of assets available on each platform. If Blur has a higher supply of certain NFTs compared to OpenSea, it could result in lower prices due to the higher availability of those assets. Conversely, if OpenSea has a more limited supply of certain NFTs, it could drive up their prices as demand exceeds the available quantity.

It's important to note that rarity is just one factor influencing the pricing of NFTs, and other factors such as the reputation of the platform, the artist behind the artwork, and the overall demand for digital collectibles can also impact prices. Additionally, market dynamics can change over time, with prices fluctuating as supply and demand conditions evolve.

Ultimately, understanding the economics of rarity can provide insights into the pricing differences between NFT marketplaces like Blur and OpenSea. By considering the scarcity and demand for specific assets, collectors and investors can make more informed decisions about which platform to use and how to evaluate the value of different digital collectibles.

Different User Base

One of the reasons why Blur is cheaper than OpenSea is the difference in their user bases. OpenSea is the largest marketplace for NFTs and has a vast number of users, including many high-profile artists, collectors, and investors. This large user base creates high demand for popular NFTs, which drives up their prices.

On the other hand, Blur is a relatively new and less well-known marketplace. It has a smaller user base, which means that there is less competition for NFTs listed on the platform. This lower demand results in lower prices for NFTs listed on Blur compared to OpenSea.

Additionally, the user base of Blur may consist of more casual NFT enthusiasts or individuals who are new to the NFT space. These users might not be willing to pay as much for NFTs compared to the more established and experienced users on OpenSea.

Overall, the difference in user base between Blur and OpenSea plays a significant role in the pricing disparity between the two platforms. OpenSea's larger and more competitive user base creates higher demand and drives up prices, while Blur's smaller user base results in lower prices for NFTs.

Integration with Other Platforms

One factor that contributes to the lower cost of Blur compared to OpenSea is its integration with other platforms. Blur has successfully partnered with various blockchain-based platforms and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, allowing for seamless interoperability and enhanced functionality.

Firstly, Blur has integrated with a wide range of Ethereum-based platforms, such as decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and lending platforms. This integration enables users to easily trade and loan their Blur assets on these platforms, providing additional liquidity and potential revenue streams.

Furthermore, Blur has partnered with popular NFT marketplaces and blockchain gaming platforms. This integration allows users to seamlessly transfer their assets from these platforms to Blur, enhancing the overall user experience and providing a more comprehensive marketplace for collectors and creators.

Additionally, Blur has integrated with various DeFi protocols, such as decentralized borrowing and lending platforms. This integration enables users to leverage their Blur assets as collateral to obtain loans or generate passive income through lending their assets to others.

Benefits of Integration

The integration with other platforms brings several benefits to Blur users:

In conclusion, Blur's integration with other platforms plays a significant role in its affordability compared to OpenSea. The partnerships and integrations allow Blur users to enjoy enhanced functionality, increased liquidity, expanded market reach, and opportunities for earning income, making it a cost-effective choice for NFT enthusiasts and collectors.

Growth Potential

While Blur may currently be cheaper than OpenSea, it's important to consider the growth potential of both platforms. OpenSea is the largest NFT marketplace, with a vast number of users and a wide variety of digital assets being traded. This high level of popularity and activity on the platform can contribute to higher prices for NFTs.

On the other hand, Blur is a newer marketplace that is still growing and developing. As more users become aware of the platform and start using it, the demand for NFTs on Blur may increase. This increased demand can lead to higher prices for NFTs in the future.

Additionally, as Blur continues to improve its features and functionality, it may attract more artists and collectors to the platform. This increased participation can further drive up the prices of NFTs on Blur.

It's also worth noting that the value of NFTs can be influenced by various factors, such as the popularity of the artist, the uniqueness of the artwork, and the overall market trends. These factors can impact both Blur and OpenSea, and it's difficult to predict how they will evolve in the future.



Newer marketplace

Largest NFT marketplace

Growing and developing

Established and popular

Potential for increased demand and higher prices

High level of popularity and activity

Attracting more artists and collectors

Wide variety of digital assets being traded

Market Manipulation

Market manipulation refers to illegal activities undertaken by individuals or groups to artificially inflate or deflate the price of a particular asset or security. This can include various tactics, such as spreading false information, creating artificial demand or supply, or engaging in deceptive trading practices.

In the context of the price difference between Blur and OpenSea, market manipulation could be one factor contributing to the price disparity. It is possible that certain individuals or groups may be manipulating the market for Blur, artificially driving down its price compared to OpenSea.

Market manipulators may have various motivations for engaging in these activities, such as personal gain or the desire to disrupt the market. By manipulating the price of an asset, they can take advantage of the price difference and profit from it.

It is important to note that market manipulation is illegal and can have serious consequences for those involved. Regulatory authorities, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States, actively monitor and investigate instances of market manipulation to ensure fair and transparent markets.

Investors should be aware of the risks associated with market manipulation and exercise caution when making investment decisions. It is advisable to conduct thorough research and seek advice from reputable sources before participating in any market.

Market Manipulation Tactics

Spreading false information

Creating artificial demand/supply

Deceptive trading practices

Mispricing and Inefficiency

One possible explanation for why Blur is cheaper than OpenSea could be attributed to mispricing and inefficiency in the market. Mispricing occurs when the actual value of an asset is not reflected in its market price, leading to a discrepancy between the two. This can happen due to various factors, including information asymmetry, market manipulation, or simply irrational investor behavior.

In the case of decentralized NFT marketplaces like Blur and OpenSea, there may be instances where certain NFTs are undervalued or overvalued due to lack of information or improper pricing mechanisms. For example, if a highly desirable NFT is listed on Blur with a lower price compared to a similar NFT on OpenSea, it could be an opportunity for arbitrage and profit-making for savvy investors.

Inefficiency within the market can also contribute to the price disparities between platforms. Market efficiency refers to how quickly and accurately prices reflect all available information. In an efficient market, any new information is rapidly incorporated into asset prices, eliminating any opportunities for arbitrage. However, the NFT market is relatively new and still evolving, which means it may not yet be fully efficient.

This lack of efficiency can result in price variations across different platforms. While OpenSea is currently one of the largest and most popular NFT marketplaces, it doesn't necessarily mean it is the most efficient. Blur, being a newer and less established platform, may have fewer participants or less liquidity, which can lead to lower prices due to a less efficient market.

It's important to note that mispricing and inefficiency may not apply to all NFTs listed on Blur or OpenSea. There can be numerous factors influencing prices in the NFT market, including the scarcity and uniqueness of the items, the reputation of the artist or creator, and market demand. Additionally, market dynamics and trends can also play a significant role in determining NFT prices.

In conclusion, the price differences between Blur and OpenSea could be attributed to mispricing and inefficiency in the market. As the NFT market continues to evolve and mature, it's expected that these inefficiencies will reduce, leading to more consistent pricing across various platforms.

Supply and Demand Dynamics

The difference in price between Blur and OpenSea can be attributed to the supply and demand dynamics within each platform.

Blur offers a limited supply of digital assets for sale, creating a scarcity effect that drives up demand and prices. The platform carefully curates and releases a limited number of NFTs at a time, which increases their desirability among collectors. This limited supply, combined with high demand, leads to higher prices for Blur assets compared to those on OpenSea.

On the other hand, OpenSea operates as a decentralized marketplace where anyone can list and sell their NFTs. With a larger number of listings available, the supply on OpenSea is much higher compared to Blur. The increased supply contributes to lower prices on OpenSea as buyers have more options to choose from.

Additionally, the demand for NFTs on OpenSea might be relatively lower compared to that on Blur. Some collectors may prefer the exclusivity and scarcity offered by Blur, which allows them to own unique and limited edition digital assets.

Factors Influencing Demand

Several factors influence the demand dynamics on both platforms:

The Role of Rarity

Rarity plays a significant role in determining the value of NFTs. Scarce and unique assets are often perceived as more valuable and can command higher prices. The limited supply strategy employed by Blur enhances the rarity and exclusivity of their NFTs, which contributes to their higher prices compared to OpenSea.

In contrast, OpenSea's decentralized nature allows for a higher volume of assets, reducing the rarity factor and potentially leading to lower prices. However, rare and highly sought-after NFTs can still command high prices on OpenSea if they have desirable attributes or are associated with popular artists or trends.













Perceived Value and Branding

A key factor in the pricing difference between Blur and OpenSea may lie in the perceived value and the branding of each platform.

Perceived Value

Perceived value refers to how consumers perceive the worth or value of a product or service. It is influenced by various factors such as quality, exclusivity, reputation, and the overall customer experience.

Blur may be perceived as cheaper than OpenSea due to its lower transaction fees and overall cost structure. Lower fees may make artists and collectors feel that they are getting more value for their money, as they can keep a higher percentage of their sales. This perception of value may attract more users to Blur, as they view it as a more cost-effective platform.


Branding plays a crucial role in shaping the perception of a company or platform. It encompasses the company's identity, values, and the emotional connection it creates with its target audience.

The branding of Blur and OpenSea may differ, leading to differences in perceived value. Blur may position itself as a platform focused on empowering artists, supporting the indie art community, and providing a more user-friendly and accessible experience. This branding may resonate more with certain artists and collectors who prioritize these values and may be willing to pay a premium for a platform that aligns with their beliefs.

In contrast, OpenSea may position itself as a more established and prestigious platform, catering to a broader range of artists and collectors. It may emphasize its larger user base, extensive network, and access to a wider range of art pieces. This branding may attract users who prioritize the platform's reputation and the potential for higher visibility and sales.

It's important to note that perceived value and branding are subjective and can vary from person to person. The pricing difference between Blur and OpenSea may be a result of a combination of factors, including perceived value, branding, and the overall strategy of each platform to attract and retain users.



Lower transaction fees

Potential for higher visibility

User-friendly and accessible experience

Larger user base

Focus on empowering artists and indie art community

Established and prestigious platform

Competition from Alternative NFT Marketplaces

While OpenSea has established itself as the leading NFT marketplace, it faces increasing competition from alternative platforms such as Blur. These alternative marketplaces offer unique selling points and features that attract both buyers and sellers.

One factor that contributes to the lower prices on Blur compared to OpenSea is the smaller user base. OpenSea has a larger number of users, which creates more demand for NFTs and drives up prices. In contrast, Blur has a smaller user base, resulting in less competition for listings and ultimately lower prices.

Another reason for the price difference is the focus on different types of NFTs. OpenSea has a broader range of categories, including digital art, collectibles, and virtual real estate. This wider selection attracts a larger audience and drives up prices. Blur, on the other hand, specifically targets digital art, which may have a smaller market and lower demand.

The user experience and interface of each platform also play a role in price differences. OpenSea offers a more comprehensive and user-friendly interface, making it easier for buyers to navigate and find the NFTs they are interested in. This streamlined experience can drive up prices as buyers are willing to pay a premium for convenience. Blur, on the other hand, may have a simpler interface, which may appeal to users who prioritize affordability over ease of use.

Overall, while Blur may offer lower prices compared to OpenSea, it is important to consider the different factors that contribute to these price discrepancies. Factors such as user base, types of NFTs, and user experience all play a role in determining the prices on each platform. As the NFT market continues to evolve and new platforms emerge, it will be interesting to see how competition between marketplaces affects pricing dynamics.

Network Effects

In the world of marketplaces, network effects play a crucial role in determining the success and growth of a platform. Network effects can be defined as the phenomenon where the value of a product or service increases as more users join and participate in the network.

OpenSea, being one of the largest NFT marketplaces, has a significant advantage when it comes to network effects. With a large user base and a wide variety of NFTs listed on the platform, OpenSea attracts more buyers and sellers, leading to increased liquidity and overall activity on the platform.

On the other hand, Blur, being a relatively new marketplace, has a smaller user base and fewer NFTs listed. This limited network size and activity can result in lower liquidity and fewer potential buyers and sellers on the platform.

As a result, the network effects on Blur are not as strong as those on OpenSea. Since Blur has fewer users and less liquidity, it may struggle to attract as many buyers and sellers as OpenSea, ultimately leading to lower prices for NFTs listed on the platform.

Furthermore, OpenSea's established reputation and brand recognition also contribute to its dominance in the NFT marketplace space. Many buyers and sellers may choose OpenSea due to its well-established presence and extensive user base, which further strengthens its network effects.

However, it's important to note that network effects can change over time. As Blur continues to grow its user base and attract more buyers and sellers, its network effects may strengthen, potentially leading to a more competitive pricing environment compared to OpenSea.

In conclusion, the difference in pricing between Blur and OpenSea can be attributed to the varying strength of network effects. While OpenSea benefits from a larger user base and established reputation, Blur's smaller network size and activity may result in lower prices for NFTs listed on the platform. Nevertheless, the evolving nature of network effects means that the pricing dynamics could change as Blur grows its user base and increases its market presence.

Accessibility and User-Friendliness

When comparing Blur and OpenSea, it is important to consider their accessibility and user-friendliness for both buyers and sellers. Accessibility refers to how easily users can access and use the platform, while user-friendliness refers to the overall ease of navigation and use.

Blur aims to be a more accessible and user-friendly platform compared to OpenSea for several reasons. Firstly, Blur has a simpler and more streamlined interface, making it easier for users to navigate and understand how to use the platform. This simplicity also translates into a more user-friendly experience, as buyers and sellers can quickly find the information they need and perform transactions with ease.

Additionally, Blur places a strong emphasis on inclusivity and ensuring that the platform is accessible to a wide range of users. This includes features such as accessibility options for those with visual or hearing impairments, as well as language options to cater to users from different regions. By prioritizing accessibility, Blur aims to create a platform that is welcoming and usable for all users.

OpenSea, on the other hand, may not prioritize accessibility and user-friendliness to the same extent as Blur. The platform may have a more complex interface and navigation system, which can be overwhelming for users who are new to the world of NFTs. While OpenSea does offer a wide variety of features and options, it may not provide the same level of user guidance and intuitive design as Blur.

In conclusion, one reason why Blur may be cheaper than OpenSea is its focus on accessibility and user-friendliness. By creating a platform that is easier to use and navigate, Blur aims to attract a wider range of users and provide them with an enjoyable and seamless experience in buying and selling NFTs.

Market Fluctuations and Speculation

The difference in pricing between Blur and OpenSea can be attributed to market fluctuations and speculation. The value of a digital asset is determined by supply and demand dynamics, investor sentiment, and the overall health of the market.

When a new marketplace like Blur emerges, it may initially offer lower prices as it tries to attract users and establish itself in the market. This introductory phase can lead to undervalued assets and opportunities for savvy investors to capitalize on the lower prices. As the marketplace gains traction and popularity, the prices of assets may rise as demand increases.

Speculation also plays a significant role in the pricing of digital assets. Investors and speculators make predictions about future price movements based on various factors, such as the project's roadmap, partnerships, and overall market trends. These speculations can sometimes lead to price discrepancies between different marketplaces.

Additionally, the overall sentiment and perception of a marketplace can also impact prices. If a marketplace is seen as more reputable, trustworthy, or technologically advanced, investors may be willing to pay a premium for assets listed on that platform. On the other hand, if a marketplace has a negative reputation or lacks sufficient liquidity, prices may be lower to account for the perceived risks.

It's important to note that pricing disparities between different marketplaces are not always indicative of the underlying value of the assets. It is crucial for investors to conduct thorough research, assessing the fundamentals of the assets and the specific market dynamics before making any investment decisions.

Regulatory Environment

The regulatory environment surrounding platforms like Blur and OpenSea can have a significant impact on their pricing structure. One of the key factors influencing the cost difference between Blur and OpenSea is the jurisdiction in which they operate.

Different countries have different regulatory frameworks in place for digital platforms and cryptocurrencies. Some jurisdictions may have stricter regulations and higher compliance costs, which can drive up the operational expenses for platforms like OpenSea.

Additionally, the level of government oversight and scrutiny can vary across different jurisdictions. Platforms operating in regions with less regulatory oversight may have lower compliance costs and therefore be able to offer their services at a lower price point, such as Blur.

Furthermore, regulatory uncertainty can also affect pricing. If a platform is operating in an environment with unclear or evolving regulations, they may need to allocate additional resources to stay compliant, which can drive up costs.

It's important to note that the regulatory environment is subject to change over time. As regulations become clearer and more standardized, the pricing differences between platforms like Blur and OpenSea may narrow or even out.

Why is Blur cheaper than OpenSea?

One reason why Blur is cheaper than OpenSea is because Blur is a newer platform and still establishing itself in the market. OpenSea, on the other hand, has been around for a longer time and has a larger user base, which may drive up the prices of the items listed on their platform. Additionally, OpenSea has a wider range of supported NFTs, including popular collections, which can also contribute to higher prices.

What factors contribute to the lower prices of Blur compared to OpenSea?

There are several factors that contribute to the lower prices of Blur compared to OpenSea. For one, as a newer platform, Blur may not have as many buyers and sellers as OpenSea, leading to less competition and lower prices. Moreover, Blur may have fewer high-profile or popular NFT collections listed, which can also affect the demand and subsequently the prices of the items. Finally, the perceived value and reputation of OpenSea as a more established platform may make buyers more willing to pay higher prices.

Will Blur's prices remain lower than OpenSea in the future?

It is difficult to say for certain whether Blur's prices will remain lower than OpenSea in the future. As Blur continues to grow and attract more users, the demand for their listed NFTs may increase, potentially leading to higher prices. Additionally, if Blur manages to secure partnerships with popular NFT collections or establish itself as a preferred platform for certain types of NFTs, this could also drive up prices. Ultimately, the future pricing dynamics will depend on various factors, including market trends, competition, and user preferences.

Are there any benefits to buying NFTs on Blur instead of OpenSea?

Yes, there can be benefits to buying NFTs on Blur instead of OpenSea. One advantage is the potentially lower prices on Blur, as discussed earlier. This could allow buyers to acquire NFTs at a more affordable price point. Additionally, Blur may offer a more curated experience, focused on specific types of NFTs or collections, which could be appealing to users who are interested in those particular niches. Furthermore, being a newer platform, Blur may have less congestion and faster transaction times compared to OpenSea, which can be advantageous for users seeking a smoother and more efficient buying process.

What are the disadvantages of purchasing NFTs on Blur instead of OpenSea?

While there may be benefits to purchasing NFTs on Blur, there are also potential disadvantages. One drawback is the limited selection of NFTs available on Blur compared to OpenSea. OpenSea has a larger user base and supports a wider variety of NFT collections, so buyers may find a greater range of options on their platform. Additionally, OpenSea has established itself as a reputable and trusted platform in the NFT space, whereas Blur is still relatively new. This may make some buyers hesitant to transact on Blur due to concerns about security or legitimacy.

Why is Blur cheaper than OpenSea?

Blur is cheaper than OpenSea because it is a newer and less established platform. OpenSea has been around longer and has a larger user base, which increases demand and drives up prices. Additionally, OpenSea offers more features and a wider variety of digital assets, which can contribute to higher prices.

What factors contribute to the lower prices on Blur compared to OpenSea?

Several factors contribute to the lower prices on Blur compared to OpenSea. Firstly, Blur is a newer platform with fewer users, so there may be less competition for digital assets, resulting in lower prices. Additionally, OpenSea offers more liquidity and a wider variety of assets, which can drive up prices due to increased demand. Lastly, the reputation and popularity of OpenSea may make buyers more willing to pay higher prices for assets on that platform.

Are the assets on Blur of lower quality compared to OpenSea?

No, the difference in prices between Blur and OpenSea is not necessarily an indication of the quality of assets. Both platforms allow users to buy and sell a wide range of digital assets, including NFTs. The difference in prices is primarily due to the age and popularity of the platforms, as well as the level of demand and competition for specific assets. It's important to research and evaluate the individual assets being listed on each platform rather than making assumptions based solely on the platform's reputation or price.