I was wondering if anyone is using BlueStacks android emulator on a windows 10 to control their Asiair. I was able to connect using my home wifi network but when I use the Sky Atlas the graphics of the object I want to capture are not there so its hard to frame etc,

In order to connect to your windows pc via bluestacks/asiair app, you need to reconfigure your asiair to use wifi 'station mode' which is connecting the asiair to your home network so your windows pc can see/have access to it and also allow your mobile devices to connect using your home wifi you giving substantially greater range and reliability.

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I believe it is the different IP ranges that caused the issues with the ethernet to ethernet connection to ASIAIR Plus. Today I set the ASIAIR up in station mode, 2G internet, and selected the 2G wireless hub of my original router system. I then connected an ethernet cable that comes from one of the hubs connected to the original 198.128 system. I made note of the final IP address it got ( I had brought the ASIAIR upstairs to be beside my main desktop here, which had the most RAM, power, etc. I then went back downstairs and fired up the dining room system (which I use when I image from the outside patio here). When I started bluestacks and the app, I chose the Connect by IP option. The IP from above was entered, and it connected. Response was virtually instant for anything. Just to be certain, neither the upstairs system or the dining room had any connectivity other than ethernet. Wifi was disabled in both. I may get a chance to try this later this week at night to see how ti works from the patio.

BlueStacks only provide a way to access a subfolder of the sdcard /storage/sdcard/windows/BstSharedFolder which in Windows has the path C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Engine\UserData\SharedFolder. The easiest way is thus to place some files there, and then use an Android file manager app (eg, TotalCommander, which can move whole folders) to move the files around where you need them on your sd card.

Salvation came from my secondary Linux OS as I read about a tool called 'chntpw' tool in Linux that is able edit Windows registries without giving any BS about not the detecting the keys. There are many tutorials that show you how to mount the windows partition in Linux and deleting these garbage keys safely. If you don't have a Linux OS, there are also methods describing booting Linux from USB or CD drive and running the tool from there like below.

Open bluestacks. Find the actual settings for the bluestacks program itself, which is a gear symbol in the grey bar at the top. To do this, select the gear icon, the click "settings". click the preferences tab then make sure "Enable Android Debug Bridge (ADB)" is checked. This should be unchecked by default in newest version of bluestacks.

For about two months, I had been using the bluestacks android emulator in a windows virtual machine. Specifically, I was using parallels and windows 7 32 bit, and was just using bluestacks to play some apps. During that time I was using an early version of OS X Yosemite.

Unfortunately, I have been unable to play apps ever since one of the later Yosemite updates, and the issue persists in the El Capitan update. I can open bluestacks and run the apps fine, but it doesn't take long before my mac crashes for insufficient memory. I have 8 GB of RAM, which had been more than enough to run bluestacks in the past.

It was hard to determine what was causing this issue, but I'm almost certain now that it's an OS X issue (not bluestacks, parallels, or windows). I have tried using vmware fusion, virtual box, all the different windows versions (7 through 10), and many different bluestacks versions. Also, I would prefer to not have to use Bootcamp Assistant, as I only have a 121 GB Hard Drive and I would like to run bluestacks in windows and mac applications simultaneously.

May I ask how you got this to work without crashing. My problem is similar. If i ran bluestacks on my Mac and want to then run VirtualBox to virtualise windows, i always have to restart otherwise my Mac crashes. ff782bc1db

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