Blue Knight Warriors

Wind of Earth

Step by step


In Introduction Section Wind of Earth will tell you a story and will ask you to think about any Country on Earth.


In the next steps Wind Of Earth will ask you different questions, as... Official Language in this Country, ...


... is this Country located in Asia for example,....


... or is this Country located by the Sea or Ocean,....


... does the name of this Country begin with the letter...., ....

Final Question

and finnally on the basis of your questions, Wind of Earth will identify this Country asking for your final confirmation.


As a reward, Wind of Earth will show you some information about this country, but it is not, end, you can explore more, clicking on the Globes on the left of each section to see the Word Map with f.ex. Dominants Religions in each country.

You can also choose Discover More...

Discover more

...and you will find section with more mysteries of Earth!

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