In 2001, a pair of physicists turned whale researchers noticed something puzzling in their data. John Hildebrand and Mark McDonald were trying to build a system that would allow them to automatically detect blue whale songs off the coast of southern California. But their algorithm kept crashing.

Still, Hildebrand hopes other researchers will look for similar plateaus in blue whale song outside of California, to see whether they follow the stabilization in global populations since 2009. If the theory proves correct, song frequency could be used as a metric for population recovery in blue whales. Current techniques for assessing their numbers are difficult and imprecise, relying on extrapolations from visual surveys that inevitably miss many whales.

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2. Gavrilov, A.N., McCauley, R.D., & Gedamke, J. Steady inter and intra-annual decrease in the vocalization frequency of Antarctic blue whales. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131, 4476-4480 (2012).

I think this song is about wanting to be happy-single, or sort yourself out before being involved with someone.Or, maybe as in my situation, kinda resisting any dating because you're still in love with someone else, and you dont want that to change, and so what you kinda say to ppl - like she's not dating, she doesnt want 'another' partner, and she's using this time to 'know herself' a little better. (i realise tht might sound creepy n weird, but he loves me too and i fly to england soon lol).

also, it sounds like she's trying to explain something to someone that's not always so easy to say the right way... because it can so easily be misconstrued and taken personally. this seeems most evident just in your interpretations above about a past love, or another love, etc... none of which have anything to do with it, imo. i think the song's basically rather straightforward, and honest, as when she says, "i'm just trying to be honest, i don't want to hurt you too"... and, it is really easy to hurt someone by getting involved with them at a time when you're not ready to.

The origin of the name "Blue Whale" is uncertain. Some reports say that it comes from a song by the Russian rock band Lumen. Its opening lines are "Why scream / When no one hears / What we're talking about?" and it features a "huge blue whale" that "can't break through the net."[18] Others believe it to be a reference to beaching, where whales become stranded on beaches and die.[7]

In April 2018, Egyptian news sources claimed a 12-year-old schoolboy had killed himself by taking poisonous tablets to fulfill one of the challenges of the game. According to the media, the schoolboy was found with a scar in the shape of a blue whale on his right arm. In reaction to the growing media awareness of the game, Egypt's Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah uploaded a video on their YouTube channel claiming that the game is forbidden in Islam, and warning against it.[60]

We are still not sure about the exact mechanisms of how they learn these complex songs, but we know they do this through a process called horizontal cultural transmission. Vertical would mean from parents to offspring, whereas horizontal would be from other whales around them in their population.

This is what I aimed to communicate through Canticum Megapterae II. The first album was more to communicate what we know about humpback whale songs, but the second was diving deeper into my research about the evolution.

No one knows why the loneliest whale in the world has this communication and navigational disability. It could be a hybrid of two different filter-feeding species, forging a unique song and path that no whale has used before. A cryptozoologist has suggested that the 52-Hertz whale could even be lonelier than we realize, the last survivor of an unidentified species, plying the oceans in a doomed search for another of its kind, singing its broken song.

During the summer feeding season in high latitudes, male blue whales tend to sing at night. But shortly before migrating south to their breeding grounds, the whales switch up the timing and sing during the day, new research suggests.

Predicting whale movements via their songs may be particularly useful for this blue whale population, which is commonly struck by shipping vessels, Oestreich says. Advance notice of a regional influx of whales could help keep the endangered animals safe and singing far into the future.

Start by loading a data set that includes two recordings of whale songs. The signals are called whale1 and whale2 and are sampled at 4 kHz. whale1 consists of a trill followed by three moans. whale2 consists of two moans, a trill, and another moan.

In the dialog box that appears, verify that both whale1 and whale2 are selected and that the Value field is set to blue. (If you do not specify a default value in a categorical signal label definition, Signal Labeler sets the label to the first category specified in the definition.)

I was originally intending to study this in a migratory fishes context because I wanted to have that connection to fisheries management, but I met one of my co-authors on this study, Dr. John Ryan, at MBARI early in my PhD and he really turned me on to the amazing world of bioacoustics. I especially was thinking about how we have such a challenging time observing the behaviour of animals continuously through time in oceanic ecosystems. It made me understand just how valuable of a tool bioacoustics can be, and I really bought into that during my PhD and took a hard left turn into whale bioacoustics which was totally unexpected. Eventually I was able to bring it back around to oceanographic variability and animal behaviour. Ultimately, I feel incredibly fortunate and privileged to have had the opportunity to study such a fascinating and frankly charismatic creature.

Reverberating through the ice shelves and gyres of the Southern Ocean are the undersongs of the largest animal that has ever lived on this planet, the Antarctic blue whale. Telling tales of the hunt for krill, of navigation and seduction, these tunes can carry for hundreds of miles.

After industrial whaling annihilated 99% of the blue whale population during the 20th century, the International Whaling Commission banned hunting in 1966. The critically endangered Antarctic blue whale is the largest of the species, with some reaching 110 feet in length and 330,000 pounds. Scientists estimate that about 3,000 individuals remain. And although blue whales may be well known, they are not well understood.

Dr. Leroy, who is now on Runion Island in the Indian Ocean researching the vocal repertoires of local cetaceans, agrees about the mystery. While she says that acoustics offer vital tools for understanding the seasonal and geographic movements of the Antarctic blue whale, there is still much to learn.

Most whales and dolphins vocalise, but dolphins and toothed whales mostly make clicking and whistling sounds. Humpbacks, and possibly bowheads, sing complex songs with repeated patterns, says Michael Noad, an associate professor in the Cetacean Ecology and Acoustics Laboratory at the University of Queensland in Australia.

Birds may broadcast their social hierarchy among song-sharing populations by allowing the dominant bird to pick the playlist and patterns. But how and why whales pass song fragments across hundreds of miles, and to thousands of animals, is far more mysterious.

In another new paper, researchers at the University of Brest in France found that the pitch of Antarctic blue whale, pygmy blue whale and fin whale vocalisations fell from 2007 to 2016 at various recording sites in the southern Indian Ocean.

Their research, published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, also showed that the call pitch of the Antarctic blue whales varies across seasons, with pitches increasing 0.1 hertz during the spring and summer and dropping at other times.

In yet another new study related to whale song, researchers at Woods Hole found that short-finned pilot whales living off the coast of Hawaii have their own vocal dialects, suggesting that different groups are purposely avoiding one another.

Baleen whales are typically categorized as skimmers, gulpers, or suckers. Skimmers, like North Atlantic right whales, swim through patches of plankton with their mouths open as the water washes through the baleen, the tiny plankton are caught by the baleen and remain trapped in the their mouths. Gulpers are rorqual whales. Rorqual whales like blue and humpback whales have a series of pleats running from their lower jaw to the belly button which expand when they are filled with water. They close down with their upper jaw and force the water through the baleen, capturing fish or krill. Gray whales are suckers, they literally suck amphipods from the bottom of the ocean taking in mouthfuls of mud and food before forcing the water, sand and mud through their baleen as they capture their prey.

The blue whale is not only the biggest whale living today but the biggest creature ever to have lived on earth. They are mind-bogglingly gigantic - much larger than any of the dinosaurs. Blue whales and the other ocean giants live their whole lives in seawater, where their bodies are fully supported. What magnificent, incredible creatures they are!

Blue whales can reach the colossal length of 98ft (29.9m), longer than a basketball court or two school buses back to back! Blue whales in the Southern Hemisphere are generally larger than those in the Northern Hemisphere and female blues are larger than males.

Not surprisingly perhaps, the biggest mothers on earth give birth to the biggest babies. A newborn blue whale is 23 feet (7m) long and weighs up to three tons (5950lbs or 2700kg),which is about the size of a full grown hippo! For the first six or seven months of life, a baby blue whale drinks about 100-150 gallons (380-570 liters) of his or her mom's fat-laden milk (it is 35-50% fat) every day, (about enough to fill a bath). The baby can gain up to 10lbs (4.5kg) an hour or over 250lbs (113kg) every day. In other words the baby puts on over a ton in weight every 10 days! 2351a5e196

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