The core mechanic in Blue Dragon is the use of magical "shadows", with each playable character having a distinct shadow modeled after either a dragon, a phoenix, a bat, a minotaur, or a saber-toothed tiger. Each shadow can be assigned to a single character class (from a number of such classes) at a time, taking on the attributes and abilities of that class.[7] Only the active class may earn Class levels or "ranks", but players are free to change classes at any time except in combat, allowing the group's shadows to be customized in order to achieve the desired combination of skills.[5]

In Devour Village, they find themselves unable to escape the village without their magic, because the community is surrounded by evil trees. Shu has an epiphany and finds himself able to summon his dragon shadow without his sphere. Shu destroys the Eat Yeet in Devour Village, and the party is finally able to leave. Eventually all the party are able to summon their shadows again.

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Living organism or work of art? Is there a difference? In the case of the blue glaucus, also known as the blue dragon, the answer is no. The blue dragon (Glaucus atlanticus) is a type of mollusk, or sea slug, known as a nudibranch. It can be found on the surface of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans in temperate and tropical waters throughout the world.

This ornate creature rarely grows larger than three centimeters long or just over one inch. The blue dragon floats on its back (an air bubble in its stomach helping it maintain buoyancy), its brightly colored underbelly exposed to airborne predators. The blue side of its body acts as camouflage against the backdrop of ocean waves, while the pearlized silver/grey side blends in with the bright sea surface, hiding it from predators below.

Although blue dragons live on the open ocean, they sometimes wash up onto the shore, making for a spectacular - if small - sight against the beige sand. Beach-going humans may be compelled to pick the tiny beauties up for a closer look, but doing so can result in a painful sting.

The mosasaur was named for the place where it was found, Wakayama Prefecture. Researchers call it the Wakayama Soryu, which means blue dragon. Dragons are creatures of legend in Japanese folklore, Konishi said.

Blue Dragons like other Chromatic Dragons are more feline in body shape than a reptile in which their features resemble. They are covered in blue scales on the top of their body although the underbelly and webbings of the wings and ears are a yellow hue. They have wings just behind the front shoulder blades that are large enough to sustain flight for great distances. Unlike most other dragons they do not have a frill along the spine. The wing webbing extends all the way to the end of their tails aiding in long distance flying. A Blue Dragons head is close in resemblance with a Gila Monster or other short-faced reptiles although jaw is quite more jagged and filled with large teeth like a crocodile.

Blue dragons have a singular horn that points up and slightly forward sitting on top of their head. The base of the horn is very wide and quickly tapers off to a point. The back of the horn starts well behind the eye sockets and the front is almost to the end of their snout. This makes for a tremendously wide base for the horn. This is probably because the horn is actually hollow. Inside of the horn is specialized conductive nerves that can absorb electricity if it somehow strikes or channels through the horn. The horn has small holes closer to the base in some areas as to allow the channeling fo a current through the thick and hard bone that the horn is made of.

Blue Dragons like all Chromatic Dragons possess an elemental breath weapon. Blue dragons can expel a tremendous line of electrical energy. Like all dragons, this ability can not be used constantly and must be recharged over time. Blue Dragons can hasten this recharge by channeling external electrical energy into the horn. When expelled the energy comes in a line of approximately the width of their mouth and can arc to creatures near the beam even if it does not create direct contact. This makes the breath weapon extremely hard to avoid even with quick reflexes as merely being close can injure any creatures.

Blue Dragons are solitary creatures and prefer to live far away from other dragons. Their lairs are dug out of the sand into winding and large complexes. Navigating a Blue's lair is a challenging maze that those who do solve it are often let live from sheer admiration on their intelligence. Blues who are also adept at magics especially of an illusionary nature, use this ability to conceal the correct passages and traps to unsuspecting victims. The maze is also a death trap to most as incorrect paths result in death more often than not. While a Blue is well prepared for intruders those who are caught in the maze will be killed quickly and without mercy. Most often there is a line of silver just below the ground. This enables the Dragon to lose their electrical breath onto a starting point and execute any and all creatures in the maze and close enough to the silver.

Thier homes aside from the long mazes are usually very lavished with furniture made of hardwoods and marble. Usually, there is a dining room, sleeping chamber, gallery, treasure room, sitting room, prison, and library in a Blue Dragon's Lair. Each of these rooms is connected through secret tunnels constructed by the dragon for convenience although usually trapped or hidden as only the dragon can easily use them. Their gallery is a collection of great works of art, usually paintings, that the dragons find interesting. They prefer elven artists who often are great at showing others the beauty of the Prime Material.

Although they value riches they mostly value knowledge and books. Blue dragons are quite possibly the only ones known to raid town libraries. they collect books of unique knowledge and even spell books. While their memory is not perfect like that of a White Dragon they retain close to all knowledge they gain and never own a double of any book. Large portions of their time when in seclusion is pouring over unread books of any subject.

Eggs of a blue dragon are lightly covered in sand and incubated in the desert heat. If uncovered they'll die in the cold nights. For this reason, they're often cleverly hidden in remote or secluded areas of deserts as to not be disturbed. A clutch consists of around 12 eggs and each egg is carefully buried in their own remote locations within the mother's territory. After around 7 months of incubation, the eggs will hatch and the young reptiles will wander off into the sands looking for their own homes.

Blue dragons live for thousands of years but eventually, their lives will end. Dragons fear death and often try and unnaturally extend their lives. Blue dragons differ from other dragons by relying almost exclusively on their own knowledge on how to achieve this immortality and prefer the path of a Dracolich.

Blue Dragons the most intelligent dragons in the Chromatic family. They value this ability above strength, size, and power which easily infuriates Red Dragons who value strength and power. A Blue Dragon is not physically weak by any means but focuses on expanding knowledge and the mind. From an early age, they are extremely cunning. Blue Dragons often engage in matches of wit with other creatures and find the powers of the mind extremely fascinating despite not being psychic themselves.

While Blue Dragons are powerful and dangerous to any intruders more than any other dragon they are paranoid. Often jumpy and anxious they can work themselves into a paranoid frenzy at times. The drawback of brilliance is knowing everything that can potentially happen. They fear things they don't recognize or know also, often attacking a new creature immediately to make sure they can not harm them, despite the size. Once collected a Blue Dragon will then extensively research a new creature to exhaust all potential fears of a threat. While not all Blue Dragons are extremely paranoid all have a more than a healthy respect for the unknown.

Blue Dragons prefer to be alone as the less around the less they have to consider and can focus more on their studies. Blue Dragons more often than not will not allow any other creatures into their homes as simply being heard can be a potential distraction. When disturbed Blue Dragons become angry and irritated, if unlucky adventures where to stumble on a Blue Dragon reading, despite the advantage of surprise, they would be denied almost any chance of conversation as the dragons fury would be unleashed upon them. This isolation includes other Blue Dragons, making cohabitation nearly impossible.

The only social engagement is that of a once a decade Council by all Blue Dragons within an area. These councils consist of all adult dragons in the known area. These councils are mandatory and upon pain of death, by every other member, each is required to show up. Young dragons are not exactly exempt even though they can not participate in any discussion. They will often hide from others to avoid indoctrination into the council. To not attend is a crime of hoarding knowledge from one's peers and seen as an offense to understanding and intelligence requiring elimination.

Blue Dragons have an odd idea of love by any creature's standards. Blue Dragons truly do love their mates but not enough to live with them or even distract them from their studies. Intense and undying love from afar. Often times Blue Dragons are attracted to each other because of intelligence but also because of personal interests, not unlike humanoids. They will form a personal bond of marriage and communicate via magical means until the next meetup. They will only meet outside of the council every once in a while to mate but aside from that they only see each other once each decade. Despite the distance, they are protective of each other and if bonded will aid the other dragon in danger. Unfortunately, aid is not guaranteed as paranoia often causes false alarms which may take more convincing if indeed truly in trouble. 2351a5e196

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