Combinatorics & Geometry BLT seminar
This virtual seminar on topics that bridge combinatorics and geometry will be held on Zoom (usually) at 12-1 pm Eastern (Toronto) Time on the first Wednesday of every month. Complete this form to join our mailing list.
Ahmed Ashraf (University of Toronto, Mississauga)
Christin Bibby (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge)
Graham Denham (Western University, London ON)
Intersection theory of matroids: variations on a theme
Chow rings of toric varieties, which originate in intersection theory, feature a rich combinatorial structure of independent interest. We survey four different ways of computing in these rings, due to Billera, Brion, Fulton–Sturmfels, and Allermann–Rau. We illustrate the beauty and power of these methods by sketching four proofs of Huh and Huh–Katz’s formula µ^k (M) = deg(α^{r−k}β^k) for the coefficients of the reduced characteristic polynomial of a matroid M as the mixed intersection numbers of the hyperplane and reciprocal hyperplane classes α and β in the Chow ring of M. Each of these proofs sheds light on a different aspect of matroid combinatorics, and provides a framework for further developments in the intersection theory of matroids.
Our presentation is combinatorial, and does not assume previous knowledge of toric varieties, Chow rings, or intersection theory.
The tropicalization of a subscheme of P^n is given by a homogeneous ideal in the semiring of tropical polynomials that satisfies some matroidal conditions. This can be thought of as a "tower of valuated matroids". In this talk I will highlight what we currently know about the connection between these matroids and the geometry of the subscheme, including recent progress on the Nullstellensatz with Felipe Rincon, and some connections still to be understood.
Categorical valuations for polytopes and matroids
Valuations of matroids are very useful and very mysterious. After taking some time to explain this concept, I will categorify it, with the aim of making it both more useful and less mysterious.
Click here for the recording.
In 2009, looking to bound the face vectors of matroid subdivisions and tropical linear spaces, Speyer introduced the g-invariant of a matroid. He proved its coefficients nonnegative for matroids representable in characteristic zero and conjectured this in general. Later, Shaw and Speyer and I reduced the question to positivity of the top coefficient. This talk will overview work in progress with Berget that proves the conjecture.
Geometrically, the main ingredient is a variety obtained from projection away from the base of the matroid tautological vector bundles of Berget--Eur--Spink--Tseng, and its initial degenerations. Combinatorially, it is an extension of the definition of external activity to a pair of matroids and a way to compute it using the fan displacement rule. The work of Ardila and Boocher on the closure of a linear space in (P^1)^n is a special case.
Click here for the recording.
Tropicalization of Principal Minors
Tropicalization is a way to understand the asymptotic behavior of algebraic (or semi-algebraic) sets through polyhedral geometry. In this talk, I will describe the tropicalization of the principal minors of real symmetric and Hermitian matrices. This gives a combinatorial way of understanding their asymptotic behavior and discovering new inequalities on these minors. For positive semidefinite matrices, the resulting tropicalization will have nice combinatorial structure called M-concavity and be closely related to the tropical Grassmannian and tropical flag variety. For general Hermitian matrices, this story extends to valuated delta matroids.
This is based on joint works with Abeer Al Ahmadieh, Nathan Cheung, Tracy Chin, Gaku Liu, Felipe Rincón, and Josephine Yu.
Click here for the recording.
The generalized Pitman-Stanley polytope
In 1999, Pitman and Stanley introduced the polytope bearing their name along with a study of its faces, lattice points, and volume. This polytope is well-studied due to its connections to parking functions, lattice path matroids, generalized permutahedra/polymatroids, and flow polytopes. Its lattice points correspond to plane partitions of skew shape with entries 0 and 1. Pitman and Stanley remarked that their polytope can be generalized so that lattice points correspond to plane partitions of skew shape with entries 0,1,...,m. Since then, this generalization has been untouched. We study this generalization and show that it can also be realized as a flow polytope of a grid graph. In this talk I will discuss characterizations of its vertices and give formulas for the number of vertices and faces as well as new and old formulas for the number of lattice points and volume.
This is joint work with Maura Hegarty, William Dugan, and Annie Raymond.
Chow functions for partially ordered sets
In a landmark paper in 1992, Stanley developed the foundations of what is now known as the Kazhdan--Lusztig--Stanley (KLS) theory. To each kernel in a graded poset, he associates special functions called KLS polynomials. This unifies and puts a common ground for i) the Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomial of a Bruhat interval in a Coxeter group, ii) the toric g-polynomial of a polytope, iii) the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial of a matroid. In this talk I will introduce a new family of functions, called Chow functions, that encode various deep cohomological aspects of the combinatorial objects named before. In the three settings mentioned before, the Chow function describes i) a descent-like statistic enumerator for paths in the Bruhat graph, ii) the enumeration of chains of faces of the polytope, iii) the Hilbert series of the matroid Chow ring. This is joint work with Jacob P. Matherne and Lorenzo Vecchi.
Triangulations of spheres and determinants of Hodge-Riemann forms
From a triangulation of a sphere, one can construct a graded ring, the generic artinian reduction of the Stanley-Reisner ring, which satisfies an analogue of Poincare duality. It is equipped with several nondegenerate forms, called Hodge-Riemann forms. This ring is defined over a field of Laurent polynomials, and these bilinear forms have remarkable properties: for example, Papadakis and Petrotou showed that they are anisotropic, i.e., the associated quadratic form has no nontrivial zeros. We compute the determinants of these bilinear forms and show that they contain enough information to recover the triangulation of the sphere. Joint with Isabella Novik and Alan Stapledon.
Title and abstract TBA