What comes to mind when you hear the title "Blood Glacier?" Apart from a giant plasma-encrusted iceberg, that is. I'm sure your mind is racing. I know mine was! I had to know: what's in a blood glacier? Is this a SyFy Channel Film? A rose by any other name? Do I smell gas? In no short order, "Blood Glacier" answers: rapidly-mutating monster bacteria; no, it's an Austrian indie horror film; it'd smell as sweet; and yes, get help.

The film starts with a needlessly blocky text scroll. This introductory intertitle is only seven sentences long, but imagine those sentences as read by a crazy old man that's angry, but sleepy, though angry, still sleepy: "In 2014, the last [global-warming] skeptics fall silent," blah blah blah, "Alpine glaciers will disappear," and so on, and "Life on Earth will change forever." Then a beat, then "We will change." Sorry, guys, but you can't light a fire under my seat with a fire extinguisher.

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Okay... so the glacier looks like its dripping blood because of a red single-celled organism that acts as a genetic amalgamation foundry. Basically, if any creature ingests this red organism, it will take the host's DNA, plus the DNA of anything it ate, and produce a mutation of the two. A fox eats a beetle, you get a beetle-fox. A hawk eats a wasp, you get a hawk-wasp. A bear eats goat, you get goat-bear. Okay, you get the point.

May be a film where a climber could suspend disbelief, but not a biologist!

Also this story may be based on the actual Blood Falls in the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica:


Throughout the film, a team of scientists, government officials and a technician fight mutants at a research base in the Austrian Alps as a glacier oozes a mysterious red liquid that transforms local wildlife into deadly abominations.

Although the film may not reflect the literal realities of climate change, it asks its audience to consider how their choices shape a future so fragile that even the world's glaciers are no longer permanent, Tidwell explained.

"Blood Glacier" follows a growing trend toward telling creative stories about climate change. Fiction or nonfiction, stories about melting glaciers or coastal towns threatened by rising seas could offer a more emotional or engaging understanding of a warming world that science traditionally has not provided.

If an organism consumes any of this blood-red bacteria, it will have the bacteria in its DNA. If that organism is then consumed by another, this second organism will then mutate, gaining anatomical aspects of the creature it consumed and becoming hyper-aggressive.

The bacteria are blood-red, single-celled organisms responsible for the red coloration of certain glaciers. The mutants created by the bacteria include a moth-deer hybrid, a wasp-bird hybrid, and a fox-beetle hybrid.

Researcher Janek (Gerhard Liebmann) is out walking his dog when he comes across a large glacier leaking a red liquid. Investigating a nearby cave he finds a creature that attacks his dog, so both Janek and his canine companion leg it back to the lab to tell the others what happened.

This study serves as a starting point for the AlpAlga project as the team attempts to address the many remaining questions about glacier blood. We still don't know what environmental conditions trigger the algal blooms; how the seasonal appearance and disappearance of snow affects the algal life cycle; or how the blooms affect snowmelt and glacial retreat, on a large scale, Marchal noted.

In an upcoming expedition later this month, the team plans to establish a long-term research site where they can track algal blooms through the changing seasons. They will analyze the gradients between white and red snow, to see what conditions cause blooms to occur, and sample algal cells to cultivate in their labs. These lines of research should not only unpack the mysteries of glacier blood, but also grant insight into how the Alps ecosystem might change as the climate warms, Marchal said.

Melting glaciers in the polar regions often make headlines, partially because their impact on sea-level rise has been widely discussed, Marchal said. But climate change also has a huge impact on landlocked glaciers in mountainous regions, where glacial water serves as a reservoir for river systems, he said. So in the long run, the impacts of climate change will be felt in mountainous regions, "even if you're far from the seashore."

Dubbed "glacier blood," the phenomenon occurs when algae rapidly overgrow, and researchers suspect it can reveal how climate change affects high elevation environments like the Alps, reports Dharna Noor for Gizmodo. The study was published in Frontiers in Plant Science.

Director Marvin Kren wisely provides mostly glimpses of the mutant animals that soon begin to gather outside the weather station. There's a half-louse/half-fox combo, a monster mountain goat, and a blood-swollen mosquito the size of a cell phone. Also a snarling death bird that comes screaming down out of the sky to bury its pincers in a luckless girl's leg, and various close-ups of throbbing guts and alarming subcutaneous horrors. Not much that you haven't seen before in some form, but it's fun to see it again.

Blood Glacier boldly announces itself before running through a list of familiar horror movie tropes. A team of scientists led by the burly and morose Janek (Gerhard Liebmann) are responsible for studying the few remaining glaciers not yet decimated by global warming. The discovery of a blood soaked glacier sparks a gory chain of events across the German Alps.

The lake under the glacier has an unusually salty consistency, and because saltwater has a lower freezing point than pure water and releases heat as it freezes, it melts the ice, enabling the rivers to flow.

Water temperature and brine content were also found to be related: Cracks of various sizes in the glacier let brine into the glacier. Then the brine (pictured here in red to represent the amount of iron present in the water) begins to freeze, and the latent heat warms the ice around it, upping the brine concentration in the center of the cracks.

Working in a remote outpost of the German Alps, technician Janek and a cohort of scientists are stunned to discover a bleeding blood glacier parked high up in the mountain range. As the gory infected berg melts the blood attracts the local wildlife only to transform them into hellish hybrids and monstrous mutations.

During the infamous Terra Nova Expedition to Antarctica in 1911, British geologist Thomas Griffith Taylor made a mysterious discovery at the rocky base of the glacier that now bears his name: a waterfall of what appeared to be blood.

One of those was Mikucki, whose team had previously conducted an analysis of Blood Falls samples using devices and methods identical to those employed by rovers traversing the surface of the Red Planet. A prolific Antarctic researcher, Mikucki was part of the team that first identified the presence of living organisms in the lake beneath the Taylor Glacier. That team mapped the caves and rivers of the glacier to the water's source: an ancient, briny subglacial reservoir containing myriad minerals gathered by the ice in its crawl across the rocks below. The reason for the water's startling gory appearance, though, remained unclear.

Gerhard Liebmann plays a drunk handyman at a remote research station beset by animals mutated by the leavings of the eerie red glacier of the title. Director Martin Kren makes him work very hard to save the day and regain a little of his dignity. His struggle is much more gripping than perhaps it ought to be, and its endemic of Blood Glacier as a whole: the little movie that could.

Dr. Heidi Sevestre studies the surging Wahlenbergbreen glacier in Svalbard, which has accelerated in recent years. Using time lapse footage, she and her team monitor the glacier's movements and find it's moving at an incredibly fast pace of four to five meters per day. e24fc04721

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