1st International Workshop on

Blockchain for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems

(Adhering to Security, Trust and Integrity)

1st International Workshop on

Blockchain for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems

(Adhering to Security, Trust and Integrity)

in conjunction with

14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing


December 6 - 8, Leicester, UK


The aim of this workshop is to provide a platform for industrial practitioners and academic researchers to think beyond the boundaries and design/develop Blockchain-based scalable, smart, and sustainable CPSs. Moreover, our focus is intended to discuss the near-term and long-term confluence of the smart CPS and Blockchain.

The workshop will be help in conjunction with the 14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (IEEE/ACM UCC) - during 6 - 9 December, 2021 in Leicester, UK. All accepted workshop papers will be included in the proceedings published by IEEE and made available online via the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Digital Library.

Topics of Interest

Previously unpublished contributions in Blockchain derived by experimental and theoretical communication, networking and analytics techniques for the Smart CPS are solicited including (but not limited to):

  • Scalable and Parallel Blockcians in Smart CPS

  • Blockchain for Security and Trust in Smart City applications

  • IoT frameworks for Blockchain in smart CPS

  • Consensus and Trust building with Blockchain in smart CPS

  • Scalability issues for Blockchain in smart CPS

  • Applications of big data analytics for Blockchain in smart CPS

  • Software-defined networking for Blockchain-based CPS

  • Standardization paradigms for Blockchains in smart CPS

  • Edge/cloud platform for Blockchain in smart CPS

  • Edge –as-a-service for Blockchain-based CPS

  • Blockchain-enabled smart energy CPS and smart grid

  • Applications of Blockchain in e-health environment and medical diagnostics

  • Case Studies and real-world testbeds of Blockchains in smart CPS

  • Distributed consensus algorithms for Blockchain in smart CPSs

  • Secure communication architectures for smart city applications

  • Increasing resilience and scalability in smart city-based cyber-physical paradigms

  • Self-healing and optimization techniques for the communication infrastructure

  • Machine learning for Trust and Resilience in smart CPS

  • Trust management between various devices in smart CPS

  • Fraud and theft detection in smart CPS using Blockchain

Workshop Chairs

  1. Dr. Gagangeet Singh Aujla, Department of Computer Science, Durham University, UK. (Email: gagangeet.s.aujla@durham.ac.uk)

  2. Dr. Anish Jindal, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK. (Email: a.jindal@essex.ac.uk)

Publicity Chairs

Paper Submission

The BlockCPS workshop invites authors to submit original and unpublished work. Papers should not exceed 6 pages single-spaced double-column, using ACM format. Additional pages might be purchased upon the approval of the proceedings chair.

  • Submission Link at easychair

  • Submission requires the willingness of at least one of the authors to register for an early full and non-student fee and present the paper.

  • All papers submitted to this workshop will peer-reviewed and proceedings will be published by ACM and made available online via the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Digital Library.

For further submission guideline: see IEEE/ACM UCC webpage at https://www.cs.le.ac.uk/events/UCC2021/index.htm

Important Dates

      • Papers Submission Deadline: September 25, 2021 [FIRM DEADLINE]

      • Notification of Acceptance: October 20, 2021

      • Deadline for Camera-ready Papers: October 31, 2021

      • Deadline for Author Registration: April 30, 2020

      • Workshop date (tentative): December 6-9 2021 (Exact date to be determined)

Technical Program Committee

  • Prof. Omer F. Rana, Cardiff University, UK

  • Prof. Albert Y. Zomaya, Univeristy of Sydney, Australia

  • Prof. Rajiv Ranjan, Newcastle Univeristy, UK

  • Prof. Neeraj kumar, Thapar Univeristy, India

  • Prof. Salil Kanhere, University of New South Wales, Australia

  • Prof. Amir H Gandomi, UTS, Australia

  • Prof. Radu Prodan, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

  • Prof. Valentina Balas, Univeristy of Arad, Romania

  • Dr. Wanqing Tu, Durham University, UK

  • Dr. Syed Hassan Ahmed, WMA Wireless, USA

  • Dr. Harpreet Singh Dhillon, Virginia Tech, USA

  • Dr. Amitabh Trehan, Durham University, UK

  • Dr. Kuljeet Kaur, University of Quebec, Canada

  • Dr. Gabriele Gianini, Università degli Studi di of Milano, Italy

BlockCPS Programme

Workshops Programme: Day 4, Thursday, 9th December 2021, Online Event

(NOTE: The programme is in the UK time zone) Zoom Links to Workshops: Room 2 https://zoom.us/j/97980800986?pwd=YnpzNHRjSXNCMXl4SHlzeG9TOWJyQT09

9:00 – 10:30 BlockCPS Online Session I Session Chair: Raman Singh, University of West of Scotland

9:00 – 9:30 Yasheng Zhang, Chengcheng Li, Chao Wang Peiying Zhang

Blockchain-based Cyber-Physical Systems Security Autonomous Routing Scheme

09:30 – 10:00 Davit Marikyan, Savvas Papagiannidis, Rajiv Ranjan, Omer Rana

General Data Protection Regulation: An Individual’s Perspective

10:00 – 10:30 Qijie Qian, Yu‘ao Wang, Hao She, Yong‘an Guo, Hongbo Sun

Multi-Path Selection Access Algorithm and Design of Intelligent Perception Network Model for Blockchain-Enabled CPSs

10:30 – 11:00 Break

11:00 – 12:30 BlockCPS Online Session II Session Chair: Devki Nandan Jha, Oxford University, UK

11:00 – 11:30 Vladislav Kashansky, Radu Prodan, Aso Validi, Cristina Olaverri-Monreal, Gleb Radchenko

Monitoring System Architecture for the Multi-Scale Blockchain-based Logistic Network

11:30 – 12:00 Gang Wang, Mark Nixon;

SoK: Tokenization on Blockchain

12:00 – 12:30 Andres Heredia, Gabriel Barros-Gavilanes

Dealing With Multi-Step Verification Processes For Certification Issuance In Universities