Here is what i am trying to do,in css i am setting the display to none, but when the page loads i am trying make the div visible using the class, but the div is still hidden.How can i show the div using class.

Heroes are the playable characters in Block N Load. Each hero has different abilities and weapons which affect how they are played. 

 In addition to each hero's unique block there is one of three Roles each hero belongs to. This determines which device blocks are available. 

 One hero per role will be available to play without purchasing it at any given time, and these will change regularly. See Free Rotation for more information. 

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Has anyone ran into an issue when using wp-scripts package that the {block}.asset.php file gets auto-generated but has blank dependencies? For example, I have an editor.asset.php file in my src block files with the following code:

I was digging into the actual code within the node package that generates the contents of this file, and it appears the if statement within this code block never runs because this.externalizedDeps is always just an empty set.

I have no issues using this block if I import the class from and call MongoDBConnection.load(). However, I would like to use the generic Block.load(/) pattern to avoid messy imports when sharing custom block definitions between flows.

unfortunately, the flow code/module still must be installed within the environment, the block only stores the configuration data and methods server side, the code remains private on your infrastructure for privacy reasons

As you can see from the gfycat link, I've bypassed the structure block's limit of 32x32x32 and loaded a 31x252x32 structure with 1 block. I used observer blocks to power the structure blocks inisde a loaded structure to create a chain reaction.

When I was making a structure block based map( -the-button-the-portable-map/), I discovered that observers give off a redstone signal when it is placed and decided to use it to activate command blocks when a structure is loaded. Since default command blocks and structure blocks only activate when their block states change from unpowered to powered, the observer is perfect for this situation.

The preset I used for this world is stored in a command block near the structure. I preferred to use it because the dark sky made by the sky(end) biome made the white border lines easier to see. The obsidian floor was also good for recognizing the lines.

A Load Block is the assembly of hook, swivel, bearing, sheaves, pins and frame and is suspended by hoisting ropes or load chains. It is used to lift and move objects up to a specific lifting capacity.

So I just got done updating my title block. I changed the name from the default one and save it. But then I did something else and sky cad crashed. When I reopened SkyCad my Project was pointing to the old Title Block. How Can I tell it to point to the new Title Block file?

What do you mean by this exatly. Do you mean tht the old Title block are still used on existing sheets (and you want to change that), or that the old title block is defined as default for new sheets? Or both?

For both solutions, you will need to strt by making sure your new title block openned in the left tree view. (If it is not already, click 'Open project', and dig into the path structure to get to 'C:\SkyCAD Environments\Standard Environment\Catalogue\root class\SkyCad specific Classes\Graphical Element\graphical object\graphical block\Title block\' where you should find it.)

I need to replace the existing title block with a different one on a number of drawings. I have a new one that I have created. I can open the new one up in the tree as described above. But, when I try to delete the existing one from a drawing the whole drawing frame disapperars and the process of coping/pasting as described above does not appear to work.

But, when I try to delete the existing one from a drawing the whole drawing frame disapperars and the process of coping/pasting as described above does not appear to work. 

Since you have the title block open in the tree view, if you right-click on it there and choose Copy, then right-click on your sheet (with no title block anymore) and choose Paste, your new title block should be inserted.

What influence the load time (by the viewer) of a Storyline block in Rise? I noticed in the preview, sometimes a simple Storyline block, consisting only one slide and several shapes with drag and drop, but it takes a while to load. Is that the internet speed, or there is something in the design that I can do to 'lighten' the load time?

This article explains how Storyline slides are preloaded, and that includes Storyline blocks. If you're seeing slow loading, it could be due to a poor internet connection. I would suggest testing the Share link on several computers to see if there's any improvement in speed. We're happy to help you test that if you'd like to open a case.

We are on a fast gigabit and and Storyline blocks always show as loading for a few moments which is very outputting. Surely there must be a way to preload all Rise content in the background so users have a smooth experience?

Following up here. I use Storyline blocks in Rise all the time and for every course, I see the same slow load time for those blocks. I've had multiple users with, PC, Mac, with different internet connections, all experience the same issue. It's not great for the learning experience.

I'm interested in this as well. I have two interactive forms that load really slowly (attached) and in another lesson, three interactive forms which load instantaneously. The slow the load ones are 2300 and 1700 kb in size and the instant load ones are only around 500 kb. I'm guessing this is why but it's really frustrating, especially when one of the instant load blocks contains numerical calculations! The slow to load ones do have three radio buttons as well as text fields but I wouldn't have thought it should take so long - like probably 30 seconds or more with the flashing dots. Can someone please help? Thanks!

I have two relatively new laptops. Both have similar "good" specs. and operate almost identical. Storyline blocks (and especially the audio narration on first SL slide with audio) load slowly on one laptop. Fast on the other. Seems to do this on Rise preview as well as after published.

Any update on this issue? It is extremely jarring for the user to see a loading screen for up to 10 seconds! I have published all my storyline blocks at the lowest possible image/video quality and this issues is still persisting. It makes the feature practically unusable. @LeaAgato, it is unreasonable for us to ask users to clear their browser cache or disable any of their browser extensions before launching a course.

I'd recommend testing your course on different devices, such as on another laptop, or your mobile phone. If the behavior only occurs on a few devices, try clearing their browser's cache to see if this helps. If the loading issue can be observed on all of the devices that you test your course on, open a support case here so we can take a closer look at what's happening.

smercurio is most probably right, one last thing you could try is to open a new blank VI and dragdrop your main VI unto its blockdiagram and try to open/resave it as a subVI of the new VI. The odds are against it working, but it can't hurt to try.

I have had this issue too with a vi that LabVIEW had automatically recovered after a crash. I couldn't save the recovered file and found that copying and pasting the block diagram doesn't quite work as only parts of the copied code are pasted into the new blank vi.

As Stubon mentioned, trying to copy and paste the block diagram contents to another VI left big gaps in mine as well. It basically was the largest structure containing the offending code (in my case a sequence frame but I am guessing this may be similar for any structure), so I copied its contents and pasted. Again some of the code copied but there was a for loop that did not. coping its contents to a new VI revealed a single item that did not copy. In my case an express elapsed time VI. This failure has happened to me twice where the culprits were two different express VIs and WVisser also mentioned an express VI causing the issue for him. Seems to be a common thread.

oh, What im trying to do is this,

Which loads this blocks in the startup of the offline snap.

image754166 6.94 KB

thats what i want it to be, load file in startup

Sorry if my english is bad,i just live in another countryok

I test the code on my android phone by using AI2 Companian. It seems work well. but the List view doesn't work well. testDetay ListViews was updating when I select an item of Testler ListView. AfterPicking block doesn't work on AI2 Companion. The App is crashing after a few trials.


my code stop working today. It keeps showing me this message

The blocks area did not load properly. Changes to the blocks for screen 6176709300060160_Screen5 will not be saved.

Could u guys help me

This is my projectMyEDU_Screen_checkpoint2.aia (422.4 KB)

The attached image suggests the 'AirLoop Component Load Summary' is indicating the Peak Load data. But when the zone level loads (fenestration solar, people, lights, etc.) are summed up, the difference suggests it might be the block load that is being indicated in the EnergyPlus report. Is this the case or is there any other section of the report which indicates the block loads of the air systems? Thank you in advance for your help.

The Zone Component Loads Summary is computed at times for the individual zones while the Airloop Component Loads Summary is computed at the time that the peak occurs for the airloop across all zones that are served by that airloop. In that way, the report is similar to a block load is calculated. Please take a look at the documentation for the report. 17dc91bb1f

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