Jaraz Jenkins

Richmond, VA

My work expands on identity as well as contemporary social conflict. As a black man, I am compelled to create paintings that reflect my personal experiences in relation to the social climate and African American culture. Portraiture, which is prominent in my paintings, relates a story told solely through human expression. My palette is clustered with semi-dry oil paints, creating its own skin and texture. Texture in my paintings symbolizes toughness. The tough personas black Americans must adapt to and present, as well as the tough environments in which people must endure. My current work has focused on portraits of Modern-Day Heroes, black men and women of the 21st-century who have become martyrs of their time. Their lives shine a bright light on the existing inequality that people of color still face today. I want to continue this series of paintings, of portraits and scenery, which expresses the strength and resilience of African American people in 2020.

Nipsey Hussle

Rapper Nipsey Hussle was killed in March 2019(In Memoriam)

acrylic paints on primed sketch book cover / 9 x 12 in

kalief browder

Kalief Browder (May 25, 1993 – June 6, 2015) was an African-American youth from The Bronx, New York, who was held at the Rikers Island jail complex, without trial, between 2010 and 2013 for allegedly stealing a backpack containing valuables. During his imprisonment, Browder was in solitary confinement for two years.
Two years after his release, Browder hanged himself at his parents' home.(In Memoriam)

acrylic paints on primed sketch book cover / 9 x 12 in