Support Me!

Because Blue does so much, there's several ways to support him.

Blue tries to keep his Ko-fi up to date--everything posted on Ko-fi is free to all, however if you want to leave a donation/tip, feel free to! Blue will awkwardly say thank you because being handed money and told "good job" will forever feel strange to him.

Other ways to show support are just plain following his Twitter(s) and joining the discord!

BloodMad is a PvP turn-based strategy game with gothic horror elements. Blue was the Narrative Designer for this game, and also helped with early concept sketches--If you're interested, the image of the game will take you to the official website where you can learn more about it, as well as buy your own copy of the game!

Blue is one of the artist belonging to Gallery 200. Here is where they'll have original art pieces for sale among other artist's amazing work. You can click the Gallery 200 logo to be taken directly to their website.

Beside Gallery 200, Blue will also sometimes post art and other designs on their RedBubble for purchasing, though as Etsy is updated the designs here will slowly be cycled away. Click the Redbubble logo to be taken directly there!

Etsy is where Blue will be posting his stickers and other art prints for sale as he creates them! Please consider following his shop and throwing some hearts on some of his products so Etsy thinks he's cool! ...or buy the things too! Click the Etsy heart to be taken directly to the website!

Who's Yellow?


Yellow honestly started because my username was written in yellow, and seeing "blue" in the color yellow felt wrong, so I temporarily changed it, and people liked it. I guess it helped that Yellow is my second favorite color! Yellow feels peppy and happy as a color, so I thought she'd be perfect for the "PR"/advertisement portions. Colors have personalities, I swear.