I'm trying to learn CMake so I started with the tutorial on their website. Some functioniality like versioning with .h.in files I couldn't get to work in Visual Studio so I decided to just use CMD and CMake. Due to VS being installed CMake defaulted to creating a VS solution, after uninstalling VS it now defaults to NMake Makefiles. I want to use the MinGW generator. I know I can pass this by using the -G flag but I would like to make this to CMake's default behavior.

Bing Image Creator preview will also be available in Microsoft Edge, making it the first and only browser with an integrated AI-powered image generator. To use Bing Image Creator in Edge, simply click the Bing Image Creator icon in the sidebar to create your image or invoke from Bing chat in Edge.

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Why was the password generator removed from the notification tray icon in Windows? Please please bring back the password generator option on right click of the 1Password notification tray icon. We all require passwords for many places/purposes that have nothing to do with web sites/browsing. It is totally unnecessary to have to open a web browser to get to the 1Password plugin/extension in order to create a number of passwords. Such a hassle.

Hi @Philipbm, thank you for letting us know that you'd like to have the password generator in Quick Access. I have submitted a vote on your behalf for our existing feature request on the issue. We appreciate your feedback!

I sincerely do not understand why features have been removed from v8. I too used the password generator feature a lot. Ironically today I created my 1Password Support Community account for the first time and when it asked for a password was when I realised this feature was missing. (ironic?) I understand the feature still exists if you create a new login (and the addition of a 'memorable' password is welcomed since I would often have to go to an external website for these) but when I'm creating a new account it's simply not convenient to have to first create this in 1Password just to be able to access the password generator facility.

That the password generator in the client is missing makes it a very painful experience, especially for cases where the Browser is not already opened (yes this still occurs) or the password gen from the browser extension is unable to copy the password to the global clipboard, for usecases like copying the password to another RDP session.

Just moved to v8 and very disappointed to see no password generator. The development assumption that password generation is expressly linked to creation of a new item is faulty logic and inherently flawed. Many use cases exist for needing to do password generation outside of a created and maintained item. Please add the functionality back to the Windows app. If you're at a loss for how to invoke it, simply add a line for it in the "3-dots" root menu.

I also miss the frequently used password generator in the notification area and I appreciate if it comes back soon.

I wonder why one would spend extra working hours to remove a perfectly working feature. Using the browser addon or switching back to v7 are inconvenient for me.

Hello again folks, thanks for the additional feedback letting us know that you'd like to see the password generator appear back in-app in a manner other than through editing an item. As previously noted, the current best use of this feature is by using the password generator in 1Password in the browser. @brianglett, and @paxmundi, I've added you votes.

Thanks for chiming in here with your interest in seeing the password generator making a return to the app. We have no updates to provide, but I have included a +1 for you letting the product team know this is something you'd like see. ?

Let me add my voice of disappointment about the disappearance of the password generator. I'm sorry, but I don't want to add something to my browser to do this. I just want what the previous version had: an option that was accessible via right-clicking the icon in the System Tray (Windows, obvs).

Hey @bjkeefe, thank you for your feedback. I'm glad to hear you've identified a way to generate a password within 1Password 8. I certainly understand this may not be ideal and I've added your voice to the internal request to bring back the item-independent password generator.

I needed a generator that would help me to create windows procedurally instead of manually for my work, as we have 5 different systems (with different profiles, basically the geometry of the window), and dimensions that can vary from 400 mm to 1600 mm, and even more. Additionally, depending on the size of the window, different furniture is required (such as closing mechanisms, hinges, and scissors that hold the window in an open position). To be honest, I had no idea how complex this generator would end up being, but I started with the simple need to make some windows. As a starting point, I only had the profiles from the PVC manufacturer in a .dwg format, which are basically just splines that define the shape of the sash, frame, bead, and other profiles. I prefer an iterative approach when creating generators because it is easier to start with some foundation and solve problems as they arise. So, to make a window, I needed to extrude all the profiles along the curve. Luckily, windows are just rectangles, so there were almost no problems during this step. I said "almost" because Blender has this weird bug with curves and profiling, but I found a solution for my case at least. The other problem was opening the window sash, I decided to shift pivot point using Transform node. You can check how the generator works in the video, and there are also some screenshots of a few nodes. I will probably make another post with more specifics. So feel free to ask any questions or leave feedback.

I would like to check whether the "Dual Elliptic Curve Deterministic Random Bit Generator (Dual EC DRBG)" algorithm is set or not. And if the default generator is set to "Dual EC DRBG", I would like to configure a more appropriate random number generator.

Windows has a mechanism for configuring the default RNG algorithm to be used by various parts of the system. The default configurations for Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008R2 do not use Dual EC DRBG as the default random number generator algorithm. The default random number generator algorithm for these versions of Windows is AES_CTR_DRBG from SP800-90a.

CMake Generators are platform-specific so each may be available onlyon certain platforms. The cmake(1) command-line tool--help output lists available generators on thecurrent platform. Use its -G option to specify thegenerator for a new build tree. The cmake-gui(1) offersinteractive selection of a generator when creating a new build tree.

Some of the CMake Generators listed in the cmake(1)command-line tool --help output may havevariants that specify an extra generator for an auxiliary IDE tool.Such generator names have the form - .The following extra generators are known to CMake.

The source generator is compatible with other target framework monikers (TFMs) aside from .NET 6.0, that is .NET 5.0 and lower, .NET Framework, and .NET Standard. The API shape of the generated source code is consistent across the TFMs, but the implementation may vary based on the framework APIs that are available on each TFM.

The System.Text.Json source generator helps us to remove this warm-up phase by shifting the runtime inspection of serializable types using reflection to compile-time. The result of this inspection can be source code that initializes instances of structured serialization metadata. The generator can also generate highly-optimized serialization logic that can honor a set of serialization features that are specified ahead-of-time. By default, the generator emits both kinds of source, but can be configured to generate only one of these kinds of outputs either across a set of types, or per serializable type.

The System.Text.Json source generator has two modes: one that generates type-metadata initialization logic, and another that generates serialization logic. Users can configure the source generator to use one or both of these modes for JSON-serializable types in a project, depending on the (de)serialization scenario. Metadata generated for a type contains structured information in a format that can be optimally utilized by the serializer to serialize and deserialize instances of that type to and from JSON representations. Serialization logic uses direct calls to Utf8JsonWriter methods to write JSON representations of .NET objects, using a predetermined set of serialization options. By default, the source generator generates both metadata initialization logic and serialization logic, but can be configured to generate just one type of logic. To set the generation mode for the entire context (set of serializable types), use JsonSourceGenerationOptionsAttribute.GenerationMode, while to set the mode for a specific type, use JsonSerializableAttribute.GenerationMode.

JsonSerializer is a powerful tool that has many features that can influence the (de)serialization of .NET types from/into the JSON format. It is fast, but can have some performance overhead when only a subset of features are needed for a serialization routine. Going forward, we will update JsonSerializer and the new source generator together. Sometimes, a new JsonSerializer feature will have accompanying support for optimized serialization logic and sometimes not, depending on how feasible it is to generate logic to support the feature.

Given our Person type from above, the source generator can be configured to generate serialization logic for instances of the type, given some pre-defined serializer options. Note that the class name MyJsonContext is arbitrary. You can use whatever class name you want.

We have defined a set of JsonSerializer features that are supported in this mode via JsonSourceGenerationOptionsAttribute. As shown above, these features can be specified to the source generator ahead of time, to avoid extra checks at runtime. be457b7860

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