Like most Jewish observances, Shabbat has a unique liturgy that is recited during communal prayer. But there are also a number of blessings that are traditionally recited in the home on Friday evening.The songs and blessings before the Friday night meal include: blessing for lighting the candles, blessing for the children, Shalom Aleichem (welcoming the Sabbath angels), Eshet Hayil (Woman of Valor), Kiddush, Netilat Yadayim (a blessing for washing hands), Hamotzi (blessing for the bread). After the meal, many recite Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals) and sing special Sabbath songs called Zemirot.

Chaya Fisherman quotes sources in Russia, the Sephardic and Ashkenazi communities of Amsterdam and the Ethiopian communities that say that parents blessed their children every Shabbos. The Chasam Sofer (OC 23) entertains the notion that one should give the brachos every day!

The reason given are many, ranging from the Kabalistic to the educational to the Siddur Noam Shabbos who write that parents may inadvertently curse their children out of anger during the week, and the blessings reverse that.

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Lovely picture of your family. I am sure those rolls tasted great even as a snack once they got done. You certainly had a busy day and it was full of blessings.

My family and a couple of friends (adopted family) came to Easter dinner and for Easter egg hunts; we had an egg hunt for my only grandson then the adults had an Easter egg hunt. It was a lot of fun and I was thoroughly blessed by all of it! I had another birthday two day before and it too was full of blessings. I am still smiling today!

Your Easter Day sounds wonderful and full of blessings .

 Several of my family filled a pew in church yesterday then we had my extended family over for an Easter gathering and 55 were in attendance.It was a very blessed and fun day.

 I hope your oven gets fixed soon.

The Lives We Actually Have is a collection of 100 blessings to bless the ordinary, garbage, lovely, or grief-stricken days. You know, the days we actually have. So if you want a beautiful collection of blessings to return to time and again or to give to a friend, this is for you.

On the authority of Aws ibn Aws (ra) who said, 'The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Among the most excellent of your days is Friday. On it Adam [as] was created, on it he died, on it the last trumpet will be blown and on it the shout will be made, so invoke more blessings upon me on it, for your blessings will be presented to me"'.

He (the narrator) said, 'The people said, "O Messenger of Allah, how can our blessings be presented to you while your body has decayed?" He said, "Indeed Allah, Mighty and Exalted be He, has prohibited the earth from (consuming) the bodies of Prophets"'. [Abu Dawud]

His Holiness (aba) said no matter how much we thank Allah, it is not enough, for He greatly blessed the Jalsa Salana, and this was felt by all, by Ahmadis and non-Ahmadi guests alike. We are weak; it is only through the blessings of Allah that we are able to do anything, and this Community is showered by the blessings of Allah the Almighty in a manner that is best described as:

In short, Friday is the most blessed days of the week in the Islamic religion. Therefore, in order to observe this day in a rightful manner, a Muslim must make sure that he or she makes special preparations that make this day stand apart from the rest of the days of the week. Friday is a day of congregation, a day of celebration and a day of supplication. May Allah give us chance to offer Friday Prayer regularly so that we can get all its blessings and rewards! Ameen

Part of what makes Shabbat feel different from a dinner party any other night of the week are the ritual elements- song, wine, blessings, challah. Even though it might feel a little weird to do these rituals if you didn't grow up with them, we promise, the more you do them, the more familiar they become and the more you can make them your own, putting your own fun twists and personality into the flow of the rituals. Learn some here and enjoy!Page numbers are for the Yedid Nefesh benscher (the maker of Mishkan's inspired, down-to-earth blessing book, which you can buy online here ). Excited for everyone learning how to host dinner on Shabbat to learn the nuts and bolts of the rituals. Be in touch if you have questions:

Marriage is the place we are meant to find the ultimate support. Whether you need emotional, mental, financial, physical or any kind of support, one of the greatest blessings in marriage is knowing who you can count on.

There need not be a rush to the table, or to continue with the songs and blessings below. Often people linger over the candles and savor the first moments of Shabbat before moving on. Feel free to use this time to sing some songs, or have a story, play a game, or share about your week. Traditionally the evening service is prayed at this point, so there can be quite a lot of time between candle lighting and what is below. In many homes, though, people light candles and then move right into the table blessings.

If the entire Kiddush feels too daunting, you should feel free to take an alternative approach to welcoming and sanctifying the day. You can recite it in English, and/or simply take a moment to appreciate blessings in your life and this opportunity for rest and connection, and then say the one-line blessing over the wine or juice (ending borei peri hagafen). e24fc04721

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