Blender Stuff

Collection Select

Small simple add-on for Blender. Works with upto version 3.1

Adds a toggle to the Blender UI. When enabled a "Double Left Click" selects the entire collection the currently selected object is in while in object mode. I have no idea how well this works with objects that exist in multiple collections, or how things will behave with custom Keymaps, and Right Click select. If it works for you, great! If it doesn't, sorry wish I could do more.

I made this because no one else will make it, or anything like it. I may try to expand on it, I may not. Odds are I won't. I fully expect this to be obsolete in the near future as Blender becomes more popular. This is a very simple, and rudimentary addon with no frills. It can be turned on and off. That's about as fancy as it gets. I am not a programmer by any means. I pretty much just smash stuff together until it works.

Google Drive

Gumroad - Also a free download. This just gives people a place to tip if they want