At a mere thirty-eight, J. Barnaby Cruikshank had been the presidentand chief stockholder of a company that held a galactic-wide monopoly.It was true that he had inherited the company, but until his accessionit had been a small outfit, insuring only humans. Under J. Barnaby,Greater Solarian had started issuing policies to cover every form oflife in the galaxy. It had prospered and J. Barnaby was one of therichest and most influential men in the Federation.

[2] At that time, very little was known about Algolians.There were several of them doing business throughout the galaxy, butunder the treaty of 3106 Terrans were forbidden to visit Algol for anypurpose. All the Algolians who had been seen were completely differentfrom one another in appearance and it was assumed that there weredozens, if not hundreds, of different species of Algol, all of themintelligent. Consequently, it was difficult to be sure who was anAlgolian unless you were able to see his identity papers.

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After going through spaceport customs, Manning and Fanya got an air-caband directed the driver to take them to the Terran Place Hotel. A fewminutes later they were flying over Canopusia, capital of the planetand one of the largest cities in the galaxy.

[6] The entire line of Hypno-Perfumes had, of course, beenbanned throughout the galaxy in 2963, after the scandal caused by theCrunchy Suit Company spraying an entire planet just before they starteda planet-wide visicast campaign to unload an inventory of shoddyclothes. It was rumored, however, that a few companies still usedthe perfumes, adulterated with some new chemical that made it almostimpossible to detect them without the most delicate of instruments.

When he reached the house, it wasn't necessary to open the door. Whilethe rest of the house was intact, what had once been the living roomwas only smoking rubble. That meant a controlled oxygen bomb, one ofthe most deadly weapons known to the civilized galaxy. 0852c4b9a8

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