morning all. I'm about to send my screenplay to the Blacklist. I've made an account and now it's asking me to fill out a 'writers profile page'. Is this something that everyone does? The example they give is of someone who is an established writer with representation. Since this is my first time submitting I'm a little confused what information I would put there.

As far as I can tell, the app folder whitelisting / blacklisting works as follows: everything listed in the whitelist is allowed while everything else is blocked, and everything listed in the blacklist is blocked while everything else is allowed.

Blacklist Profile Download


Ultimately, all I want to do is prevent users from launching apps they've downloaded anywhere in their user folder, but there are things that certain apps (like Chrome) put in the ~/Library folder. So I can't just blacklist /Users or ~ if I want to allow ~/Library, but in allowing ~/Library and blocking the other folders within the /Users/user folder I expose the ability for apps to be launched from the root of their user folder ...

I've set up a group of blacklisted applications (in particular the Office, Outlook, Onedrive) that I'd like not to use in the private profile. These applications are in some cases already pre-installed on the device (Word,Excel,Onedrive), while others (Outlook, Teams) could be downloaded later with your Google ID personal.

Then I created a profile in application control selecting that it was enabled on the whole device. According to the manual: "For COPE, the 'Work Managed' checkbox applies to the personal side and 'Work profile' applies to the corporate side". Configure Application Control (Android)

It is important that the profile is set by flagging to ""Where would you like to apply application control on Corporate Owned Personally Enabled devices?" only "Work Managed Device" and blacklisted app blocking.

I add that instead to distribute apps on your personal profile you need to do it as private apps, among other things if they are apps on Play Store will update without having to manage them from console.

The documentation does say that they would be AND'd together. So if both blacklist entries are there, are Logon Type 3 events excluded for those particular users? That's the way I think it would work.

couple thoughts....first, is it possible there's another blacklist entry on the box for that event log that is winning over yours? Might be worth running btool just to be sure. No need to pull your hair out if nothing you change is going to matter anyway.

Thanks for the response. What you've posted as an example is what I would have figured would work. Fortunately my configuration is a smaller one and very easy to control since I'm the only admin. I did not have any competing blacklists. Excellent point I didn't think to consider. I did come across a working solution though which I'll post below. Thank you very much for you time and effort.

Automatic blacklisting is enabled whenever the Message Bridge is active. With the Message Bridge active, any profile that sends you a message that is processed by the Message Bridge will be blacklisted.

The Blacklist Profile Master module enables users to create a document profile with blacklisted keywords. While setting up a subtype, the blacklisted profile is selected to ignore documents with blacklisted keywords from processing.

Profile restriction is used to warn and restrict users from selecting a guest, company, or agent profile when making reservations or blocks. You must select a restricted reason when marking a profile as restricted. After a profile is restricted, a restricted icon appears on the business card and a restricted column appears in the profile search results.

You can mark a profile as restricted from being updated. Profiles can still be updated while restricted, but a prompt appears every time you attempt to use a restricted profile for a reservation or a block. Depending on your permissions, you might be able to override the restriction. To restrict a profile:

This feature allows you to upload a list of users that you do not want to contact. This means, that even if they fall within a search you upload into Expandi or are added to the campaign, the system will not send automated tasks to the profiles and those leads will be paused. In order for them not to be blacklisted anymore, you would need to resume them in the campaign.

In the Blacklist section, you will see two options to add a blacklist to the account, you can either manually upload a blacklist by pressing on Add blacklist button or upload it via CSV file by clicking on Upload CSV

(SKIP THIS STEP IF YOU ARE ADDING A NEW BLACKLIST) You will also notice a Clear toggle, this can be used if you wish to clear (delete) the already added blacklist. If that is what you wish to do - turn the Clear option on if you would like to clear the previously added blacklist that fits the selected blacklist type (profile link) and comparison type (exact). In this case, the Keywords section would have to be left empty. Now if you save the changes all the previously uploaded exact-match profile links will be deleted from the blacklist section and won't be blacklisted anymore

(SKIP THIS STEP IF YOU ARE ADDING A NEW BLACKLIST) Clear toggle can be used if you wish to clear (delete) the already added blacklist. To do this, you would need to select the comparison type, turn on the clear toggle, add a CSV file with the blacklist you wish to be removed, and press Send CSV for processingĀ 

You can block a user in your account settings or from the user's profile. GitHub will not notify the user when you block them. If you want to avoid contributing to the same project as someone you've blocked, you can choose to display a warning on any repositories with prior contributions from a blocked user. For more information, see "Blocking a user in your account settings." You may still see the activity of blocked users in shared spaces and blocked users can delete their existing content.

Today in a Pi-Hole installation, there is a single Whitelist and a single Blacklist. As an administrator, it would be helpful to have the ability to create "profiles" representing different Whitelists and Blacklists and have the ability to "swap profiles" on both a schedule, and on-demand from the UI.

Today, Pi-Hole does not make that use-case easy because you would have to constantly be updating your whitelists and blacklists, or turn Pi-Hole off. If there were set profiles each containing a whitelist and blacklist which matched the user's needs and preferences, he or she could swap on-demand.

We are working on a feature which would solve this use case, that being the ability to enable and disable individual items on a whitelist or blacklist. You could set up a scheduled script to enable or disable these domains for you.

Generally, this should work the way you mention. The one caveat I can think of is the URL filtering logs. Those logs will show up no matter what, as a deny is a log action. There is no concept of denying a URL category and not logging it to the URL filtering rules. You may be able to get this to work by not using the URL filtering profile and instead selecting the categories in the rule itself with a deny action and unchecking the logging options on that rule, but I have not tried doing so yet.

Maybe, is it possible to have three separate exe programs of Chrome or Chromium? Then I can install parental management or other blacklist/whitelist Chrome extension plugins on all of those programs, but use different blacklist and whitelist for each of them.

Similarly, maybe, is it possible to have three separate exe programs of Firefox or Waterfox? Then I can install parental management or other blacklist/whitelist Firefox plugins on all of those programs, but use different blacklist and whitelist for each of them.

Customer ordered an item and we shipped it very quick using Fedex 2 Day Air. The tracking shows it was delivered, "Left at front Door". The customer complain that it was not received. We then shipped another package via USPS with signature requirement free of charge. The tracking shows it was delivered and signed with initials "CV". The customer complained she didn't receive the package and her initials is "CVP". We lost two items and spent two free shipping charges and now we issued a refund but I want to blacklist her address from our store. Is there a way to blacklist the customer's address?

I also think that a blacklist of buyers should be done for sellers. Over the past six months, I have already encountered clear fraud three times. Such a list would help me to establish myself in the correctness of my opinion and would help other buyers not to fall for such tricks.

It's a shame to pay for the shipment, waste time manufacturing the goods, and then return the money to the fraudster.

Unfortunately, in regards to how to prevent them from entering, as of right now, we do not have a way to block/ban an email or IP from subscribing. I recommend adding a captcha to your form if you are using a 3rd party form.Ā 

Lastly just wanted to mention, you can make a segment of all the fake profiles created by Mark Mustermann so that you can bulk delete those profiles if you want. Here is a guide that will walk you through this process: How to Bulk Delete or Suppress Contacts in Klaviyo.

I would recommend first following this guide that details what these spam traps are and how to remove them from your account. In order to delete these profiles, I would first create a segment of all emails coming from the fake email address, and then follow the instructions below to delete the accounts:Ā 

Spam profiles are usually created by a bot/script so installing anti-bot measures such as CAPTCHA would be helpful. Our Shopify integration will sync any profiles on the Shopify side to Klaviyo, so if the profiles are allowed to get through on the Shopify side, it'll end up on the Klaviyo end. We recommend reaching out to Shopify Support for more insight into how to prevent these profiles from being created.


At most on the Klaviyo side, If you are able to identify some spam bots, it's best to suppress those contacts immediately : How to Bulk Delete or Suppress Contacts in Klaviyo. I recommend suppressing them since deleted profiles can still be recreated. However, this won't prevent new profiles from being created, you would still need to suppress any new spam profiles coming in. ff782bc1db

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