Privacy Policy


Hello! Welcome to this Privacy Policy. This policy describes how we and our third-party marketing and advertising partners collect, use, process and share information about you.

This Privacy Policy applies to our games, websites and related services, which we collectively refer to herein as the "Services". We reserve the right to change this policy from time to time, so be sure to review it regularly. Your continued use of the Services after the Effective Date will be governed by the new Privacy Policy.

By downloading, accessing and/or playing our games, or interacting with our website or other services, you agree to the collection and use of your data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Data we may collect

The data we collect depends on the context in which you interact with us, the choices you make (including your privacy settings), and the products and features you use.

Most of the data we collect about you comes directly from you when you play our games or interact with our website, advertisements or other services.

The data we collect may include:

Data you provide to us when you fill out a form, answer a question or complete a survey when you use any of our services, create an account or invite your friends to join our games and services;

messages you send to our Services (such as emails and chats sent using our messaging system);

Data about your account and game progress includes how you play our games and interact with our services (such as which of our games you are playing, game versions, your progress in games, session time and duration, each levels of attempts and purchases);

your device identifier (such as an advertising ID);

Data about your device, such as device name and operating system, network status, browser type and language;

Data we collect through cookies and other similar technologies, as described below;

a specific ID when you use the Services;

The data we receive from the third-party tool if you link the third-party tool with a service (such as Facebook, WeChat or Google);

Data we collect about you from other third-party companies that have your consent or other legal rights to share such data with us; data for advertising and analytics purposes so that we can serve you better;

From time to time, we may seek your consent to collect additional information from you or your device. For example, we may invite you to allow us to access your contacts so that we can invite them to play our games with you, and we will not collect this data if you choose not to allow us to collect it. If we do this or something similar, we will tell you what data we want to collect, why we need it and what we will use it for.

By downloading, accessing and/or playing our games or using our other services, you consent to our collection of information about you.

use of data

We use this data to provide you with our games and services, including for the following purposes:

create an account and allow you to play our games and use our services;

analysis and optimization;

prevent fraud;

Customize in-game offers;

provide social functions;

Provide customized services, such as delivering our services in the correct language;

to respond to your comments and questions;

verify your purchase; and

display personalized advertising;

We may also use the data for other purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, including advertising purposes. We also analyze and use the data we collect on an anonymous or aggregated basis for product development, analyzing our game performance, troubleshooting, and improving and optimizing the game to ensure the best player experience for our players overall.

Some of the ways in which we use your information are described in more detail below and elsewhere in this Privacy Policy.


Our games may include advertisements for products and services of third parties (such as Facebook, Admob, Vungle, Unity, etc.). By accepting this Privacy Policy and downloading or continuing to play our games or use our services, unless you opt out of interest-based advertising as described in this section, you consent to the collection and use of information about you by us and our advertising partners to Improve advertising, targeting and measurement systems so that we can show you relevant third-party advertisements in our games.

When you play our games or use our services, non-personal identifiers such as Android Advertising ID and/or Apple's Advertising ID ("IDFA") and other information from your device are collected and shared with advertising partners , to enable technology to serve ads to your device.