Privacy Policy

BlackGD privacy policy

This Privacy Policy describes how BlackGD (referred to in this Privacy Policy as 'App', 'Company', 'Service', 'We', 'Us', or 'Our') collects information when you use the App (separately and collectively as the 'Service'). It also explains how we use and discloses the information we collect from you and your rights about that information. We want to be clear about what information we gather and how we use it to fulfill our Services to you.

We may periodically make changes to this Policy as we update or expand our Services. The latest updated policy will be displayed on site. If you do not agree to the modifications, you should discontinue your use of the Services. If you continue using tBlackGDhe Services after the revised Policy takes effect, you will be bound by the modified Policy.


Personal Data Collection:- BlackGD does not collect any type of sensitive personally identifiable information from any of its users. When you interact with us through the Services, we may collect Non-Personal Data from you, as further detailed below:


We take consistent steps to protect the Non-Personal Data provided via the Services from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. we may keep this information with us as much time as we want or we may destroy if we found of no use. We use Ad Serving Technology in our apps and games which may collect some non-personally information for analytics purposes. We assure you that this information is completely non-identifiable and never identifies anyone.


Our App or game may demand some android permissions for the proper functioning of our product.

Permissions include as listed below:-


The policy solely depends on the BlackGD and can do significant changes or update this policy anytime. So we recommend you to go through this policy on regular time intervals and use our products and services only if you agree to the updated policy listed.


You Can Share your worthy feedback or complaints to our Email:-