Local Events

Social Events, Jan. 1, 1906


Isaac Beeson was the host to the Phi Delta girls and their boy friends Saturday evening and the crowd had on of the most pleasant times of the old year. Eventhing possible was done for their enjoyment of those present and the time passed quickly by. At a late hour an elegant lunch was served and shortly afterwards the guests departed for their respective homes. The out fo town people present were Misses Margaret and Sien Arnold of Bluffton and Miss Olive Davis, of New Castle.

A number of friends and relatives went to the home of Mrs. Mary Pugh east of town yesterday where they enjoyed a big family dinner [illegible] pie was served for supper and everyone did justice ito the occasion.

Mrs. A. C. Besson was hostess to the Saturday Luchre club, Saturday afternoon at her home on east [illegible] street.

The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,

January 1, 1906, p. 3, c. 5

The Andrew and Philip Society will be entertained at the home of Harvey McCormick this evening after church service. All members are expected to attend the preaching service and then we will be joined by Rev. Martin and Rev. Fry and go to the McCormick home. If it is possible for him to be there Rev. Martin will tell us about the Bluffton A. & P. and of the good we may do in the future. Every member should make an extra effort to be present tonight.

Roy Henderson, Pres.

The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,

January 1, 1906, p. 2, c. 3