Newspapers - General News

The Evening Herald newspaper will present a listing of general news of local citizens of Montepelier.

Clarence Vought


Clarence Vought proprietor of the City pool room packed his furniture today and shipped it to Bryant, Ind., where he will open a pool room. Mr. Vought bouth the pool room some few months ago from Geo. Walters and as his business has been slow for some time he things he car better himself in Bryant. Mr. Vought will remain here for some time until Mr. Vought gets settled.

The room which he is vacating is in a good location and it is rumored that one of Montpelier's most prominent [illegible] will occupy it.

The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,

January 1, 1906, p. 2, c. 4

Baltis Stone Company


Closed Down Saturday and Work will not be Resumed Until Spring

The Baltes Stone Co, whose quarries are located just east of the city packd their tools Saturday and force of thirty men was thrown out of employment until spring when quarries will again be opened. The Baltes people have made great repairs this year and if the orders come in as they expect them, at least fifty men will be on the pay roll when they again start to work.

The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,

January 1, 1906, p. 2, c. 5

Unit, McGeath & Huffman, Solicitors of Fair Stocks


Crowd not Large at Fair Meeting Saturday but was

Agreed as to Desirability of a Fair

Owing to political gatherings at both Hartford City and Bluffton, the meeting held in the city hall here Saturday afternoon was not as largely attendend as was expected it would be yet there was a fair siezed crowd presten composed largely of farmers, all of whom were in favor of a fair and thought arrangements should be made for holding one here. Several short talks settling forth the benefirs to be derived from such an organization and a strong effort will be made within the next few weeks to sell enough stock to put up the necessary additional buildings.

Albert Unit, John McGeath and Levi Huffman were appointed a committee to solicit stock.

There seems to be not question as to all wanting a fair, but probably I. d. Scott smoke a truth for others than himslef when he said that the wanted the fair but wanted others to give it. It is should not be the feeling for a [illegible] conducted fair will be of much [illegible] to all find everyone should be [illegible] to do his part toward giving [illegible] [illegible] as well as otherwise it is not expected that everyone will be able to take two or three hunder dollars worth of stock but there are few at the terms of payment and will be offered who cannot afford to take one or two shares of $25. [illegible] one interesed in the fair and will that he would realy like to see such an organization in Montpelier would take one share it would not be [illegible] until it could be announced that Montpelier would next year have best fair in not been Indiana this over and have your pencil their the solicitor calls.

The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,

January 1, 1906, p. 3, c. 6

Selected Delectes Saturday


The democrats of Blackford county met in the circuit court room Saturday afternoon and selected delegates to attend the convention at Peru on Thursday, Jan. 4th, for the purpose of electing a chairman of the eleventh district.

Chairman Burns called the meeting to order and Secretary Secrest read the call. D. C. Caldwel, of Jackson township, was elected chairman of the convention and Lawrence Morkner was elected secretary.

The following delegates were chosen: Harrison twonship, GeorgeEly, David McDowell and Albert Hart, delegates; Alternates, F. J. Lourent, E. H. Redman and Jacob Walker.

Jackson township, Lonis Shroyer, delegate; alternate, W. A. Daily.

Licking township, L. W. Dongherly, J. A. Newbauer, William Harley, J. H. Stewart and L. F. Sprague, delegates; alternates, Charles Townsend, A. M. Waltz, E. W. Secrest, E. E. Cox, and I. W. Wingate.

Washington township, W. B. Fortner, delegate; alternate, J. H. Welter---Hartford City News.

The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,

January 1, 1906, p. 2, c. 3