Death and Funeral Announcements

May Boxell


Old Shot Gun In Hands of Brothers of Little May Boxell


And Load Entered Her Chin and Shoulder--Lived but Three Hours--Family Prostrated

May Boxell, aged two years, the little daughter of Ezekiel Boxell and wife, (Margaret), who make their home near Batson Bridge seven miles west of this city met with a horrible death Saturday morning.

The little girl was sitting by the stove in a rocking chair while her brothers Jake and Kim, aged eighteen and sixteen were about fifteen feet away from her, trying to repair an old shot gun which had not been in use for some time. One of the boys pulled the trigger and the gun which was loaded with buckshot was discharged and the shot took effect in the little one's chin completely tearing the under part off and a mere pieces of shattered bone held the left arm to the shoulder which was also nailed with shot. Four doctors from Warren were called but they could not save her and she died at 11 o'clock living three hours after the accident.

The back of the rocker on which the little girl was sitting was also torn off and shot and flesh covered the door behind her. Large pieces of flesh were picked up from all over the room and if the distance had been farther the little girl's head would have been torn to pieces.

The entire family is prostrated over the sad accident, as little May had always been a bright and happy child and just before the gun was discharged was singing a song.

The funeral will take place today at Sugar Grove. Rev. Etlers the Christian minister from Warren will have charge in the service.

The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,

January 1, 1906, p. 2, c. 3

Mrs. W. H. Kelley


The funeral of Mrs. W. H. Kelley, was held at 11 o'clock this morning at the home of her son, Prof. L. E. Kelley and was largely attended by the relatives and friends of the family. The services were conducted by Rev. M. R. Myer, the United Brethern pastor, assisted by Rev. Moffett of the Presbyterian church. Her pastor, Rev. Myer paid a fitting tribute to the life and works of the noble woman. The music was furnished by a mixed quarette composing Mr. and Mrs. Ball, John and Miss June Meeks. There were many beautiful floral offering, which bespoke esteem for the departed, and sympathy for the bereaved ones. The remains were tenderly laid to rest in the Odd Fellow's cemetery.

The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,

January 1, 1906, p. 2, c. 4

Mrs. Mary Myers


Mrs. Mary Myers An Old Settler Died Sunday Morning

Sunday morning at [illegible] occurred the [illegible] dath of Mrs. Mary Myers at her home on south Main street. Mrs. Myers is seventy years old and her death was caused by her old age. Her husband died seven years ago and since then she has been making her home with her son Daniel M. Myers.

During her life Mrs. Myers was a talented christian and was a notive worker in the Christian church. She leaves four sons: James B. Myers of [illegible], George R. Meyers of Hartford City, W. A. Myers of Wells county and Daniel Myers of this city and numerous of friends and relatives to mourn the coding of but exemplary life.

Mrs. Myers came to this city from Wells county in 1889 and is well and favorable known to many. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at the First Christian church on south Main street. Rev. Trotter will have change for the services and the remains will be buried in the I.O.O.F. cemetery.

The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,

January 1, 1906, p. 3, c. 6