Deed Book A

Deed Book A

Blackford County, Indiana, Deed Book A, at Recorders Office. Said Book A was in a very bad condition, in fact most of the pages were loose and some in the wrong place in this book; because of that I did not number the pages in my copy and the page numbers were very hard to ascertain. I know that old Deed records reveal much on local history and much on family records, then, too, we know that Deed Books often record old Wills, notes, mortgages, and as in this case, even a marriage. I copied this faithfully, this the essential facts except the prices paid.

Cecil Beeson Sr.,

P.O.Box 1

Hartford City, Indiana.

Nov. 6, 1960

(Transcribed by Peggy Carol, 2002)

A-80. Will. "State of Indiana, Blackford County, October the 4th in the year of our Lord 1839. Known the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death and having acquired a little property and being far advanced in life and having a desire to make a certain disposition of my property. I, Mary Eaton, being in a reasonable State of health and mind and feeling my self under a sence of Gratitude of love and affection for James Walker and family and he the said James 1dalker being a nephew and son of George i~7alker a brother do hereby will the real and personal property that I may be in possession of at my Death to the Children of the said James Walker and their heirs for ever if there be any at my Death and the said James Walker is to pay all my funeral expence in witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name this 4th day of October in the year of our Lord above named.

Mary Eaton

Atest: Thomas Markins

William Davidson

A-148. "Joseph McWhetter of Blackford County, State of Indiana, when at home but now in Adams County Indiana make and publish this my last will and request in the presence of these witnesses first I wish all my just debts with my feneral expences be fully paid out of my personal property and all the remainder of my personal property I will unto my wife, Lamira, that is to say my horses and cows waggon and house hold furniture with all money due and on hand and property that I own herein not mentioned except my land. My land I will unto my sons Elias L. McWhetter and Amos C. McWheter and to their heirs forever. I wish my wife to have the use of said lands until my sons are twenty one years of age I wish her to educate them out of the property. These words were made use of by Joseph McWheter on the second day of December A. D. 1839, And we were by him requested to record the same and we have done so and believe he was perfectly rational at that time. here we subscribe our names this 15th day of December 1839.

His William X Sheperd mark

Nancy Cole

Adams County, Indiana, SS

Personally appeared before me the subscriber an acting Justice of the peace in and for said County William Sheperd and Nancy Cole and made solemn oath that the words contained in the above instruments of writing executes the last will and request of Joseph McWhetter, deceased, given under my hand and seal Officially this eighth day of January AD 1840.

Wade Loofbounon Justice of the peace

Recorded this Ninth day of January AD 1841,

Test Jacob Brugh, Recorder.