numbers to call

for george floyd:

minnesota governor walz: (651)-201-3400

minnesota attorney general keith ellison: (651) 296-3353

minneapolis mayor's office, jacob frey: (612)-673-2100

minneapolis district attorney, mike freeman: (612)-348-5550 and (612) 348-2146

minneapolis internal affairs division: (612)-673-3074

minneapolis police department: (612)-673-2345

velma j. korbel, director department of civil rights: (612)-673-3012

MPLS FBI field office: 763-596-8000

police officers federation of minneapolis: (612)-793-7000

minneapolis sheriff dave hutch: (612)-348-3744

minneapolis police chief arendondo: (612)-673-3550

written example of what to say when you call:

“hi, my name is _____ and I am a resident of ____. i'm calling on behalf of the George Floyd case. i'm calling for the prosecution of Derek Chauvin and his partner Tou Thao, as well as officer J. Alexander Kueng, and Thomas Lane to the fullest extent of the law and that you will not rest until that happens. i am aware that all 4 officers have been placed under arrest and have been charged. now they need to be convicted. George Floyd was arrested under an implied, non-violent crime and there is video proof that he never resisted arrest. the approach that the officers chose to take was one that resulted in murder and must not be taken lightly. Black Lives Matter.”

for breonna taylor:

louisville mayor, greg fischer: (502)-574-2003

contact county attorney: (502)-574-6336

louisville government customer service: (502)-574-5000

attorney general daniel cameron: (502)-696-5300

LMPD chief steve conrad: (502)-574-7660

kentucky gov. andy breshear: (502)-564-2611

police public integrity unit: (502)-574-2136

louisville metro council: (502)-574-3902

written example of what to say when you call:

“hi, my name is _____. i'm calling on behalf of the Breonna Taylor case. i’m calling for the prosecution of Sergeant Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison and Myles Cosgrove to the fullest extent of the law- we will not stop until that happens. the man the officers were looking for didn't even live in the same building and was already in custody. Kenneth Walker acted in self defense, and for this he should not be prosecuted. the approach that the officers chose to take in arriving in plain clothes, unmarked cars and not announcing themselves was one that resulted in murder and must not be taken lightly. Black Lives Matter.”

for tony mcdade:

mayor john e. dailey: (850)-891-2000

tallahassee police department: (850)-891-4200

written example of what to say when you call:

“my name is _____ and i am outraged by the recent police involved shooting of Tony McDade by the Tallahassee Police Department. it is unacceptable that neither the body cam footage nor the names of the officer(s) involved have been made public record. on the grounds of justice and equity for our community, i demand that the body cam footage as well as the names of the officer(s) involved in these shootings be released to the public immediately. Black Lives Matter.”

written example of what to say when you call:

“my name is ____ and i am outraged by the recent police involved shooting of Tony McDade by the Tallahassee Police Department. i demand a response and acknowledgment of Tony’s murder along with the establishment of a Citizen’s Police Accountability Council. we will not rest until the names of the officers involved in this murder are released. Black Lives Matter.”

for david mcatee:

governor beshear: (502)-564-2611

written example of what to say when you call:

“my name is __ and i am outraged by the death of David McAtee. the LMPD should not be allowed to independently investigate themselves, and we demand justice for David McAtee. conduct an outside investigation and hold the LMPD accountable for their actions. Black Lives Matter. ”

for ahmaud arbery:

glynn county district attorney: (912)-554-7200

written example of what to say when you call:

“my name is ____ and i am contacting you today regarding the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. i am calling for the immediate resignation of District Attorneys Jackie Johnson and Goerge Barnhill. along with this, i call for the complete repeal of the Georgia Citizens Arrest Statute and the establishment of the Hate Crime Bill in Georgia. HB 426 must be passed.”

for james scurlock:

omaha mayor hotline: (402)-444-5555

omaha police department: (402)-444-5600

written example of what to say when you call:

"my name is _____ and i am contacting you today regarding the murder of James Scurlock. i am calling in hopes of justice being placed among the white supremacist individual who took the life of this innocent man who was peacefully protesting for his rights. if this man cannot receive jail sentence for the lawless and ruthless murder of Mr. Scurlock, it will only go to show the injustices in your police system and the criminal justice system and the ways they prevail against the lives lost in the Black community. Black Lives Matter."

for the seven year old girl who was maced in the face, by a cop on a bicycle:

office of police accountability: (206)-684-8797

written example of what to say when you call:

"the officer identified by the name of Jared Campbell, badge number #8470, was seen in footage macing a peacefully protesting child who was on the back of a parent at the peaceful protest down in Seattle. this officer deserves to be held accountable for his actions, it was extremely unjust for the officer to respond to the peaceful protesting individual in this way, and this officer should be sentenced and charged for this crime. Black Lives Matter."

for the woman who was hit and driven over by a pedestrian at a peaceful protest:

the woman who hit the protestor was later identified as Jennifer Watson, owner of JP Interiors.

denver sheriff: (720)-337-0194

hate crime hotline: (720)-913-6458

written example of what to say if you call:

"hi, my name is ____ and i am calling to demand the arrest of an individual by the name of Jennifer Watson, who committed an act of assault with a deadly weapon, the weapon being her own vehicle. she did not have a reason for this, nor is there a reason that can justify this, so she deserves to be charged. Black Lives Matter."

numbers to text to sign petitions for justice:

text justice to 668366

text floyd to 55156

text enough to 55156

text justice to 668366

text tony mcdade to 484848