Supporting Information

Procedures before & after the experiment

Data Conversion

The raw data file of the SOFIA reflectometer can be converted to be reflectivity profiles by the original macro working on Igor software (Wavemetrics Inc.). If you have the software, you can reduce the data in your lab.


When you publish a paper

Please refer the following papers when you publish a paper including the data taken by the SOFIA.

Also, please declare the proposal number of your experiment in the acknowledgement as follows (please modify according to your situation).

The neutron experiment at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility of the J-PARC was performed under a user program (Proposal No. ****). 

When the paper is accepted, please report it via the J-PARC Publication Database. Then, please contact the instrument scientist as soon as possible if you have a plan for a press release (we would ask you to issue the press release in our joint names).



The neutron experiment at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility of the J-PARC was performed under a user program (Proposal No. ****). 

論文が発表された際は、速やかにJ-PARC 研究成果管理システムへ登録をお願いします。なお、プレス発表を行う予定がある場合は早めに装置責任者までご連絡ください(連名でのプレスリリースをお願いする可能性があります)。  

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