Bizzy Talk - Social Network

Connect with Friends

The Place to Talk to Friends, Family and The World

BizzyTalk is a versatile social networking platform designed to facilitate connections among users while providing a robust marketplace for buying, selling, and swapping a variety of goods.

Key Features and Services:

Social Networking:

User Profiles: Create personal profiles to share updates, photos, and videos with friends and family.

   Connectivity: Users can connect with others, join groups, follow pages, and engage in discussions.

   Communication Tools: Offers both text and multimedia messaging, as well as audio and video calls.

   Live Streaming: Users can stream live videos and monetize their streams.


Buying and Selling: Users can list items for sale, such as vehicles, books, tools, and collectibles.

   Item Listings: The platform supports detailed listings with images, descriptions, and prices. Examples include a Jayco 15-foot PopTop Caravan, various vintage items, and tools.

   Categories: The marketplace covers a wide range of categories including autos & vehicles, home & garden, and other collectibles.

Pro Membership:

Enhanced Features: Upgrading to a Pro membership unlocks additional functionalities such as the ability to upload larger files, access to premium communication tools, and the ability to create and sell content packages.


Content Packages: Users can create and sell content packages, allowing for a variety of pricing models and subscription options.

   Wallet Payments: The platform supports transactions through an integrated wallet system for secure payments.

Community and Support:

Community Guidelines: BizzyTalk emphasizes maintaining a respectful and safe environment through its community guidelines and acceptable use policies.

   Privacy and Security: Strong focus on user privacy and data protection, with detailed privacy policies and terms of use.

Additional Features:

 Language Support: The platform supports multiple languages, making it accessible to a global audience.

   Directory and Blog: Users can explore additional content through the platform’s directory and blog sections