This Is Bitter.

Bitter is a community-based userscript to make Twitter better.

Removes Analytics Button

The feature that no one asked for is in the place where the comments button used to be. This is inconvenient for those who are used to the old layout and have no benefit for this feature.

Bitter automatically hides the new analytics button, ensuring your buttons are exactly where they were before the change. If you post a tweet, you can still see its analytics by clicking on your tweet, then clicking the View Tweet Analtytics button.

Removes Fake Badges

Users can now buy Twitter Blue and get verified for only $8/month. This is bad, as most influencers still have the blue checkmark, leaving them up for impersonation.

Bitter strips all badges from the homepage, search feed and direct posts. To see if a user is really verified, you can check their profile--we strip badges from Twitter Blue users, so you know who's the real deal.

Save RAM with Automatic Console Clearing

When you browse any website, they store stuff to your console for debugging or analytical purposes. If you have a device with minimal RAM, this can slow down Twitter, your browser and even your PC!

Since logs aren't needed, Bitter clears them every 10 seconds so you can save RAM.

Browse, Ad-Free

Companies can "promote" (advertise) themselves in your feed, Explore page or the What's Happening section. When you use Bitter, all promos are removed from your sight.

Get Help with One Click

I'm working on making the Bitter Help Center, which you can access in your More context menu. From there, you can read articles on how to use Bitter, send in bug reports, get a list of all the features Bitter has to offer (and how to disable them), connect with our Discord and Mastodon and direct you to the Twitter Help Center for all your Twitter needs.

You can easily go back to Twitter by clicking Back to Twitter on the Bitter Support site.

Browse Without Clowns with Automatic Hate Speech Filtering

It would be nice if Twitter actually had something like this, but they don't. Bitter automatically filters out hate speech, NFT/Crypto scams and common IP Grabbers from trends, tweets, hashtags and users, so you can browse without the clowns. You can easily manage the filters to make them more or less strict.

Get Updates As They're Released

Gone are the days of manually having to check GreasyFork and force update Bitter! When there's an update and you open Twitter, you'll be prompted to click OK and update it with one click.

Read What You're Comftorable Reading

Bitter automatically searches for common tags used in trigger warnings, content warnings and mature warnings and displays these warnings on your feed, so you never have to read something you don't feel comfortable reading.

If you feel comftorable reading a tweet with a warning tag, simply click it to read it.