I have a repo that contains about 20 folders, created when I converted from SVN to Git. Is it possible to checkout a single folder from a Git repository (on Bitbucket)? Or do I have to make each of those folders a separate repo?

Edit Sparse checkouts could be basically this but better (see linked questions). Only, my answer takes care to do a shallow clone as well as doing only the sparse checkout.

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We want to execute build whenever any change is done to the files or folders inside a particular directory. In the use case, we can use conditions in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file, which allows us to execute when certain conditions or rules are satisfied. Use changesets to execute a step only if one of the files modified matches the expression in include paths.

Now in the repo, the CI/CD pipeline should trigger only when I make changes to newbuild folder and if I make changes to any other file the repo then the CICD pipeline should not trigger, the below code section shows the content of my bitbucket-pipelines.yml file which includes the condition block in the pipeline.yml file.

You can reference the below commands of bitbucket-pipelines.yml files. Depending on which folder is committed the respective bitbucket pipeline is triggered. The below pipeline file will print test1 when the changes to newbuild1 folder is commited. The same pipeline file will print test2 when the changes to newbuild2 folder is committed, it will skip both the pipelines when a change is committed to folders other than newbuild1 and newbuild2.

Note: If there are some other changes done to the repo apart from the newbuild1 and newbuild2 folder then both the steps are skipped and the pipeline will show as successful. As shown below.

I need to download a specific folder from bitbucket repository and not complete repository. Is there any way or link available to download specific folder not specific file. Please help me if any available ?

I have exceeded my repository size under "free" account plan. This removed my ability to manage the repository from the command-line. I am now trying to delete unnecessary folders from the repository using only bitbucket web interface. The only way I found how to do it is to delete files one by one and then, after last file is deleted, the folder is removed automatically.

Bitbucket pipelines provide an option called "condition" that allows steps to be executed only when a condition or rule is satisfied. Currently, the only condition supported is changesets. Use changesets to execute a step only if one of the modified files matches the expression in includePaths. The file match pattern specified in the includePaths is relative to the $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR directory.


In the following example, step 1 will only execute if the commit that triggered the pipeline includes changes in XML files inside the path1 directory or any file in the nested directory structure under path2.

Please refer to this document to know more about pipeline conditions. In the below example, when a change is made to the service1 folder, only the microservice1 step will be executed and the microservice2 step will be skipped.

Hi, i need to restrict access to my folders. I read up about branch permissions, where i can restrict modification of code, but is there a way where users can not view the code in the first place? They need to be able to view only a specific folder(s)

It would be nice to have the commit history for specific directory as available by Fisheye. For example, under Fisheye one can explore specific folder and then open up Activity tab which will list commits done in the currently viewed folder.

Is it possible to allow developers on my project access only to the files they are allowed to work on? i.e. in the repository the whole project would include front end client side code, back end server side code, database configs and other files. Can I set things so e.g. the front end developers only have access to their front end code and not the back end server code etc that others are working on? (i.e. they should even be able to read other code).

Yes, such a feature will be very useful, as with increasing number of micro-services projects, each folder could potentially become a Microservices or a module which should be controlled by a owner across limited number of developer

Even Google maintains their repo in this way with a Tree kind of folder structure, where each folder is owned and controlled by a specific owner, while all their employees continue to be maintaining a single Repo (monorepo)

So far, I've installed git on production and development. I've also created a Repo via Bitbucket and commit/pushed the contents of my httpdocs folder to master. I thought this would mean I can simply clone then branch directly into my httpdocs folder on development.

However, when I tried to pull these files into the development environement to make the development branch it included a folder with my project name(I never created this folder). I ended up with httpdocs/MyProjectName/Files

Personally, I would be certain to .gitignore or encrypt anything that has a password, username, location, MAC address, or anything else that can be used against you. For me, that includes almost everything in the conf/services folder and a good number of .things and .items files as well.

Make sure you are getting the ~openhab/.java (/var/lib/openhab2/.java I think for an apt installed OH) folder if you are using the Nest binding. Your login token ends up being stored there and if you miss it you will need to get a new pin and reauthenticate to the Nest servers on a restoration.

Just to add to the discussion. I run in Docker so combining the conf and userdata folders into one is not that hard. So I too have the one git repo that covers both, but right now I have my .gitignore set to ignore everything except what is in userdata/etc (I should probably add jsondb to be configuration controlled at some point). I would definitely exclude the userdata/cache and userdata/tmp folders from git though, particularly given how touchy OH can be when those folders are not just right during an upgrade. You will likely have to clear them out anyway as part of your restore procedure so why not save the space and avoid having them part of your repo in the first place?

These are not bitbucket questions. They indicate a lack of understanding on how Docker works. Read the links above and Everything is described in detail in these links. If you have specific questions about Docker after reading those you would be better served by posting a new thread.

Those are the ones I include in github. But there is a distinction between a full backup and just configuration controlling things I have modified. If you are using HABPanel there is almost certainly other folders to install. If you are not using addons.cfg then you probably need to backup your installed bindings and such as well.

@mstormi Out of topic here: Hello, I am having problem on setting aws for amanda backup. Can you help me to a link for tutorial to make it work with aws? I only found about amanda + nas guide. My s3 bucket already have tape1 to tape15 generated by amanda installation, but no backup is uploaded to amazon aws.

Since WP Engine and Flywheel are managed WP hosts, we lock down the folder structure as well manage the WP versions of the site. Because of this, we usually recommend against comitting the whole site to source control.

Turns out that six months ago one of us introduced another folder with the name dasblog while the original was DasBlog. When we checked them on Mac or Windows the files ended up in merged into one folder, but on Linux they were/are two, so the build fails.

It's that easy. Git will rewrite the repo so that only the desired sub-dir is included. This works even if the sub-dir is several layers deep. Just name the destination directory the name of the sub-dir. Then in the "git filter-branch" command put the relative path to the sub-dir. Oh, the --depth 1 tells git to only download the top of the head (essentially removing the history).

The first command initializes a new Git repository in the my-project folder on your local machine and populates it with the contents of the central repository. Then, you can cd into the project and start editing files, committing snapshots, and interacting with other repositories. Also note that the .git extension is omitted from the cloned repository. This reflects the non-bare status of the local copy.

Secure Shell (SSH) is a ubiquitous authenticated network protocol that is commonly configured by default on most servers. Because SSH is an authenticated protocol, you'll need to establish credentials with the hosting server before connecting. ssh://[user@]host.xz[:port]/path/to/repo.git/

Hyper text transfer protocol. The protocol of the web, most commonly used for transferring web page HTML data over the Internet. Git can be configured to communicate over HTTP http[s]://host.xz[:port]/path/to/repo.git/

It does run composer install twice as expected, but also does stuff on the server, like cleaning up files and copying over files from the existing folder you are deploying to (keeping uploads folder etc.).

Its best if you 1st create a folder with just .env file in it, and then try the deploy. Or you could first try the bash script approach to see if it works for you, then move on to CD approach via pipelines

Hi, Gary here, and I have been seeing a few more questions regarding the recycle bin on redirected folders . With the advent of Windows Vista there was a change in redirected folders and the support for the Recycle bin. Now each redirected folder has a Recycle Bin associated with it. Windows XP only implemented it for the My Documents folder. Unfortunately, the Administrative Templates only give control of the bin as a whole and not for each redirected folder. The global settings can be controlled by the following policies that work with at least Windows XP: 2351a5e196

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