Birth Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD - Blank Kim Injury Law

Birth Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD - Blank Kim Injury Law - (240) 599-8916

If your child has been injured during childbirth due to medical negligence, you have the right to seek justice and compensation. Our experienced Birth Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD, are here to help you navigate through this difficult time. We offer free case consultations to discuss the details of your situation and determine the best course of action. Our compassionate and knowledgeable attorneys will fight for your legal rights and work diligently to ensure you receive the financial compensation you deserve. You will not owe us anything unless we win your case and secure a financial recovery for you and your family. Contact Blank Kim Injury Law Silver Spring, MD today to schedule your free consultation and start the journey towards justice for your child.

Blank Kim Injury Law

Birth Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD

8455 Colesville Rd #920,

Silver Spring, MD 20910

(240) 599-8916

How can a birth injury lawyer help my family?

At Blank Kim Injury Law in Silver Spring, MD, our birth injury lawyers are dedicated to helping your family navigate the challenging aftermath of a birth injury. We provide comprehensive legal support to ensure you receive the compensation and justice you deserve. Our experienced team understands the complexities of birth injury cases and works diligently to investigate the circumstances surrounding your child's injury. We collaborate with medical experts to establish negligence and build a strong case, aiming to hold responsible parties accountable. Financial burdens from medical bills, rehabilitation, and long-term care can be overwhelming. 

We fight to secure compensation for these expenses, as well as for pain and suffering, lost future earnings, and other related damages. This financial support can significantly alleviate the stress on your family, allowing you to focus on your child's health and well-being. Additionally, we offer compassionate guidance throughout the legal process, providing clear communication and updates at every stage. Our client-focused approach ensures you are supported and informed, helping you make the best decisions for your family. Choose Blank Kim Injury Law to be your advocate. We are committed to fighting for your family's rights and securing the resources needed for your child's future care and quality of life.

What are my legal rights if my child has a birth injury?

If your child has suffered a birth injury, Blank Kim Injury Law in Silver Spring, MD, is here to help you understand and exercise your legal rights. As a parent, you have the right to seek justice and compensation for the harm caused by medical negligence during childbirth. Your legal rights include the ability to file a lawsuit against the medical professionals and institutions responsible for your child's injury. This includes doctors, nurses, hospitals, and other healthcare providers who may have failed to adhere to the accepted standard of care, resulting in injury to your child. By pursuing legal action, you can hold these parties accountable for their negligence. 

You are entitled to seek compensation for various damages, including medical expenses for past and future care, rehabilitation costs, pain and suffering, and any necessary modifications to your home or lifestyle to accommodate your child's needs. Additionally, you can seek compensation for the loss of your child's potential future earnings and the impact the injury has on your family's quality of life. Blank Kim Injury Law will guide you through the legal process, providing expert advice and representation. Our goal is to ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible, helping to secure the financial resources needed for your child's ongoing care and support. We are committed to fighting for your family's rights and providing the support you need during this challenging time.

Can I still file a claim if the birth injury was diagnosed later?

At Blank Kim Injury Law in Silver Spring, MD, we understand that birth injuries are not always immediately apparent. If your child's birth injury was diagnosed later, you might still be able to file a claim, thanks to the discovery rule in medical malpractice cases. The discovery rule allows the statute of limitations to begin when the injury is discovered, or reasonably should have been discovered, rather than when the injury occurred. This is particularly relevant for birth injuries, which may only become evident as your child grows and developmental delays or medical issues become noticeable. To file a claim, it is crucial to act promptly once the injury is diagnosed. 

Gather all relevant medical records and documentation that link the injury to the birth event. At Blank Kim Injury Law, our experienced attorneys will help you investigate the circumstances surrounding the injury, determine the liable parties, and build a robust case to seek compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation, long-term care, and other related costs. We provide compassionate and expert legal guidance throughout the process, ensuring you understand your rights and options. Our goal is to secure the financial resources necessary for your child's care and future well-being, even if the injury was diagnosed later. Contact Blank Kim Injury Law to discuss your case and explore your legal options.