
Today in Children’s Ministry we are learning about the Gospel era in the Bible!

Jesus comes in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of a savior and offers salvation and the true kingdom of God. 

 Jesus is the Rescuer! 

For more information about all of the eras of the Bible, we encourage adults to read the book 30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max Anders

Lesson Videos

This Week's Family Devotional

Read About It...

As a family, read the story of Jesus’ life on Earth in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Or you can read from a Children’s Bible story book.

Talk About It…

Discuss what the word Gospel means.  The Gospel is the Good News that Jesus has come and that He died for our sins, or took our punishment on the cross.  What Good News!  Throughout the week, remind your children of the Good News.  You can also look at the Bible eras we have studied so far.  God’s promise of the Rescuer, Jesus, was from the very beginning.

Pray About It…

Thank God for his rescue plan from the very beginning of time.  Thank him for loving us so much, that he would send his only son to die on the cross to take our sins away.

Every week of this unit, you can add an icon to a poster to show how all of the stories we learn about are part of the BIG story of the Bible.

You can print the poster and the icons from the link below to use for the whole unit.

Let’s Study the Bible Poster

Let’s Study the Bible Weekly Icons

Cut the icon for today and glue it on your poster!

Worship Songs

God You Are Great

Singin' Praise Tots

I Wanna Be Like Jesus

Singin' Praise Tots

Singing on Stage Song: "Oh What a Special Night" (2 - 5 years)