Birth Injury Lawyer Frederick, MD - Blank Kim Injury Law 

Birth Injury Lawyer Frederick, MD - Blank Kim Injury Law - (240) 599-8553 

Birth Injury Lawyer Frederick, MD - If your child has been injured during birth due to medical negligence, our experienced birth injury lawyers at Blank Kim Injury Law in Frederick, MD are available to assist you. We understand the emotional and financial impact these injuries can have on families, and we are committed to seeking justice for your child. Our team offers a free case evaluation to review your situation and provide advice on the best course of action. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our knowledgeable birth injury attorneys.

Blank Kim Injury Law

Birth Injury Lawyer Frederick, MD

122 E Patrick St

Frederick, MD 21701

(240) 599-8553

What are the common types of birth injuries?

Common types of birth injuries include cerebral palsy, Erb's palsy, brachial plexus injuries, brain damage, fractures, and spinal cord injuries. These injuries can result from various factors such as oxygen deprivation, trauma during delivery, or improper medical interventions. Cerebral palsy affects movement and coordination due to neurological damage, while Erb's palsy and brachial plexus injuries involve nerve damage in the arms, often caused by stretching or pulling during birth. Brain damage can occur due to oxygen deprivation or fetal distress, leading to long-term impairments. Fractures, such as clavicle or skull fractures, may occur during difficult deliveries. Spinal cord injuries, resulting in paralysis or loss of sensation, can also happen due to trauma during birth. At Blank Kim Injury Law, we specialize in representing families affected by these common birth injuries, providing compassionate support and legal expertise to seek justice and compensation. 

What is a birth injury lawyer?

A birth injury lawyer specializes in representing families who have experienced the devastating consequences of medical negligence during childbirth. At Blank Kim Injury Law, our birth injury lawyers are dedicated to advocating for the rights of these families, seeking justice, and securing the compensation they deserve. These legal professionals possess a deep understanding of medical malpractice laws and the complexities surrounding birth injury cases.

Our birth injury lawyers work closely with medical experts to thoroughly investigate each case, gathering evidence to establish liability and demonstrate the extent of damages incurred. They provide compassionate support to families throughout the legal process, guiding them with expertise and empathy. Whether negotiating settlements or litigating in court, our birth injury lawyers are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients and ensuring that they receive the financial resources needed to cover medical expenses, ongoing care, and support for their child's future.

How can a birth injury lawyer help with compensation claims?

A birth injury lawyer can assist with compensation claims by providing comprehensive legal representation and advocacy on behalf of families affected by birth injuries. They investigate the circumstances surrounding the injury, gather evidence, consult with medical experts to assess the extent of damages, and negotiate with insurance companies or litigate in court to secure fair compensation. Common types of birth injuries include cerebral palsy, Erb's palsy, brachial plexus injuries, brain damage, fractures, and spinal cord injuries. These injuries can result from medical negligence, such as improper use of delivery instruments, failure to monitor fetal distress, or delayed emergency interventions. At Blank Kim Injury Law, our experienced birth injury lawyers specialize in handling compensation claims for families impacted by these injuries, providing compassionate support and legal expertise to ensure they receive the financial resources needed to cover medical expenses and support their child's long-term needs.

How long does it take to resolve a birth injury case?  

The time it takes to resolve a birth injury case can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the complexity of the case, the severity of the injuries, and whether a settlement can be reached or litigation is necessary. At Blank Kim Injury Law, we understand the urgency of these cases and strive to pursue a timely resolution while prioritizing the best interests of our clients.

In some instances, birth injury cases may be resolved through negotiation and settlement outside of court, which can expedite the process. However, if litigation is required, the timeline may be extended as court proceedings unfold. Throughout the legal process, our dedicated team of birth injury lawyers works diligently to gather evidence, build a strong case, and pursue the compensation our clients deserve.

While we cannot provide an exact timeframe for resolution, we aim to move efficiently while ensuring that our clients' rights are protected and their needs are met. We keep our clients informed and engaged at every stage of the process, providing support and guidance until their case is successfully resolved.

What evidence do I need to support my birth injury case?

To support your birth injury case, gathering relevant evidence is crucial. At Blank Kim Injury Law, we recommend collecting medical records, including prenatal care, labor, and delivery records, as they provide valuable insight into the circumstances surrounding the birth and any complications that arose. Expert opinions from medical professionals specializing in obstetrics and neonatology can help establish the standard of care and whether it was breached.

Photographs or videos documenting the injuries sustained by your child can also be compelling evidence. Witness statements from healthcare providers, family members, or others present during the birth may further corroborate your claims. Additionally, any correspondence with healthcare professionals, including notes or communications indicating deviations from standard procedures or negligent behavior, should be preserved.

Our experienced birth injury lawyers will review this evidence meticulously, working with medical experts to build a strong case on your behalf. We understand the importance of thorough preparation and are committed to advocating vigorously for justice and fair compensation for you and your family.