To find cougars, you have to believe in their presence and then consciously seek them out, which almost no one else did back in those days. Montana had already instituted a quota system for cougar hunting, and one winter I shot the only cat taken in our entire district. Even veteran local deer and elk hunters thought we were crazy since none of them had ever seen a lion in their lives.

To his credit, my friend actually felt disappointed. He had been looking forward to days of vigorous exercise and an opportunity to enjoy the solitude of mountain wildlife habitat in winter. We tried to cheer him up by sharing stories of far more typical hunts in which we wound up staggering down out of the hills by moonlight feeling fortunate just to have all the dogs on leashes. I could only hope those accounts helped assuage his guilt about having had his cat come so easily.

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He drove up from Bozeman one winter weekend, and we went hunting. The weather was brutal, but we covered a lot of ground by vehicle, skis, and foot. Even though we never cut a track, we learned that we had a remarkable amount in common. The high point of the experience for him was a mountain lion dinner prepared from a cat a friend had shot while hunting with me earlier in the month. We have remained good friends ever since, and he acknowledges that the experience changed his once skeptical attitude toward hunting.

Writing this piece has left me awash in nostalgia. My hounds have been gone for years now, and I miss them. Their absence does not reflect a change of heart about lion hunting. Our household now includes the two Labrador retrievers and two German wirehair pointers I need to meet my wing-shooting needs every fall, and one can have time to give just so many dogs the attention they deserve.

When I heard their screams, I immediately turned around and was met by the eerily silent, crouched countenance of a mountain lion stalking me menacingly just a few yards away. This was no bobcat, as I first thought. It was a very long-tailed, muscular mountain lion. Bobcats have short, bobbed tails and are considerably smaller. Seeing it behind me made my heart race, and I instinctively picked up the pace.

Mountain lions live throughout the western United States, although there are occasionally sightings in the Midwest and there is an isolated subpopulation of panthers in the southern parts of Florida. Anyone venturing into lion country should heed the safety guidelines from the Mountain Lion Foundation or these from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW):

For a list of verified mountain lion attacks on humans in California from 1986 through 2014, including Gaviota State Park where I had my encounter, visit the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

His legacy to us, and to his kind will never fade. He ensured a future for the entire population of mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains by inspiring us to build the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing, which broke ground this spring.

Generally, mountain lions are calm, quiet and elusive. They are most commonly found in areas with plentiful prey and adequate cover. Such conditions exist within Point Reyes National Seashore. Mountain lions are an important part of the park ecosystem, helping to keep deer and other prey populations in check. Although lion attacks are rare, they are possible, as is injury from any wild animal. Even so, the potential for being killed or injured by a mountain lion is quite low compared to many other natural hazards. There is a far greater risk, for example, of being killed in an automobile accident with a deer than of being attacked by a mountain lion.

If you are involved in a face-to-face encounter with, or an attack by, a mountain lion, call 415-464-5170 or contact a ranger at one of the park's visitor centers as soon as possible. The threat to public safety will be assessed and appropriate action will be taken.

Who ran into the mountain lion, face to face? None other than my good friend Ronnie Dunford. He will never forget it. He described the lion perfectly to me and I told him what he had encountered. I guess he knows how Daniel in the Bible felt. It was up on his farm, Meadowview, on Baltimore Corner Road. He was behind the goat and llama pen facing the old abandoned home and there he stood. They are awesome creatures, around 200 pounds, with a beautiful long tail, big head with teeth and claws like you never saw. They are namely deer hunters and thrive on venison. They have been seen at Fort Pickett where they have a huge deer population.

There are plenty of deer on Ronnie's place and plenty of places for him to hide too. They have a big range, miles and miles. No telling where he came from, but Ronnie has a story to tell you now. Who knows, he might write a book, "Ronnie Dunford and the Mountain Lion." It would be a best seller, I know. I might even write it myself. Be careful, Ronnie, watch out for that mountain lion. They love a fat, nice Baptist and Ronnie, you will make a good meal in the lion world. Don't go out at night, and carry your shotgun loaded with buckshot.

MassWildlife uses evidence-based criteria for confirming reports of mountain lions. MassWildlife receives dozens of reports a year, most are simply reports or sightings with no evidence. MassWildlife cannot investigate or confirm mountain lion reports without any evidence. When evidence is submitted, MassWildlife carefully reviews the evidence in its entirety and attempts to verify the report.

Evidence could include the body of a dead mountain lion or a live wild-captured animal; photos or video, in which a mountain lion can be identified and MassWildlife can confirm the location; DNA evidence from hair, scat, etc.; track sets or photos of track sets; other tangible physical evidence verified by qualified professionals.

Confirmed reports of mountain lions in Massachusetts

There are two records of mountain lions in Massachusetts that meet the evidence requirements. MassWildlife cannot investigate or confirm mountain lion reports without any evidence.

There is no hunting season for mountain lions. However, mountain lions can be taken year-round when committing or about to commit depredation on any domesticated animal or when deemed an immediate safety hazard.

At the last possible moment, the cougar dropped the dog. It leapt head-high into an oak tree near the trail, but lost its footing and fell to the ground on its back. For a moment, I thought the startled lion would spring back at me or the wounded dog. Instead, the big cat rolled toward the creek and disappeared into the willows.

When coming face-to-face with a mountain lion, the general advice is to make yourself big, get loud, and stand your ground. But there are additional circumstances that dictate the appropriate response: Are you alone? Are you physically able to respond? Is it dark out? Are there cubs around? Does the lion have your pet in its jaws? Who has the element of surprise?

BUTTE - A Butte man knew there was something wrong Thursday morning when he heard his dog snarling and growling outside his apartment building in this busy Butte neighborhood. When he stepped outside, he came face to face with a mountain lion.

Wesley was able to get his dog, Rizza, safely inside before the mountain lion got too close and it ran away up the alley in the 1100 block of West Park Street. He normally lets his dog outside in the morning before going to work, but he knew something was wrong this particular morning.

The Desert Museum traditionally adopts orphaned mountain lions, which have not been suitable for release into the wild, including the Museum's current resident, found as a five and a half-month-old male cub in San Jose, CA in March 2013 weighing only 15 lbs. Rescued and nursed back to health by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, but unsuitable for reintroduction into the wild, its adoption by the Desert Museum was arranged through the Arizona Game and Fish Department.

In November 2014, a deer hunter shot and killed a 148-pound male mountain lion east of Hermitage in Bradley County. It was the first time a mountain lion had been killed in Arkansas since 1975. DNA from that animal revealed that it almost certainly came from a mountain lion sighted in September 2014 in southern Marion County.

If you think you have seen a mountain lion, bear, or wolf and have a photograph, video, tracks or other evidence that you believe will substantiate your sighting, contact the KDWP Furbearer Biologist in the Emporia Research and Survey Office at (620) 342-0658 or report the sighting at the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this page. Be sure to leave your contact information for someone to follow up with you.

The first confirmed mountain lion in Kansas in modern times was shot and killed in 2007 in Barber County in south-central Kansas. Prior to that, the last mountain lion documented in Kansas was killed in 1904 in Ellis County. Confirmations are still pretty rare, but distant confirmations within a 2-day period indicate there were three separate mountain lions in Kansas in Dec, 2020. Another notable case occurred in May of 2021, when presumably a single mountain lion was documented twice by Ring doorbells, eight days apart, as it made its way through the City of Wichita. In total, more than 60 confirmations have been made in Kansas since 2007.

Biologists believe most of these mountain lions have been young males coming from established populations in nearby states. It is not uncommon for young males to travel great distances looking to establish a home range in the proximity of other mountain lions. Mountain lions occur in Colorado within 75 miles of the border of southwest Kansas and have been documented with increasing frequency in the Oklahoma panhandle; They have also been dispersing from the Black Hills of South Dakota into several Midwestern states. So far, the animals appear to be passing through Kansas, rather than staying and establishing home ranges. KDWP has no evidence of resident mountain lions, or a breeding population, in the state at this time. 589ccfa754

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