Download Touch Screen Driver


Essentially, in an attempt to fix my touchscreen issue, I disabled my touchscreen driver and restarted my PC. I was informed that my PC would redownload the touchscreen driver, and it did not. For the past week I've been trying every guide and every video available to re-enable my touch screen. I lack the driver, and I need that in order to move forward.

The longer version: I was installing drivers from a third party, and after I restarted my PC my touchscreen no longer worked. I then learned how to go into "Device Manager" and actually see all the drivers my PC has available. I viewed the hidden drivers, and found the touchscreen driver. It was still enabled, which confused me because it clearly was not working. I found aforementioned video guide that said to disable it, and restart PC. Upon restart, touchscreen still did not function. As I looked into the device manager, the touch screen driver was nowhere to be found.

From there, I went to this video by HP which explained step by step what to do. I completed every step, including the UEFI Diagnostics where you use the touchscreen to press and slide the squares. To both my relief and confusion, this worked. I am able to use the touchscreen when doing the diagnostic in the UEFI mode. However, upon restarting my PC, the touch screen still does not work. Because of this, I am confident it is not a Hardware problem, but a software problem. I don't know a great deal about computers, but you could probably imagine how confusing it would be to know you can use the Touchscreen for diagnostics, but not for regular use. Apparently I need the driver itself to communicate that to the touchscreen Hardware.

I've browsed this forum for a while trying to find a solution, and it seems like everyone who has had this issue did NOT find a resolution. I find this really concerning, because it's just a touchscreen driver I am missing and need to download. I've downloaded graphics drivers from here, all the drivers on the "detect my drivers", etc. Nothing I have done has resolved the problem, so I am asking for help.

Thanks for replying. Unfortunately before I was able to get the necessary materials to start the USB backup, I got a hard disk error screen. So it looks like I'll need to purchase a new hard drive, so I'll be making a new post about that pretty soon. If the problem persists afterwards, I'll update this post and let you know.

A monitor that can be controlled by the following drivers in Windows has been selected.

melfas LGD AIT Touch Controller

(I got an answer from the monitor manufacturer that it is not available on Ubuntu.)

I have created a Touch Panel Driver for the g_sf_touch_panel_i2c Touch Panel Framework on sf_touch_panel_i2c for the GT911 chip, so I used the ft5x06 file as my base file, which I then altered to suite the GT911, now if I select the ft5x06 as the driver in the configurator then I can edit that file and mark it as read only compile and then run the application and all is fine, the issue is I now want to make it a CMSIS pack driver so that in the configurator I can select the driver as a option.

The issue I am having is that I dont know the steps involved in making a CMSIS pack for this driver, so that it adds it to the available list, now I have tried to understand Jeremy's commecnt in the following thread - ---forum/6611/supporting-a-new-touch-controller-chip - however in the SSP 1.7.5 I dont think this is the method anymore, so what I did was take the .pack file for the ft5x06 and edit it to be a gt911 ect, now it all imports with the exception that in the synergy->ssp->inc->framework->instances->sf_touch_panel_i2c.h file I had to edit that now and add the following line at the end -

then save the file and mark it read only, then it all works as I need, now my issue is that if I have to edit a file and mark it readonly then I can just as well edit the ft5x06.c file and then mark that readonly, I am looking for a guide or something that shows how to create drivers for a specific framework like the sf_touch.

Hi Jeremy, 


 Thanks for the reply, but the creating of the pack is not the problem, its creating a pack that will make itself available to the framework as a driver for that part of the framework, as I said I can get it to work if I edit a existing .pack file, but then the framework includes are missing as I mentioned since this is not a ssp driver that came with the ssp, so no matter what I do I have to edit a SSP file and make it read only, this is not a solution and if that is the case with synergy then its a bad solution and I doubt that is Renesas's idea of a solution, so I am looking for a guide that will show me how to turn my low level driver into a pack that will include correctly into the framework so that it is usable.


 Sorry if I sound disgruntled, its not meant at you, I just feel that if Renesas wants us to write our own framework low level drivers then give us a guide to create it as a pack to use in the framework, I code from my home and office on the same projects using One drive as sync method, so if I don't have it as a pack and its a file marked as read only then sometimes when I compile it will loose the read only mark and then clear that file and replace it with the SSP one, now when you have 5+ different drivers like that running in 1 project then you can have a huge headache trying to keep each file in check, but if I can create packs and import them then my project never break irrespective of where I am working from.


 Again sorry not aimed at you, I go to Renesas site and enter guide to create CMSIS pack for framework and nothing, so I feel they want me to use there system but they don't want me to be able to customize it, now I get that maybe I did not look in the right place but there is no guide to show me that I looking in the wrong place, creating BSP is easy there is guide, I do those all the time, but nothing for a low level driver to plug into a framework.



 Ronald Hare

The User pack file creator will just package the files provided, the difficult bit is to creating the XML to put in the pack file that is required to driver the configurator, and make the component available to add to a stack.

1) Copy and rename the file Renesas.Synergy_touch_panel_i2c_ft5x06.1.7.5.pack to Renesas.Synergy_touch_panel_i2c_gt911.1.7.5.pack in the directory internal\projectgen\arm\packs under the e2studio installation.

4 ) Then in the Synergy folder change the path from "synergy\ssp_supplemental\touch_drivers\touch_panel_i2c_ft5x06\" to "synergy\ssp_supplemental\touch_drivers\touch_panel_i2c_gt911\" and the name of the c file also needs to be changed to touch_panel_i2c_gt911.c :-

I also did a search and replace in the file touch_panel_i2c_gt911.c, changing ft5x06 to gt911, you would want to replace the contents of this C file (in the pack file ) with your actual code for the GT911 touch controller, that you have written.

I also wanted to add that for me to get the driver available on the list I have to copy the Renesas##HAL Drivers##touch panel##touch_panel_i2c_gt911####1.7.5.xml file to the renesas->synergy->"e2studio install"->internal->projectgen->arm->modules folder, this might be because my install is not in standard location, but once I did this with the updated xml file that includes the header part it now compiles no need for readonly files, so this confirms that was the key, but again a guide with this would be great. 5376163bf9

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