Learning Agile Bipedal Motions on a Quadrupedal Robot

Yunfei Li, Jinhan Li, Wei Fu, Yi Wu

IIIS, Tsinghua University   Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute

ICRA 2024


Can a quadrupedal robot perform bipedal motions like humans? Although developing human-like behaviors is more often studied on costly bipedal robot platforms, we present a solution over a lightweight quadrupedal robot that unlocks the agility of the quadruped in an upright standing pose and is capable of a variety of human-like motions. Our framework is with a bi-level structure. At the low level is a motion-conditioned control policy that allows the quadrupedal robot to track desired base and front limb movements while balancing on two hind feet. The policy is commanded by a high-level motion generator that gives trajectories of parameterized human-like motions to the robot from multiple modalities of human input. We for the first time demonstrate various bipedal motions on a quadrupedal robot, and showcase interesting human-robot interaction modes including mimicking human videos, following natural language instructions, and physical interaction.

Bipedal Locomotion

Mimic human videos

Follow Language Instruction

Lang: Step forward, then stop to wave left hand upward and downward.

Physical Interaction