
BioMind AI Lab offers a dynamic platform where senior undergraduate and graduate students actively engage in projects related to biomedical AI. This endeavor offers students invaluable hands-on experience, enabling them to contribute to joint research efforts that expand the boundaries of medical data analysis. 

Joining BioMind AI Lab: Opportunities for Interns and Research Assistants

July 2024 to December 2024: Due to a high volume of ongoing projects, we are currently not accepting new projects or students. Thank you for being so understanding.

Internship Opportunities for Undergraduate Students (Fall Semester Only): We appreciate your interest in pursuing an internship course with us at City Tech. The internship program offers students a valuable opportunity to gain practical experience and potentially secure future job positions. If you have previously applied to several institutes without success, we recommend that you compile all relevant documents, including your resume and cover letter, into a single PDF. Please submit this to Prof. Seto, the Internship Coordinator, and remember to include me in the email to indicate your intention to undertake the internship (BIO4910/4920) under my guidance. For more detailed information, please refer to the open lab page. Due to limited capacity in our lab and time constraints, we can only accommodate a maximum of three students per semester for internships. Therefore, the selection process is highly competitive and will include interviews to assess your programming expertise and how well your interests align with our research goals. Our research primarily focuses on medical data analysis, utilizing machine learning and deep learning algorithms. This work involves extensive coding, particularly in Python. If you're interested in joining our team, I strongly recommend improving your Python skills. Additionally, consider taking introductory courses like 'Machine Learning A-Z™: AI, Python & R + ChatGPT Bonus' and 'A Deep Understanding of Deep Learning (with Python intro)' to build a strong foundation in these areas. Students interested in interning (BIO4910/BIO4920) with me should have completed BIO3450 and plan to enroll in BIO4450. Selected interns will collaboratively develop a project proposal, contingent on data availability. We'll work together to determine your project's specifics and direction.

Research Assistant Opportunities for Graduate Students: For those interested in joining the BioMind AI Lab as research assistants, please be aware that, currently, financial support is unavailable. However, you can engage with our projects virtually and gain insights throughout various stages of collaborative projects with multiple medical institutes. To ensure a strong commitment to our projects, we require candidates to undergo an interview process before joining the lab. This process helps us understand your interests, skills, and alignment with our research goals. It's important to emphasize your commitment to seeing the project through, from its inception to the final paper's composition.

Ph.D. Student Opportunities in the Biology and Computer Science Program at CUNY Graduate Center: I am delighted to extend an invitation to prospective students to join the dynamic and innovative Computer Science program at the CUNY Graduate Center, where I serve as a faculty member. Our program is currently welcoming applications for the upcoming fall semester, with a submission deadline of December and January. For detailed information about our curriculum, faculty, and application process, please visit our Biology and Computer Science website. Should you have any questions or require further details, feel free to reach out to me at my professional email address provided on my faculty profile page. I am committed to providing timely responses to all inquiries. We look forward to your application and the possibility of welcoming you to our academic community.

Ongoing Project Titles

Completed Project Titles

Office Hours

You are welcome to visit me in person during my office hours every Thursday from 9 AM to 5 PM. My office is located in the Academic Complex, specifically in room A-502D. To ensure that I can provide you with my full attention and assistance, please schedule an appointment via email before your visit.

Every Thursday, as the clock ticks from 9 AM to 5 PM, my door opens not just to inquiries, but to dreams, ambitions, and the shared journey of discovery. Bear in mind, no question is too small, no idea too ambitious. In this room, we weave the fabric of our future, stitch by stitch, together. Let this time be your canvas, your voice the brush, as we paint the pathways to your success. Here, in the heart of collaboration, we find not just answers, but inspiration, courage, and a community that believes in the beauty of your dreams. Let's make each moment count, for it's in these hours that the seeds of tomorrow's breakthroughs are sown.

Social Media

LinkedIn is my sole social media presence. I invite you to follow me there to stay connected. Here is the link to my LinkedIn profile.

⭐ Within every data point lies a heartbeat, a story waiting to be told. As we unravel the mysteries of the medical world, remember, our work is not just about algorithms and codes; it's about the lives we touch, the futures we shape, and the silent thank-yous whispered in the corridors of healing. Let's embark on this journey not just as students of science, but as architects of hope. Together, we can turn the impossible into the inevitable, one discovery at a time. Keep dreaming, keep discovering, for the next heartbeat could be the rhythm of change.