Biofloc Fish Farming

Biofloc Fish Farming technology is a technique of enhancing water quality in aquaculture through balancing carbon and nitrogen in the system. The technology has recently gained attention as a sustainable method to control water quality, with the added value of producing proteinaceous feed in situ.

Which fish is best for Biofloc fish farming?

Nearly all biofloc systems are used to grow shrimp, tilapia, or carps. Channel catfish and hybrid striped bass are examples of fish that are not good candidates for biofloc systems because they do not tolerate water with very high solids concentrations and do not have adaptations to filter solids from water.

Is Biofloc fish farming profitable?

Biofloc is a Profitable Method of Fish Farming. ... It is a low cost way in which toxic materials for the fish such as Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite can be converted into feed. The principle of this technique is to recycle nutrients.

Is Biofloc fish healthy?

Biofloc systems reduce the spread and effectiveness of pathogens while simultaneously improving fish health through better water quality and bolstered feed availability. As such, biofloc systems can give us a natural way of producing more seafood sustainably, while concurrently improving farm profitability.

Do fish farms make money?

Yes, aquaculture can be profitable IF the fish farmer has the right natural resources, good management abilities and sufficient capital available for investment in the enterprise. ... Fish farming and associated industries have expanded through the 1980's and 90's. Expansion has slowed somewhat, however, growth continues.