Binod Baniya, PhD

Program coordinator, M.Sc. Environmental Science, PMC-TU

Assistant Professor, Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

E-mail:; Phone: +977-9841832743


Dr. Binod Baniya has specialized climate change and vegetation dynamics. He obtained his PhD from Chinese Academiy of Sciences, IGSNRR, Beijing, China under CAS-TWAS President Fellowship. He has completed M.Sc. Environmental Science from Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University in 2005. Since then, he has been engaged in teaching and research activities in Nepal. Dr. Baniya has worked as a Head of Department in Department of Environmental Science, PMC for 2 years. During 2012-2014AD, he was involved a as a subject committee member of environmental Science in IoST-TU.

Research Interest

Climate change, vegetation dynamics, ecosystem services, ecological drought, Urban Heat Island, Green Roofs Technology

Current Project (2021-2023); UGC Granted

Inventory Urban Heat Island and Green roofs technology in Nepal

Peer Reviewed Publications

Baniya, B., Khadka, N., Ghimire SK., Baniya, HB., Sharma, S., Dhital YP., Bhatta, R., Bhattarai, B., 2021. Water Quality Assessment Along the Segments of Bagmati River in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal; Nepal Journal of Environmental Science, DOI: 10.3126/njes.v7i0.34314

Baniya, B., Tang,Q, Koirala, M, Rijal, K, and Kattel, G 2020: Growing Season Vegetation Dynamics Based on NDVI and the Driving Forces in Nepal during 1982-2015; Forestry Journal of Institute of Forestry, Nepal Issue No. 17: page 1 to 22. DOI:

Chikanbanjar, R., B. Baniya, and M. K. Dhamala. 2020. An Assessment of Forest Structure, Regeneration Status and the Impact of Human Disturbance in Panchase Protected Forest, Nepal. Forestry Journal of Institute of Forestry, Nepal Issue No. 17: page 42 to 66.DOI:

Hamal K, Sharma S, Khadka N, Baniya B, Ali M, Shrestha M, Xu T, Shrestha D, Dawadi B, Evaluation of MERRA-2 Precipitation Products Using Gauge Observation in Nepal. Hydrology 2020, 7, 40; doi:10.3390/hydrology7030040

Hamal K, Sharma S, Baniya B, Khadka N, Zhou X, 2020. Inter-Annual Variability of Winter Precipitation Over Nepal Coupled With Ocean-Atmospheric Patterns During 1987-2015, May 2020. Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart. 2020.00161

Baniya, B.; Tang, Q.; Huang, Z.; Sun, S.; Techato, K.-A. Spatial and Temporal Variation of NDVI in Response to Climate Change and the Implications for Carbon Dynamics in Nepal. Forests 2018, 9, 329; doi: 10.3390/f9060329.

Baniya, B.; Tang, Q.; Xu, X.; Haile, G.G.; Chhipi-Shrestha, G. Spatial and Temporal Variation of Drought Based on Satellite Derived Vegetation Condition Index in Nepal from 1982–2015. Sensors 2019, 19, 430.doi:10.3390/s19020430.

Baniya, B.; Tang, Q.; Pokhrel Y.; Xu, X. Vegetation Dynamics and Ecosystem Service Values Changes at National and Provincial Scales in Nepal from 2000 to 2017. Environmental Development 32 (2019) 100464. doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2019.100464.

Haile, G.G.;Tang, Q.;Leng, G.; Jia, G., Wang, J.; Cai, D.; Sun, S.; Baniya, B.; Zhang, Q. Long term spatiotemporal variation of drought patterns over the greater Horn of Africa. Science of the Total Environment 704 (2020) 135299, doi;

Speer JH, Bräuning A, Zhang QB, Pourtahmasi K, Gaire N, Dawadi B, Rana P, Dhakal YR, Acharya RH, Adhikari DL, Adhikari H, Aryal PC, Bagale D, Baniya B, Bhandari S, Dahal N, Dahal S, Ganbaatar N, Giri A, Gurung DB, Khandu Y, Maharjhan B, Maharjhan R, Malik R, Nath CD, Nepal B, Ngoma J, Pant RR, Pathak ML, Paudel H, Sharma B, Hossain M, Soronzonbold B, Swe T, Thapa I, Tiwari A 2016. Pinusroxburghii Stand Dynamics at a Heavily Impacted Site in Nepal: Research through an Educational Fieldweek, Dendrochronologia, doi: 10.1016/j.dendro.2016.01.005.

Baniya B, Techato K, Ghimire SK, Chhipi-Shrestha, G 2018. A Review of Green Roofs to Mitigate Urban Heat Island and Kathmandu Valley in Nepal. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2018, doi: 10.12691/aees-6-4-5

Sharma S, Khadka N, Hamal K, Baniya B, Luintel N, Joshi BB, 2020. Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Precipitation and Its Extremities in Seven Provinces of Nepal (2001-2016); April 2020; Applied Ecology and Environmental Science, doi:10.12691/aees-8-2-4

Regmi R, Ma Y, Ma W, Baniya B, Bashir B, 2020. Interannual Variation of NDVI, Precipitation and Temperature during the Growing Season in Langtang National Park, Central Himalaya, Nepal; June 2020, Applied Ecology and Environmental Science, doi:10.12691/aees-8-5-5

Ghimire A, GC YD, Baniya B, 2018. Impact of elevated temperature on rice productivity: A case of Lalitpur Nepal, Nep J Environ Sci (2016), 4, 19-22, DOI: 10.3126/njes.v4i0.22720.

Baniya B, Singh N, Singh R, Shrestha H, Bhattarai B, 2013. Treeline dynamics in response to climate, A case of Langtang National Park, Nepal, 18(1). Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

Baniya HB, Guragain RP, Baniya B, Subedi DP, Prakash R, 2020. Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet for the Improvement of Wettability of Polypropylene, June 2020; International Journal of Polymer Science 2020(2):1-9; doi: 10.1155/2020/3860259

Baniya HB, Guragain RP, Baniya B, Subedi DP,2020. Experimental Study of Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet and its Application in the Surface Modifications of Polypropylene. Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives, June 2020. DOI: 10.7569/RAA.2020.0973304

Baniya, HB., Guragain, RP., Baniya, B., Qin, G., Subedi, DP., 2019. Improvement of hydrophilicity of polyamide using atmospheric pressure plasma jet. BIBRCHANA, Journal of Physical Science, Nepal.

Baniya, B, 2015.Ecotourism Potential in Nepal, a case study of Chandragiri Cable Car Project, Thankot, Kathmandu; Cognition-A Transdisciplinary Research Journal, 2015 (ISSN 2392-4624; Volume 1, Issue 1.

Basnet BB, Baniya B, Bishwakarma JK, Alam MN, Bhattarai S, COVID-19 Outbreaks: Impacts on Environment and Food Security; ISSN:2321:8819, Vol. 8, Issue 10, October, 2020; Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 8 (10) October, 2020.

Baniya, B, 2020. Understanding Environmental Auditing Guideline for Scientific Forest Management Practices in Nepal, Vision and Horizon, An International Research Journal, Volume 5, Issue 1,June 2020.

Baniya, B., Ghimire, A., Mahat, A., 2021. Impact of COVID-19 on World Economy and Sustainable Development Goal in Nepal, COGNITION, A Peer Reviewed Transdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January, 2021.