Bingzhi Zhang

About Me

I am Bingzhi Zhang (张炳志), a sixth-year physics Ph.D. candidate at University of Southern California (USC), supervised by Dr. Quntao Zhuang. I enrolled as a physics Ph.D student at University of Arizona in 2018, and after four year’s study, I moved to USC in summer 2022 following my advisor to continue my Ph.D career.


Google scholar: Bingzhi Zhang‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

X: Bingzhi Zhang

Reseach interest

As a theoretical physics researcher, I am interested in the intersection between quantum physics and computer science. I mainly focus on the quantum neural network based on both discrete-variable (qubit) and continuous variable (qumode) platforms. My research topics incorporate but not limited to:

Personal experience

I am from Qingdao, a city in Shandong Province of China. Before my Ph.D. career, I graduated from Sun Yat-sen University with a B.Sc in Opto-electronics Information Science and Engineering.

You can learn more about me by exploring the website or contact me directly!