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For example, use a custom editor to change the appearance of the script in the Inspector.

You can attach the Editor to a custom component by using the CustomEditor attribute.

There are multiple ways to design custom Editors.If you want the Editor to support multi-object editing, you can use the CanEditMultipleObjects attribute.Instead of modifying script variables directly, it's advantageous to use the SerializedObject and SerializedPropertysystem to edit them, since this automatically handles multi-object editing, undo, and Prefab overrides. If this approach is used a user can select multiple assets in the hierarchy window and change the values for all of them at once.

You can either use UIElements to build your custom UI or you can use IMGUI. To create a custom inspector using UIElements, you have to override the Editor.CreateInspectorGUI on the Editor class. To create a custom inspector using IMGUI, you have to override the Editor.OnInspectorGUI on the Editor class. If you use UIElements and have Editor.CreateInspectorGUI overwritten, any existing IMGUI implementation using Editor.OnInspectorGUI on the same Editor will be ignored.

Here's an example of a custom inspector:

Custom editor in the Inspector.

The following example defines the layout of a custom inspector in uxml. The definition loads as a resource and the VisualTreeAsset.CloneTree method puts the hierarchy in a VisualElement object.

The InspectorWindow will instantiate an InspectorElement containing the custom inspector. The InspectorElement will call Bind on the custom inspector binding it to the MyPlayer object.

UIElements automatically updates the UI when data changes and vice-versa. To bind data and automatically update data and UI, set values for the "binding-path" attributes.

Styling of the inspector is done in uss.

If automatic handling of multi-object editing, undo,and Prefab overrides is not needed, the script variables can bemodified directly by the editor without using the SerializedObjectand SerializedProperty system, as in the IMGUI example below.

Editors oversee the preparation and refinement of written, visual, or multimedia content for publication or broadcast. They work closely with writers, journalists, photographers, and designers to shape stories, articles, or projects, enhancing their quality and effectiveness in communicating with the intended audience.

Depending on their specific role and the nature of the publication or organization, editors may specialize in various areas such as copyediting, content editing, proofreading, or managing editorial operations. They possess strong communication skills, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of language conventions, grammar rules, and style preferences.

The workplace of an editor can vary depending on the type of publication or organization they work for, but it typically involves a mix of office-based work, collaboration with colleagues, and occasional remote work. Editors often work in fast-paced environments, such as newsrooms, publishing houses, media companies, or corporate communications departments. These workplaces are bustling with activity, with editors interacting with writers, journalists, designers, and other team members to produce and refine content.

In the traditional newsroom setting, editors are often found working at desks or in offices, surrounded by fellow journalists and editorial staff. They collaborate closely with reporters, assigning stories, providing feedback, and coordinating coverage of breaking news and events. The newsroom environment is dynamic and deadline-driven, with editors managing multiple tasks simultaneously and making quick decisions to ensure the timely delivery of news content.

With the rise of digital media and remote work opportunities, many editors have the flexibility to work from home or other remote locations. Technology allows editors to communicate with team members, review content, and manage editorial operations from virtually anywhere with an internet connection. Remote work offers editors greater flexibility and work-life balance, but it also requires strong communication skills and self-discipline to stay organized and productive while working independently.

Proofreaders primarily focus on identifying and correcting errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting. Their main responsibility is to meticulously review written content to ensure it is free from mistakes and conforms to language conventions and style guidelines. Proofreaders often work on the final draft of a document or publication, providing a thorough examination to catch any remaining errors before it goes to print or is published online. Their attention to detail and keen eye for spotting mistakes make them invaluable in the quality control process.

Editors, on the other hand, have a broader scope of responsibilities that encompass both the technical aspects of proofreading and the substantive aspects of content editing. While editors also review written content for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, they additionally focus on improving the overall clarity, coherence, and effectiveness of the text. Editors work closely with authors or contributors to refine their ideas, develop compelling narratives, and ensure consistency in style and tone throughout the document or publication. They may also make structural changes, rewrite passages, or suggest revisions to enhance the flow and readability of the content.

Overall, while proofreaders specialize in error detection and correction, editors take a more holistic approach to shaping and refining written material to meet the desired standards of quality and audience engagement.

This class is a central building block of Tiptap. It does most of the heavy lifting of creating a working ProseMirror editor such as creating the EditorView, setting the initial EditorState and so on.

For advanced use cases, you can pass editorProps which will be handled by ProseMirror. You can use it to override various editor events or change editor DOM element attributes, for example to add some Tailwind classes. Here is an example:

You need to integrate your theme with the theme editor to create a seamless editing experience for merchants. In the theme editor preview, the merchant should see exactly what will appear in the storefront when the theme is live.

To allow the theme editor to preview color setting changes live, reference the setting in a {% style %} tag in a Liquid template, a section, or a snippet. You can reference the color object directly, or the one of the following properties of the object:

You need to make sure that your theme behaves in the editor the same way it would in the storefront. In some cases, you need to adjust your theme's behavior when it's being previewed in the theme editor to give merchants this experience.

You shouldn't use these methods to change the storefront preview that's displayed in the theme editor. In most cases, the preview that merchants see in the theme editor should match what their customers see on the live store.

A use case for this variable is to prevent theme editor session data from being included in any page tracking scripts. Another use case is working with a third-party API that returns and outputs any errors to the theme editor but never to the live store.

The request.design_mode global variable can be used in your theme's Liquid files to detect whether the storefront is being viewed in the theme editor. The value of the variable is set to true when viewing the theme editor. Otherwise, it's set to false.

The Shopify.designMode global variable can be used in your theme's JavaScript files to detect whether the storefront is being viewed in the theme editor. The value of the variable is set to true when viewing the theme editor. Otherwise, it's set to undefined.

When a merchant interacts with a section or block in the theme editor, or activates or deactivates the theme editor preview inspector, the theme editor emits JavaScript events. To learn about the actions that your code should take to account for these events, refer to Integrate sections with the theme editor.

Tagging and annotation have long been some of the most important tasks that a news organization undertakes. The tags that we attach to articles enable nearly everything that happens to that article after publication: how we recommend related content to readers, how search engines index our site, how ads are targeted and more.

Currently, at The New York Times, those tags are applied at the article level. Yet when we look at an article we can see that it actually contains many smaller component parts, like a fact, a person, a recipe or an event. If we could begin to annotate and tag these components, it would enable us to do so much more with that information. New devices, especially those with smaller screens, could make use of smaller chunks of content. New products could be created by extracting components from their original article context and recombining them to create collections or new kinds of experiences. And rather than the archive being a file cabinet full of articles, it would become a corpus of structured news information that could be interrogated and reasoned across. 152ee80cbc

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