I have completed my PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, in Cancer Biology. During my PhD, I have elucidated the bidirectional interplay between tumour and stromal cells that substantially drive the tumour invasiveness progression via chemotherapy resistance in breast cancer. TGF-b, being an important modulator of tumour-stroma interaction, has a significant role in the development of chemoresistance in cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs0. The paracrine TGF-b1 from the breast cancer cells upregulates the p44/42 MAPK signalling axis in fostering chemoresistance in CAFs. The TGF-b1 also promotes EMT reprogramming and CAF phenotype in the non-transformed fibroblasts. I have also explored the role of TGF-b in metabolic regulations in tumour cells via enhancing the autophagic pathway in the CAFs and increasing the expression of membrane transporter MCT4 in CAFs. Moreover, I have also investigated the significance of exosomes in tumour -CAF interaction leading to chemoresistance and cancer progression.

Currently, I am working as a Postdoc Research Associate at Purdue University, West Lafayette, the United States under Dr. Val J. Watts in the field of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology. I am working on a multidisciplinary approach, combining molecular biology, biochemistry, and pharmacology to study the signalling mechanisms of G-protein coupled receptors and the regulation of adenylyl cyclases..