Quarkus supports a feature called Dev Services that allows you to create various datasources without any config. In the case of MongoDB this support extends to the default MongoDB connection.What that means practically, is that if you have not configured quarkus.mongodb.connection-string, Quarkus will automatically start a MongoDB container when running tests or in dev mode,and automatically configure the connection.

The use of multiple MongoDB clients enables multi-tenancy for MongoDB by allowing to connect to multiple MongoDB clusters.

If you want to connect to multiple databases inside the same cluster,multiple clients are not necessary as a single client is able to access all databases in the same cluster(as a JDBC connection is able to access to multiple schemas inside the same database).

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When using multiple clients, each MongoClient, you can select the client to inject using the io.quarkus.mongodb.MongoClientName qualifier.Using the above properties to configure three different clients, you can also inject each one as follows:

If you are using the quarkus-micrometer or quarkus-smallrye-metrics extension, quarkus-mongodb-client can provide metrics about the connection pools.This behavior must first be enabled by setting the quarkus.mongodb.metrics.enabled property to true in your application.properties.

If you need to customize the Mongo client configuration programmatically, you need to implement the io.quarkus.mongodb.runtime.MongoClientCustomizer interface and expose it as a CDI application scoped bean:

The bean can customize a specific client using the @MongoClientName qualifier to indicate the client name.When there is no qualifier, it customizes the default client.At most one customizer can be used per client.If multiple customizers targeting the same client are detected, an exception is thrown at build time.

host is the only required part of the URI. It identifies a single host name for which SRV records are looked up from a Domain Name Server after prefixing the host name with "_mongodb._tcp". The host/port for each SRV record becomes the seed list used to connect, as if each one were provided as host/port pair in a URI using the normal mongodb protocol.

?options are connection options. Note that if database is absent there is still a / required between the last host and the ? introducing the options. Options are name=value pairs and the pairs are separated by "&". Additionally with the mongodb+srv protocol, TXT records are looked up from a Domain Name Server for the given host, and the text value of each one is prepended to any options on the URI itself. Because the last specified value for any option wins, that means that options provided on the URI will override any that are provided via TXT records.

Configures the authentication mechanism to use if a credential was supplied. The default is unspecified, in which case the client will pick the most secure mechanism available based on the sever version. For the GSSAPI and MONGODB-X509 mechanisms, no password is accepted, only the username. Supported values: null or GSSAPI|PLAIN|MONGODB-X509|SCRAM_SHA_1|SCRAM_SHA_256|MONGODB_AWS

Nucleon Database Master is one of the most powerful and easy to use MongoDB database administration, and management tool. It is one of the best mongodb tools that simplifies managing, monitoring, querying, editing, visualizing relational NoSQL DBMS.

MongoDB Compass is another effective tool. It is one of the best mongodb gui tools which provides users with a graphical view of their MongoDB schema without the need of query language. It also analyses documents and displays rich structures inside this intuitive GUI.

The MongoDB documentation includes information on Installing the official packages on Ubuntu. There is a mongodb-org-shell package which only includes the MongoDB shell, and you may also want to install mongodb-org-tools for other command-line tools (mongodump, mongorestore, ...).

MongoCore is an objectively correct implementation of the MongoDB database protocol specification. It should handle initiating a connection, maintaining a connection and provide an API for MongoDB client libraries to send queries and receive results.

I've created an example implementation. I think this is a good way to separate the protocol from the client behaviour and helpers. This should work nicely with MongoDB's official specifications and respective tests.

I am trying to setup a MongoDB with SSL/TLS enabled. I'm just wondering is there a way for clients to connect to my mongodb server without having a client certificate that would not compromise the security? (not considering --sslAllowInvalidCertificates or --tlsInsecure=true)

Encryption of connection is provided by server certificate, the client certificate has effect on that. Also note, that the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) of client certificates are not checked when a connection is established. Thus in my opinion, a client certificate gives only minor security improvements, unless it is used for client authentication.

The mongo client tries to support most options that are allowed by the driver. There are two ways to configure mongofor use by the driver, either by a connection string or by separate configuration options.

Cosmos DB for MongoDB implements the wire protocol for MongoDB. This implementation allows transparent compatibility with MongoDB client SDKs, drivers, and tools. Azure Cosmos DB doesn't host the MongoDB database engine. Any MongoDB client driver compatible with the API version you're using should be able to connect, with no special configuration.

MongoDB drivers provide several options for Mongo clients to handle different network timeout errors that may occur during usage. In some cases, the default values for these options might not fit your use case, so it is crucial to understand the different MongoClient timeout options to avoid unpredictable hangs in your application flow and improve performance.

After establishing a connection with the server, the client sends a request to the server and receives the response back using an already established connection. Internally, the connection uses a socket to send the client request and receives the response

As of version 1.2.1, the MongoDB Go Driver will only use the first CA server certificate found in sslcertificateauthorityfile. The example code below addresses this limitation by manually appending all server certificates found in sslcertificateauthorityfile to a custom TLS configuration used during client creation.

To connect to a MongoDB database, select Add Connection and enter the connection details for the database then Connect, the default is a local MongoDB server at mongodb:// You can also enter a connection string, click the "connect with a connection string" link and paste the connection string.

So this means you're connecting and disconnecting to MongoDB for each request. That's incredibly wasteful. The MongoDB client is safe for concurrent use, so you can reuse the connection. Because I see code like this:

Now your main function will look a bit different, seeing as we're not disconnecting the mongo client in the handler anymore, and we're not using a context with an arbitrary timeout. I suggest something like this:

So now, whenever the main function returns, the application context is cancelled (which is used to connect the client), and client.Disconnect is called. The handler has access to the collection you're using, removing a lot of duplicate code, and removing the overhead of constantly connecting and disconnecting to MongoDB.

I'll leave you with this as a starting point. Just one thing I've not yet mentioned: you're using log.Fatalf when http.ListenAndServe returns an error. That's fine. Why are you using panic(err) when client.Connect(ctx) fails?

AsyncIOMotorClientrepresents a mongod process, or a cluster of them. You explicitly create oneof these client objects, connect it to a running mongod or mongods, anduse it for the lifetime of your application.

Note that it is a common mistake to create a new client object for everyrequest; this comes at a dire performance cost. Create the clientwhen your application starts and reuse that one client for the lifetimeof the process. You can maintain the client by storing a database handlefrom the client on your application object, as shown in this example.

Note that this project provides only low-level access to the MongoDB client drivers (both synchronous and reactive). If you are looking for a more complete experience including support for data access repositories see the documentation for Micronaut Data MongoDB as well as these useful guides: be457b7860

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