I've been reading the bigquery documentation since late last night and understand very little of it. It talks about loading data via different methods, but doesn't say how to create the table that I'm going to load data into. When I use the web UI it expects me to type out the schema. My table has over 400 columns. I will not type out hundreds of column names, types and lengths.

When you create table in Web UI - you can enter schema field by field (Edit as Fields mode - default mode) or you can enter schema as a text (Edit as Text mode)

So, if you already have your schema in sql format you can just use it (you will might need to slightly adjust it to conform with BigQuery)

Bigquery Download Table

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Every table is defined by a schema that describes the column names, data types, andother information. You can specify the schema of a table when it is created, or you can create atable without a schema and declare the schema in the query job or load job that first populates itwith data.

Use the format projectname.datasetname.tablename to fully qualify a table name when using GoogleSQL, or the format projectname:datasetname.tablename to fully qualify a table name when using the bq command-line tool.

Table snapshots, which arepoint-in-time copies of tables. They are read-only, but you can restore a tablefrom a table snapshot. BigQuery stores bytes that are differentbetween a snapshot and its base table, so a table snapshot typically uses lessstorage than a full copy of the table.

External tables are stored outside out of BigQuery storage andrefer to data that's stored outside of BigQuery. For more information, seeIntroduction to external data sources.External tables include the following types:

BigLake tables, which referencestructured data stored in data stores such asCloud Storage, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and Azure Blob Storage. These tables let youenforce fine-grained security at the table level.

Non-BigLake external tables,which reference structured data stored indata stores such as Cloud Storage, Google Drive, and Cloud Bigtable.Unlike BigLake tables, these tables don't let you enforcefine-grained security at the table level.

Many table operations are free, including loading, copying, and exporting data.Though free, these operations are subject to BigQueryquotas and limits. For information about all free operations,see Free operations on the pricing page.

Enter the following command to create a table using an inline schemadefinition. This command creates a table named mytable in mydataset inyour default project. The table expiration is set to 3600 seconds (1 hour),the description is set to This is my table, and the label is set toorganization:development. The command uses the -t shortcut instead of--table. The schema is specified inline as:qtr:STRING,sales:FLOAT,year:STRING.

Enter the following command to create a table using a JSON schema file. Thiscommand creates a table named mytable in mydataset in your defaultproject. The table expiration is set to 3600 seconds (1 hour), thedescription is set to This is my table, and the label is set toorganization:development. The path to the schema file is/tmp/myschema.json.

Enter the following command to create a table using an JSON schema file.This command creates a table named mytable in mydataset inmyotherproject. The table expiration is set to 3600 seconds (1 hour), thedescription is set to This is my table, and the label is set toorganization:development. The path to the schema file is/tmp/myschema.json.

The following example creates a table named mytable, then uses thegoogle_bigquery_table_iam_policy resource to grantaccess to it. Take this step only if you want to grant accessto the table to principals who don't have access to the dataset in whichthe table resides.

The following example creates a table named mytable, and also uses thegoogle_kms_crypto_keyandgoogle_kms_key_ringresources to specify aCloud Key Management Service key for thetable. You mustenable the Cloud Key Management Service API before running this example.

Alternatively, if you forget to specify a destination table before runningyour query, you can copy the cached results table to a permanent table byclicking the Save Resultsbutton above the editor.

Enter the bq querycommand and specify the --destination_table flag tocreate a permanent table based on the query results. Specify theuse_legacy_sql=false flag to use GoogleSQL syntax. To write the queryresults to a table that is not in your default project, add the project IDto the dataset name in the following format:project_id:dataset.

For example, let's say I've a column called creation_date in the table. I need to delete records when creation_date is less than current date minus one week. I need the job to run everyday on a specified time and delete records based on the creation date condition.

dbt then somehow generates two queries, one is to create a temp table and the other is to create the real table. The first query fires off perfectly fine with no error, but what is really weird is the second query:

Hi All

I'm facing the same problem. My Metabase version is 0.44. 3 the latest.

I have a BigQuery table connected to a Google Sheet located in my google Drive as well. I can query the table on BigQuery. then success to add Bigquery database to Metabase, No error message during connecting the bigquery to metabase. However when I try to add question, only the database from bigquery name appears with not any single table to access.

@taufik When Metabase cannot see a table, then it's usually a permission problem, which is similar for most databases.

Run a SQL query in Metabase against select * from `dataset.table` limit 1

Check the logs during sync, just like the troubleshooting also says.


Try creating new service in metabase? or in bigquery

do you think i have to setup new metabase with gmail email instead of my company email? since bigquery can't give permission to company email ?


Thank you very much for your guidance.

Now I have success to read the table from bigquery.

I'm really satisfied that very easy to work from excel sheet to bigquery to Metabase.

Really grateful and enjoy exploring the new version of metabase that I just upgraded.

Hello, I'm hoping someone can help point me in the right direction. I'm trying to allow users to update values in a BigQuery table through Retool. I've added the table as a resource and set the primary key, but I'm unable to figure out how to enable writing back changes to the BigQuery table. I've checked the Retool documentation but haven't found the right section that covers this. If someone could kindly point me to the relevant documentation section or provide any tips, I would greatly appreciate it. Please let me know if any additional details would help! I'm thankful for any guidance the community can offer.

First off, does your service account have enough permission to update your datasets in BigQuery?

Second, can you show your BQ query on updating your table? For updating, I suggest you use the GUI mode, specify the table and action type. In the action type, you can choose to Update an existing record. Based on how you presented your change process, individual update is how you'd like it. Filter it by your primary key. See image below for what I mean:

Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 9.31.34 am780504 25.4 KB

Describes the data format,location, and other properties of a table stored outside of BigQuery.By defining these properties, the data source can then be queried asif it were a standard BigQuery table. Structure is documented below.

A JSON schema for the external table. Schema is requiredfor CSV and JSON formats if autodetect is not on. Schema is disallowedfor Google Cloud Bigtable, Cloud Datastore backups, Avro, Iceberg, ORC and Parquet formats.~>NOTE: Because this field expects a JSON string, any changes to thestring will create a diff, even if the JSON itself hasn't changed.Furthermore drift for this field cannot not be detected because BigQueryonly uses this schema to compute the effective schema for the table, thereforeany changes on the configured value will force the table to be recreated.This schema is effectively only applied when creating a table from an externaldatasource, after creation the computed schema will be stored ingoogle_bigquery_table.schema 006ab0faaa

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